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Is Elon Musk the greatest visionary or the greatest snake oil salesman of our age?

A StakerOne FACT! :D
Yes, it's a fact that ESG benefits the fucking rich.

Oh and a little prediction for you.

ESG will eventually be bad for the environment and bad for social justice as sure as night follows day.

That's what happens when too many people can't recognise fascism when it's literally staring them right in the face.

I've run out fucks to give, so I'll check back in on this thread in a few weeks. Bet you can't wait!
Funny how fascists accuse lots of people of fascism, muddies the water somewhat.

Of course ESG is largely greenwashing by corporates, fascism has a particular meaning though - like your mate DeSantis who's a proper fascist who you have minor policy differences with.
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Also the fetishising of national symbols that nobody can ever live up to in reality, because of... pick your ham-fist conspiracy theory.
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rick fuck complaining that other rich fucks aren't boosting his credit rating anymore because of his own company business fraud

that something the average worker should get upset about :facepalm:
It completly by-passes democracy and tranparency. Who gets to decide whether policies are good for the environment, are socially responsible etc?

It's a business framework. It involves companies and organisations deciding their own policies with regards to social and environmental issues, just as they've always done. Except this time they're claiming to be more conscientious about it. It no more bypasses democracy and transparency than typical corporate operations do.

If you've got a problem with that, then you've got a problem with the way corporations and non-cooperative organisations have always operated under capitalism. So why single out ESG?

The EU (That centralised fascist power) has already passed legislation that forces large ESG compliant firms to only use other ESG compliant firms.

Which legislation is that, exactly? Because according to this: Understanding EU ESG Regulation in 2023: A Guide for Exporters there's nothing about what you're claiming. As far as I can tell, the EU legislation discussed in the link concerns ensuring that companies which make claims towards being ESG compliant are actually doing so, rather than merely greenwashing.

Now sure, you can doubt the effectiveness of the legislation. Regulating corporations, actually holding them to the standards they claim to adhere to, isn't fascist, and you just sound like an idiot by claiming so.
Yes because talk doesn't stop the conspiracy. Action including innovation does.

Decentralisation is the answer, that's why the fascists are so afraid of it.

That's the reason why there is NO material difference between a socialist and a fascist.

Both want to remove the burden of choice from the people, both think they know bettter than the people, both love to bypass the accepted norms of democracy and the trappings of democracy, such as free-speech.

ESG is the work of fascists, that's not a conspiracy theory, that's a fact.
You don’t know what fascism is.
You’re the muppet who claimed the Founding Fathers of the USA had the wisdom to foresee fascism
I know that posting any more evidence to support the point that Elon Musk is an evil, far-right, transphobic piece of shit is redundant, but holy shit.

View attachment 380134

I went on the twats out of morbid curiosity, and he's also been having 'multifaceted conversations on issues ranging from energy to spirituality' with Modi. Fantastic.
I know that posting any more evidence to support the point that Elon Musk is an evil, far-right, transphobic piece of shit is redundant, but holy shit.

View attachment 380134

not sure when this was dated but did he no saying June the 1st that he would more or less allow the misused of pronouns on twitter

of course but not against the most maligned group straight white men

musk still trying to complete his right wing cunt bingo card

next why racist effect white men the most
Anyone seen stats on number of twitter active users now compared to pre-musk time?
(I know I’m in a little bubble but at a guess around 2/3 or more of the accounts I was following have left, do not use it anymore).
Anyone seen stats on number of twitter active users now compared to pre-musk time?
(I know I’m in a little bubble but at a guess around 2/3 or more of the accounts I was following have left, do not use it anymore).
i guess there comes a point of the realisation that every minute spent on the thing is lining this man-toddler's pockets. a choice has to be made.
they are brave strong men but you forget they are also always the victims
the first one - it's like he's just done six bottles of whine, so cringey. wankers. i'm glad my culture war involvement is confined to arguing with the tradesmen here at work (which actually never turns nasty, and we are all good friends).
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Reading the story, I get the impression that this is Big Mouth Elon who thinks he can say anything with no consequences coming up against Robot Zuckerberg, who can’t compute irony and fully intends to inflict a Fatality in the ring. I no longer even bother trying to second guess where this stuff goes next.
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