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Is Elon Musk the greatest visionary or the greatest snake oil salesman of our age?

Replying to Ady Ngo, shill for the far-right. Meanwhile Tucker Carlson launched his new Twitter-based show portraying the Ukrainian president as:


If it wasn't already, it's fairly obvious by now where Musk's sympathies lie.
Replying to Ady Ngo, shill for the far-right. Meanwhile Tucker Carlson launched his new Twitter-based show portraying the Ukrainian president as:

View attachment 378196

If it wasn't already, it's fairly obvious by now where Musk's sympathies lie.

Elon Musk.
Oh look:

Being a free speech absolutist seems hard work!
Free speech my arse. But then, this has never been about free speech. Back in the day, free speech was about voices from below "speaking truth to power". Today's warped version has it as people with power and money, and their supporters having the right to be anti-worker, racist, sexist, homophobic and generally fucking nasty to anyone they see as "other" or speaking up for the powerless. Musk needs to be strapped to one of his rockets and fired off into the sun. The cunt.
Free speech my arse. But then, this has never been about free speech. Back in the day, free speech was about voices from below "speaking truth to power". Today's warped version has it as people with power and money, and their supporters having the right to be anti-worker, racist, sexist, homophobic and generally fucking nasty to anyone they see as "other" or speaking up for the powerless. Musk needs to be strapped to one of his rockets and fired off into the sun. The cunt.

Racist, sexist, homophobic tweets are against twitter's TOS.

Musk is great. He bought twitter and kicked the fucking FBI out, giving us a repreave from fascism, but there's much work to be done.

Now that we have free speech on twitter, we should go after those corporate fascist ESG fuckers.
Racist, sexist, homophobic tweets are against twitter's TOS.

Musk is great. He bought twitter and kicked the fucking FBI out, giving us a repreave from fascism, but there's much work to be done.

Now that we have free speech on twitter, we should go after those corporate fascist ESG fuckers.
I think you need some est. Or a trip to the moon.
Who the fuck is "we"? You had nothing to do with it. Musk is the one chucking away billions in his mid-life crisis. The fact that you identify with a billionaire who got stroppy over his ex leaving him for a trans person is frankly disturbing.
Scroll back and read what I've previously written on the subject. I don't believe it was in his best interests to buy twitter either.

But he kicked out the FBI and the Democrats don't have a free run.

Make no mistake, I know from personal experience that social media is awash with evil liberal cunts who have absolute contempt for free speech.

During the last US election and argument spilled onto my twitter feed and som Dem said something absolutely bonkers.

I replied with "That's idiotic."

That is what I said, word for word, character by character, with no other engagement on the subject.

30 day fucking ban.

Disagree with the Democrats on social media, there are consequences.
What’s this latest paranoid delusion you have just revealed against ESG? Which of its elements do you dislike? Is it environmentalism? Social responsibility? Or good corporate governance?
What’s this latest paranoid delusion you have just revealed against ESG? Which of its elements do you dislike? Is it environmentalism? Social responsibility? Or good corporate governance?
It completly by-passes democracy and tranparency. Who gets to decide whether policies are good for the environment, are socially responsible etc?

How do we know they aren't corrupt and have been bought and paid for?

A corrupt auditor or regulator can fuck up a companies ESG ratings in a system that is begging for corruption.

Do you really think it's a wise move to have regulations that state by year 2025 all companies worth over 50,000 million Euros need to be ESG and not doing business with other companies that aren't (if they fit the criteria). ???

Personally, I think that Musk having skin in the trans debate is nowhere near as disturbing as the motives of the likes of Blackrock.

I'm all for protecting the environment, But the way to do that is that a poltiical party puts out it's manifesto, gets elected, enacts laws for everyone in the UK to follow.

What isn't healthy is a jolly to the UN, for the UN to decide all of this shite, for a pack of international orgs to set the standards, without any ratification from our parliament.
It’s plain that you don’t understand how any of this corporate ESG stuff works. It’s totally market driven, not regulatory driven. The critique of it should derive from the lack of top-down standards. Once again, you’re making yourself look like an idiot by not understanding the buzzwords you’re using
It’s plain that you don’t understand how any of this corporate ESG stuff works. It’s totally market driven, not regulatory driven. The critique of it should derive from the lack of top-down standards. Once again, you’re making yourself look like an idiot by not understanding the buzzwords you’re using

Whether it's market driven or regulator driven is merely a point of view, depending on which way round you're holding a piece of paper. It would be like arguing which came first, the chicken or the egg.

The EU (That centralised fascist power) has already passed legislation that forces large ESG compliant firms to only use other ESG compliant firms.

It's a load of corrupt bullshit to benefit corporates at the expense of small business, the rich, rather than the poor.

How many fucking carbon credits do you have? Where can you buy yours from? You can't.

The ONLY thing that will be worth a lot more than any other asset right now, are carbon credits, that's why only the rich can buy them.

That's proper "Financial stability", isn't it? /s
Whether it's market driven or regulator driven is merely a point of view, depending on which way round you're holding a piece of paper. It would be like arguing which came first, the chicken or the egg.

The EU (That centralised fascist power) has already passed legislation that forces large ESG compliant firms to only use other ESG compliant firms.

It's a load of corrupt bullshit to benefit corporates at the expense of small business, the rich, rather than the poor.

How many fucking carbon credits do you have? Where can you buy yours from? You can't.

The ONLY thing that will be worth a lot more than any other asset right now, are carbon credits, that's why only the rich can buy them.

That's proper "Financial stability", isn't it?

God you've been exposed to so much dogshit on the internet your brain has melted. If this mental conspiracy you believe in existed do you think you'd be able to post about it anywhere?
Racist, sexist, homophobic tweets are against twitter's TOS.

Musk is great. He bought twitter and kicked the fucking FBI out, giving us a repreave from fascism, but there's much work to be done.

Now that we have free speech on twitter, we should go after those corporate fascist ESG fuckers.

something something dark side
God you've been exposed to so much dogshit on the internet your brain has melted. If this mental conspiracy you believe in existed do you think you'd be able to post about it anywhere?
Yes because talk doesn't stop the conspiracy. Action including innovation does.

Decentralisation is the answer, that's why the fascists are so afraid of it.

That's the reason why there is NO material difference between a socialist and a fascist.

Both want to remove the burden of choice from the people, both think they know bettter than the people, both love to bypass the accepted norms of democracy and the trappings of democracy, such as free-speech.

ESG is the work of fascists, that's not a conspiracy theory, that's a fact.
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