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Is Elon Musk the greatest visionary or the greatest snake oil salesman of our age?

What I'm hearing is that he bought Twitter as a source of data to feed AI development. His talk about the evils of AI is just his way of trying to slow down the competition, who has a hefty lead on him. I don't have the reference point to know if that's true or not, but it makes some of his movements make more sense. On the other hand, his moves may really not make sense.
Look at the hundreds of other people saying AI development needs to "slow down" - in fact, be regulated by the state...Musk is the least interesting one of these voices calling for it

AI has plenty good data fed into it, it doesnt need crank central twitter to make it better

not sure what this means, expensive things hopefully
I assume it's to do with training AI, I would have thought that Microsoft would have checked what they were doing was in alignment with the ToS.
Look at the hundreds of other people saying AI development needs to "slow down" - in fact, be regulated by the state...Musk is the least interesting one of these voices calling for it

AI has plenty good data fed into it, it doesnt need crank central twitter to make it better

If you are just now starting AI work, you're already behind.
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I assume it's to do with training AI, I would have thought that Microsoft would have checked what they were doing was in alignment with the ToS.

Yep. Musk and Microsoft are in the middle of a tiff because Microsoft was using Twitter data for AI development without paying for it.
What I'm hearing is that he bought Twitter as a source of data to feed AI development. His talk about the evils of AI is just his way of trying to slow down the competition, who has a hefty lead on him. I don't have the reference point to know if that's true or not, but it makes some of his movements make more sense. On the other hand, his moves may really not make sense.
Was he a genus after all or just a massive twat. Who can say.
It's hard not to be slightly impressed by the sheer level of commitment to sticking to the bullshit tbh. 'Well you're all fixated on the fact that it exploded, but you're missing that for several seconds it didn't explode. In fact it spent far more time not exploding than it did exploding. Clearly a success.'

How long before that one's shut down for being a racist neo-nazi chatbot? Unless that's going to be its USP.
I was reading something about AI and bias and having the facepalming thought 'Oh God, people are going to say that removing AI bias is "being woke"' aaaaand, sure enough, here is Musk saying it's 'politically correct' and dishonest to try to not make AI a fucking dustbin of the world's prejudices.

"I'm worried about the fact that [ChatGPT] is being trained to be politically correct, which is another way of saying untruthful things," he said. "Certainly the path to dystopia is to train AI to be deceptive."

Yes, instead it should just churn out the world's bigotry because that's how the world is and everyone who isn't a white, straight, able bodied cis man has to live with it.

It's hard not to be slightly impressed by the sheer level of commitment to sticking to the bullshit tbh. 'Well you're all fixated on the fact that it exploded, but you're missing that for several seconds it didn't explode. In fact it spent far more time not exploding than it did exploding. Clearly a success.'
"Not exploding" really was the primary mission goal. Rapid iteration and testing is how SpaceX operates. Instead of taking 5 years to engineer everything to perfection and launching once, they build, test, build, test 10 times, all the time gaining real world experience and data. The first dozen or so landing attempts with Falcon 9 failed. Now they've done it over 160 times and have complete market dominance, despite Musk's massive bellendery.

The time to judge will be several years from now. If they continue to go boom and nobody's putting their satellites on board, then we can say for sure it's not a success.
I was reading something about AI and bias and having the facepalming thought 'Oh God, people are going to say that removing AI bias is "being woke"' aaaaand, sure enough, here is Musk saying it's 'politically correct' and dishonest to try to not make AI a fucking dustbin of the world's prejudices.

"I'm worried about the fact that [ChatGPT] is being trained to be politically correct, which is another way of saying untruthful things," he said. "Certainly the path to dystopia is to train AI to be deceptive."

Yes, instead it should just churn out the world's bigotry because that's how the world is and everyone who isn't a white, straight, able bodied cis man has to live with it.

That's a nice big thing to say. But how exactly are they going to achieve it? Doesn't say.

his plan would be to make "a maximum truth-seeking AI that tries to understand the nature of the universe

Whole point right now is that ChatGPT doesn't understand anything. It doesn't know anything, let alone what 'truth' is. It's still an open question as to whether or not this technology can ever achieve understanding.

Ironically enough, this is an example of Musk doing the thing ChatGPT is prone to – bullshitting. He says it for effect, to please/persuade the audience, with no regard for the truth, hoping that others won't check up on what he's saying and call him on it. And they haven't called him on it in this article.
Has to turn into a positive feedback loop when repeatedly feeding the inputs back will make the outputs hugely bigoted until Godwin is reached and they have to shut it down again.
That's a nice big thing to say. But how exactly are they going to achieve it? Doesn't say.

Whole point right now is that ChatGPT doesn't understand anything. It doesn't know anything, let alone what 'truth' is. It's still an open question as to whether or not this technology can ever achieve understanding.

Ironically enough, this is an example of Musk doing the thing ChatGPT is prone to – bullshitting. He says it for effect, to please/persuade the audience, with no regard for the truth, hoping that others won't check up on what he's saying and call him on it. And they haven't called him on it in this article.

Which is why it blows my mind that tech companies seem convinced that large language models will replace search engines. What's the point in that if you have to double-check the outputs anyway to ensure that no sneakily convincing howlers have slipped in?
For simple searches it'll be useable, and a lot of people are happy with "close enough" as long as it's easy. And I think Musk is actually correct in this case that it'll do very good business with the kinds of people who are more interested in being told what they want to hear than what's accurate. A "Truth" chatbot that summarises and regurgitates a stream of pseudofacts from preferred sources is a goldmine/poison well waiting to happen.
Oh my god, I’ve just realised that it’s the program Reason by WayForward Technologies from Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency. The one where you give it the conclusion you want and it provides a logical sounding justification for it, no matter how dumb.
Oh my god, I’ve just realised that it’s the program Reason by WayForward Technologies from Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency. The one where you give it the conclusion you want and it provides a logical sounding justification for it, no matter how dumb.
I've got an even worse one for you. At some point its skills will be good enough to carry on a conversation through the day as though it's a "friend in the room who just knows stuff." It'll be marketed as a cure for loneliness in the elderly and isolated. And that cure will be paid for by the deployment of more virulent strains of manipulation, commercial and political, than we've ever seen before against those least able to defend themselves. Direct influence-peddling and monetisation of alienation and atomisation on behalf of the very State and Capital that created these modern woes.
Musk's 'untruthful things' statement is telling, it's that school of thought that says we shouldn't have greater representation of people of colour or women because 'that's not realistic', and that this is just the way the world is and it's fine for me (always said by someone white and usually a man or else a woman who seeks stability and 'protection' by siding with the men) and everyone else is just a fragile whinger.
I've got an even worse one for you. At some point its skills will be good enough to carry on a conversation through the day as though it's a "friend in the room who just knows stuff." It'll be marketed as a cure for loneliness in the elderly and isolated. And that cure will be paid for by the deployment of more virulent strains of manipulation, commercial and political, than we've ever seen before against those least able to defend themselves. Direct influence-peddling and monetisation of alienation and atomisation on behalf of the very State and Capital that created these modern woes.
They're already touting it for this. It will seem real right up to the point when it doesn't, when it says something crass that shows it doesn't actually understand or empathise or care, and everything it might have said up to that point is exposed for what it is. There's a horrible picture outside the Wellcome institute of an elderly woman holding a robot in her arms. It's an awful idea even without the capitalism angle. It's elderly abuse.
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