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Is Elon Musk the greatest visionary or the greatest snake oil salesman of our age?

Voting Democrat is not left wing.

It's not - hard to imagine Bernie Sanders or whoever driving a Tesla - but it's enough to put somebody left of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents and probably to the little left of whatever the center is in the US lately.

I remember that stupid tweet from Musk where he claimed he and Republicans hadn't moved right, everybody else had moved a long way to the left.

Going "extremely hardcore" means bringing your own bog roll to work, apparently.

At Twitter’s San Francisco headquarters, where the company has missed rent payments, Mr. Musk has done the same, consolidating workers onto two floors and closing four. He also canceled janitorial services this month, after those workers went on strike for better wages.

That has left the office in disarray. With people packed into more confined spaces, the smell of leftover takeout food and body odor has lingered on the floors, according to four current and former employees. Bathrooms have grown dirty, these people said. And because janitorial services have largely been ended, some workers have resorted to bringing their own rolls of toilet paper from home.

Going "extremely hardcore" means bringing your own bog roll to work, apparently.

At Twitter’s San Francisco headquarters, where the company has missed rent payments, Mr. Musk has done the same, consolidating workers onto two floors and closing four. He also canceled janitorial services this month, after those workers went on strike for better wages.

That has left the office in disarray. With people packed into more confined spaces, the smell of leftover takeout food and body odor has lingered on the floors, according to four current and former employees. Bathrooms have grown dirty, these people said. And because janitorial services have largely been ended, some workers have resorted to bringing their own rolls of toilet paper from home.

So, the latest roll-out is in the bogs.
I was having trouble with the neckscarf and that symbol on the leg too.
Are those tarot cards in the left hand?

I think it's a Kufiya (apologies if I didn't spell that right. It might be "keffiyeh"). For a while it was a fad among the crustier hippies in the US to wear tribal scarves. I've also seen similar ones for sale at gun shows, but they've inserted pictures of guns into the design.
I think it's a Kufiya (apologies if I didn't spell that right. It might be "keffiyeh"). For a while it was a fad among the crustier hippies in the US to wear tribal scarves. I've also seen similar ones for sale at gun shows, but they've inserted pictures of guns into the design.

I think it looks more like one of the green scarves made famous by abortion rights protesters in Argentina - that whole shitty meme seems to have crawled from some hardline Christian, anti-abortion rights place - who else gets worked up about people using tarot cards?

I think it's a Kufiya (apologies if I didn't spell that right. It might be "keffiyeh"). For a while it was a fad among the crustier hippies in the US to wear tribal scarves. I've also seen similar ones for sale at gun shows, but they've inserted pictures of guns into the design.

That’s just another name for a shemaugh, isn’t it? Popular with all stripes politically if of a military chic bent, I thought, though sometimes linked to Palestinean solidarity among the hippier types.
Is it just me who‘s clueless whether they’re a NPC or not, because they don’t know what it means?

Neo political conservative..
Non proliferating cosplayer
Nearly pointless contributor…..🤔
In addition to what strung out posted I googled in what regard to what Musk is referencing, I think is this:

NPC (/ɛnpisi/; each letter separately; also known as the NPC Wojack), derived from non-player character, is an internet meme that represents people who do not think for themselves or do not make their own decisions; those who lack intrapersonal communication.[2][3][1][4][5] The NPC meme, which graphically is based on the Wojak meme, was created in July 2016 by an anonymous author and first published on the imageboard 4chan, where the idea and inspiration behind the meme were introduced.[6]

The NPC meme gained widespread attention and in October 2018 was covered in numerous news outlets, including The New York Times,[4] The Verge,[1] and the BBC. In 2022, the meme garnered popularity on video sharing service TikTok.[7][8]

So really just hours away from going full Qanon
Calling someone an NPC always seems to be a sign that somebody has been spending way too much time in alt-right online cesspits and not enough time around normal humans.

Musk has also been sharing crappy Matrix memes, apparently either ignorant of or choosing to ignore what the creators of the Matrix films say it's really about.

ah so another word for Sheeple

It's hardly surprising that someone who wants to colonise Mars has such views is it?

Calling someone an NPC always seems to be a sign that somebody has been spending way too much time in alt-right online cesspits and not enough time around normal humans.

Musk has also been sharing crappy Matrix memes, apparently either ignorant of or choosing to ignore what the creators of the Matrix films say it's really about.

It's not possible to control interpretations that have been out there for 20 years. I think this is actually how he sees the world. I suppose that's where twitter fits too if he sees everything as a system of control that he has to break free from.
Anyone who unironically calls other flesh-and-blood people "NPCs", is in my opinion engaging in the kind of dehumanisation necessary for mass murder.

Musk has previously professed the belief that we live in a simulation, which also another belief with seriously dodgy implications when sincerely held.
Anyone who unironically calls other flesh-and-blood people "NPCs", is in my opinion engaging in the kind of dehumanisation necessary for mass murder.

Musk has previously professed the belief that we live in a simulation, which also another belief with seriously dodgy implications when sincerely held.

That's where the NPC thing comes from. One of the criticicisms of simulation theory is that the amount of computer power that would be required renders it impossible. To counter this many proponents claim that only a few people (them obviously) are actually playing the game and everyone else is a computer generated NPC programmed to believe they are self aware. There's quite a good documentary on this if you can find a copy which gives an insight into the kind of beliefs Musk seems to endorse.
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