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Is Elon Musk the greatest visionary or the greatest snake oil salesman of our age?

Did people think it was? I mean I don't use twitter but I've never thought of it as reliable tbh.
Well if the verified New York City twitter account said they were going to reduce police funding by 70 percent, then yeah you could assume that was real. Now you have to check the tag and the number of followers etc etc, which is difficult for an app specifically designed to be scrolled through quickly.
You used to be able to reliably know that a post was made by a given person or organisation and now you don't.

except when it wasn't

Can't stand Space Karen but they deliberately exploded the rocket after the separation didn't work. It didn't just explode randomly. Those in the know seem to see it as a pretty successful 'mission' in terms of where SpaceX is trying to get to.
Surely unscheduled means it was unscheduled.
And those people also exist in a context at a particular time in history. Bias can’t be “avoided”. It needs to be understood and mitigated.
I've just finished that short course on AI trustworthiness (by University of Helsinki - I was testing a new course for them). I am by no means an expert now after a few hours' study, but it's given me an overview. To be fair to them, they say exactly this - that mitigation is the best you can hope for. Some of the techniques used are adversarial and purposely add noise that makes the AI less effective.
Well if the verified New York City twitter account said they were going to reduce police funding by 70 percent, then yeah you could assume that was real. Now you have to check the tag and the number of followers etc etc, which is difficult for an app specifically designed to be scrolled through quickly.
Guess I just don't really trust anything on twitter. 🤷‍♀️ (But obviously if this is something users want/use, getting rid off it/starting charging for something people have presumably been using for free for a long time doesn't seem the best idea.)
Well although his rockets keep crashing, the vision, like it or not is pretty compelling. Not read through the thread, and not that clued up really. But i heard that his projects on earth are simply preparation for Mars and beyond. Like his tunnel highway system under US cities is prep for another planet (for travel, artificial atmospheric conditions, possibly mining and quarrying). The electric cars are prep for the moon buggies. Et cetera. His many kids have names which sound like bar codes, and they are groomed to become heirs to a galactic technological empire.

Also why did he call his car firm Tesla? Maybe there really is something to those far out ideas about suppressed technology invented / discovered by Nikola Tesla, that free energy can be obtained from the atmosphere using a Faraday technique, without coal, oil or whatever. Maybe not. Maybe? We know Shell etc patented renewable energy techniques back in the 80s, just to file them away in a drawer and prevent oil being replaced.
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