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Is Elon Musk the greatest visionary or the greatest snake oil salesman of our age?

It's a this point, I do something that has served me well on these forums. You're now trying to make this all about me. So what I do at this point. Is put you on ignore (for good) and come back in a day or two, leaving everyone else to get this back on track. Cheers,

“Everyone else” wishes you’d stfu as well.

Haven’t you got anything better to do with your time?
aye lovely centralist who spend all their time talking about the evils of the left, woke and crt policies

hmm just afraid to admit they are right wing ? :hmm:
Oh 100%, and I would actually have more respect for them if they positioned themselves as such. "Hi guys, fancy a debate, I am right wing. " But they don't. It's all just asking questions and such slights of hand. A lot of the grifters don't either because they know they would loose a lot of their hoodwinked audience.
"What is woke?", yeah. But also what is middle class and working class. Staker seems to believe (but won't respond to the question) that class and money are separate things, eg that you can be working class and live in a gated community. And, seemingly, that middle class is a state of mind/based on political beliefs.
I'd be super relaxed about the absolute collapse of Twitter at the hands of the EU at this point tbh. Musk has publicly stripped out its semi-useful function as a place where dissent can be organised, so increasingly it has very little to offer that can't be replicated or bettered elsewhere.

And I mean fuck even Facebook isn't overtly boosting Ron 'hate women and gays' DeSantis as part of its USP.

Given how quickly Musk's Twitter has bent over for authoritarians, I'd say that Twitter is worse than useless for activists, but in fact a liability.
Got to hand it to him though, he's managed to get a large number of people so invested in their sunk cost fallacy of the freethinking billionaire that they'll still waffle on about him being a defender of free speech while he nearly doubles the number of active censorship approvals (not to mention the obvious free speech nonsense that is "buy Blue and override the Tweets of people who don't").
Jesus imagine going through life thinking Musk, a man who'll literally make up an entire pretend transport system to avoid using the bus, doesn't hate working class people. And that Musk, a man who's repeatedly fired his staff for saying things he doesn't like, kowtowed to belligerent regimes to censor their opposition and who kicked the radical left off his social media platform on the basis of a list made by fascists, actually means it when he says he's "pro-free speech." Just imagine being that level of self-deluded. Somewhere there must be a tiny part of that person that just cringes.

. Opps (C U in a few days!!)
I thought you were asking me my opinion on CRT for a second there. I do wonder about the logic of the conspiracy theories around that stuff, like I know it's supposed to be part of a Grand Marxist Plan To Destroy Society (for shits and giggles, presumably) but does an analytical framework of how society approaches the subject of race actually forward that agenda? What's the endgame? Ahaha! Now we're fully clued up about how systemic factors act to create racialised divisions in society we can address them, leading to ... er ... more harmonious ... hmm. And how does ruthlessly suppressing discussion on the subject increase free speech? I guess I've just not got Daddy Musk's Big Brain to work it all out.
"What is woke?", yeah. But also what is middle class and working class. Staker seems to believe (but won't respond to the question) that class and money are separate things, eg that you can be working class and live in a gated community. And, seemingly, that middle class is a state of mind/based on political beliefs.
the vibes and consumer choices approach to class rather than the one that says 'are you selling your labour? yes? Could you survive with out doing so? no? So what now?'
Got to hand it to him though, he's managed to get a large number of people so invested in their sunk cost fallacy of the freethinking billionaire that they'll still waffle on about him being a defender of free speech while he nearly doubles the number of active censorship approvals (not to mention the obvious free speech nonsense that is "buy Blue and override the Tweets of people who don't").
OMG. Don't start using sourced facts!!! Look now what you've done you've scared Staker off.
Musk isn't decentralising Twitter. One man owning an entire platform is in fact the precise opposite of decentralisation.
It's not though.

Previously it was the source for half of lazy journalism . Due to unique way Mr Musk operates lazy journos have to find alternate sources
It's not though.

Previously it was the source for half of lazy journalism . Due to unique way Mr Musk operates lazy journos have to find alternate sources

Staker is trying to claim that Musk is somehow making Twitter less reliant on centralised organisation and control. That's got nothing to do with lazy journalists using Twitter as a half-arsed resource.
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Staker is trying to claim that Musk is somehow making Twitter less reliant on centralised organisation and control. That's got nothing to do with lazy journalists using Twitter as a half-arsed resource.
Musk is just trying to stop his lemon of a purchase stop hemorrhaging money.
The impact on half arsed journalism is an unintended side effect. Stakers claims generally follow a theme , got bored with

Poor Elon :( 44B down to 15 or so if Fidelity have marked their own investment down correctly. This will go down in the annals of business history alongside Gerald Ratner and other moments of awesome failures.
Not quite the same. Ratner was entirely self owned. Twitter deal was a bit of shotgun wedding. Was missold , he shouldn't have bitten in the first place tbf but what Ratner did was a bit special
Not quite the same. Ratner was entirely self owned. Twitter deal was a bit of shotgun wedding. Was missold , he shouldn't have bitten in the first place tbf but what Ratner did was a bit special

I agree it's not exactly the same but he did make the offer freely, and twitter accepted. He thought he would be able to back out but found out he'd made a legally binding offer.
I agree it's not exactly the same but he did make the offer freely, and twitter accepted. He thought he would be able to back out but found out he'd made a legally binding offer.
I thought they had a poison pill that would have cost him a billion to walk away so he went ahead in a fit of pique. Is that what a poison pill is I don't really recall.
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