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Is Elon Musk the greatest visionary or the greatest snake oil salesman of our age?


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Well although his rockets keep crashing, the vision, like it or not is pretty compelling. Not read through the thread, and not that clued up really. But i heard that his projects on earth are simply preparation for Mars and beyond. Like his tunnel highway system under US cities is prep for another planet (for travel, artificial atmospheric conditions, possibly mining and quarrying). The electric cars are prep for the moon buggies. Et cetera. His many kids have names which sound like bar codes, and they are groomed to become heirs to a galactic technological empire.

Also why did he call his car firm Tesla? Maybe there really is something to those far out ideas about suppressed technology invented / discovered by Nikola Tesla, that free energy can be obtained from the atmosphere using a Faraday technique, without coal, oil or whatever. Maybe not. Maybe? We know Shell etc patented renewable energy techniques back in the 80s, just to file them away in a drawer and prevent oil being replaced.
SpaceX's current operational vehicle, the Falcon 9 Block 5, has flown 162 consecutive missions, all full successes. Where do you get your information ?
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SpaceX's current operational vehicle, the Falcon 9 Block 5, has flown 162 consecutive missions, all full successes. Where do you get your information ?
I get my information through dialogue, so cheers for the correction.

Can anyone comment on what I said about an intention to bring earth tech into outer space to serve human communities there? Or about his kids and their future plans/prospects?
I think the "all Musk's companies are part of preparations for a Mars colony" narrative was a stretch to begin with and was killed stone dead by his acquisition of Twitter, which seems to be his main focus these days.
could you point me in the direction of information on that narrative please? even if its outdated
Is great though, they must have had loads of people saying "You paid for a blue fucking tick? You twat"

There must be loads of over the top compliments that people can pay to get the same message across.
I thought I saw that they've asked people not to block a lot of people because it requires lists that need a lot of processing. No idea whether that's right though.
could you point me in the direction of information on that narrative please? even if its outdated

Saw this a few days ago

Several ranchers I spoke with referred to Musk’s master plan, the idea that all his businesses, or most of them, are intended to support the mission to colonise Mars (Musk himself has not claimed this). To avoid the punishing radiation on Mars’s surface, for instance, humans could live in underground tunnels carved by the giant drills of the Boring Company, one of Musk’s other ventures. The only source of power on Mars will be electricity; the vehicles could therefore all be Teslas. Happily, some of these companies’ products might solve problems on Earth, but according to this rationale, that is not their primary purpose.

.....But I also detected some rumblings of ambivalence. When I asked the Rocket Ranch crowd what they thought of Musk, a minority, but a substantial one, responded with a “hmm”, or at least an acknowledgment that he was controversial. Many people did not understand why he bought Twitter last October; it was not obvious how it furthered the project of colonising Mars. They worried that running Twitter and squabbling with politicians and the media was distracting him from the real mission.

Tbh as long as no-one sues him for unauthorised use of their face to flog products (big if), hurling out ticks semi randomly might help with the obfuscation he needs to get around it being regarded as cringe to have bought.

As long as it's not challenged by enough people it'll give cover to other celebs/firms who'll then buy it for the perks. His problem is normalising it, so there's worse gambles to make in that sense.
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