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Is Elon Musk the greatest visionary or the greatest snake oil salesman of our age?


As someone who helps mod the Freedom Twitter account and news site, click through from articles is shockingly bad compared to even enshittified Facebook. People usually only bother to read the headlines. The idea you'll be able to charge for click through is laughable and certainly won't, as I assume is the intent, stop media groups from leaving. But it will definitely make Twitter more inconvenient.
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Me, a 50-year-old man with the net worth of a decent-size country, forced to stoop to bizarre and pathetic stunts for attention. Either that, or cultivating a personal brand of eccentricity generates publicity and financial support that I can then leverage to distract from my essentially fraudulent business endeavors. Yes, it’s one of those two things for sure.

Please like me. I need this. I really do. I’m sad. Please.

I notice some accounts now charge subscriptions to follow them. That will prune my follow list. Good. Probs follow too many daft ones anyway
Huh? They'd have to be some pretty fucking great tweets.

I think the subscription ones mostly involve paying more to get extra content, not paying to follow: Elon Musk has 24,000 subscribers paying $5 a month for the privilege of seeing a few more of his shitty tweets.
It's Twitter's version of Twitch or Youtube's payment systems for creators, basically an attempt to keep the revenue from users supporting their favourites in-house rather than going through Patreon. It looks weird because Twitter's more geared for sharing and commenting on stuff, and why would you pay your mates for putting up links and one-sentence quips?
Musk makes every high profile and ask yourself when did you see a Tesla advert on TV? I can't remember many and they are popular selling cars that everyone know about, which is all the more amazing given the mass car market looked closed to newcomers for decades.

Will twitter be one the 'town square' debating forum Musk talks about? If he isn't scared about muscling in on the established car builders world the fuss over blue ticks isn't going to phase him - and his sink!

He did say in that odd BBC interview by charging for ticks puts a huge financial barrier in the way of fake-news-bots so filters them rather than relying on humans to check everything.
He did say in that odd BBC interview by charging for ticks puts a huge financial barrier in the way of fake-news-bots so filters them rather than relying on humans to check everything.

As if government and corporate troll farms don't have the cash to stump up $8 in order to get that algorithmic boost. Musk is either a fucking idiot who doesn't realise that, or he's lying.
As if government and corporate troll farms don't have the cash to stump up $8 in order to get that algorithmic boost. Musk is either a fucking idiot who doesn't realise that, or he's lying.
Who says it will stay at $8? Either way as I said he did achieve something incredible with Tesla, so don't under estimate even if you don't like him personally. He definitely one of life's oddballs, but then no one in his position is likely to be conventional.
Who says it will stay at $8? Either way as I said he did achieve something incredible with Tesla, so don't under estimate even if you don't like him personally. He definitely one of life's oddballs, but then no one in his position is likely to be conventional.

I mean $8, $12 not sure it'll make a huge difference to government funded electronic warfare departments.
I mean $8, $12 not sure it'll make a huge difference to government funded electronic warfare departments.

Also, it's funny to note that Musk was publicly negotiated downwards from $15-$12 by Stephen King, who ended up getting it for free anyway even though he didn't want it.

You see, that's how you can tell Musk a genius. He overcharges for a shitty product that nobody but his sycophants want, and then upsets his fanboys by giving it away after saying that making everyone pay would bring more equality.
I mean $8, $12 not sure it'll make a huge difference to government funded electronic warfare departments.
The original solution to filtering news or whatever, is to use human checkers to do this. This proved too expensive to be sustained by Twitter and potentially contraversial for obvious reasons.

Back to to square 1.
The original solution to filtering news or whatever, is to use human checkers to do this. This proved too expensive to be sustained by Twitter and potentially contraversial for obvious reasons.

Back to to square 1.

Adding a paid tier does little to help this, while also removing a key function of twitter (verifying that an account holding itself out to be a known entity is, in fact, that entity). tbh it's probably welcome news to the trolls and the bots; worse moderation combined with a simple paid algorithm boost. I don't see how you think it does away with human checkers either... I mean it's literally just adding a paid tier to a system.
Adding a paid tier does little to help this, while also removing a key function of twitter (verifying that an account holding itself out to be a known entity is, in fact, that entity). tbh it's probably welcome news to the trolls and the bots; worse moderation combined with a simple paid algorithm boost. I don't see how you think it does away with human checkers either... I mean it's literally just adding a paid tier to a system.
As I said this guy has out rockets into space on a budget and made a niche car builder a major player so it intriguing to me what he does to deal with this thorny problem. Clearly the existing set up there wasn't sustainable.

Anyone who has tried anything new in life will know there will be false starts and hiccups so a few moaning celebs won't be a big deterrent I'm sure!
As I said this guy has out rockets into space on a budget and made a niche car builder a major player so it intriguing to me what he does to deal with this thorny problem. Clearly the existing set up there wasn't sustainable.

Anyone who has tried anything new in life will know there will be false starts and hiccups so a few moaning celebs won't be a big deterrent I'm sure!
Are you an Amazon driver?
As I said this guy has out rockets into space on a budget and made a niche car builder a major player so it intriguing to me what he does to deal with this thorny problem. Clearly the existing set up there wasn't sustainable.

Anyone who has tried anything new in life will know there will be false starts and hiccups so a few moaning celebs won't be a big deterrent I'm sure!
the oil he sells might be made from snakes, but it is still snake oil.
As I said this guy has out rockets into space on a budget and made a niche car builder a major player so it intriguing to me what he does to deal with this thorny problem. Clearly the existing set up there wasn't sustainable.

Anyone who has tried anything new in life will know there will be false starts and hiccups so a few moaning celebs won't be a big deterrent I'm sure!

<insert 'this is fine meme'>

My 'hiccups' don't usually involve major global methods of communication... Twitter thrived because it provided a relatively neutral backend (or the illusion of it) and... just enough security and moderation. It doesn't do that anymore. No-one is going to trust twitter beyond the most surface level postings now... Musk's visions of turning it into a WeChat like integrated app are farcical. They didn't have to be, that is entirely down to him being a giant man-baby right wing edgelord prick.
people defending billionaires are always a weird crowd

more so one who pretends to be self made and has turned himself into a right wing joke because he cannot handle his kids being trans
The full truth about the emerald thing having come out, I think Mr Musk is far closer to being able to calling himself a self made billionaire than for example an article I read yesterday that referred to the Crown Prince of Saud as a self made billionaire
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