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Is Elon Musk the greatest visionary or the greatest snake oil salesman of our age?

Anyone who unironically calls other flesh-and-blood people "NPCs", is in my opinion engaging in the kind of dehumanisation necessary for mass murder.

Musk has previously professed the belief that we live in a simulation, which also another belief with seriously dodgy implications when sincerely held.

Its not clear to what extent he can step out of these views is it? I suspect he has quite an ironic take on things at times but is also vulnerable to being both very literal and obsessive. I think he might find any narrative that doesn't come from him too controlling, or that he perceives as not coming from him, he can't stand to be pinned down, or to be seen as the same as others. I'm not sure he'll ally himself with a group or movement, not consciously, he seems to like to dodge being classified.

But anyone who you can't say no to is potentially dangerous.
He has a circle of people who are fully into this shit who have dragged him into the right wing meme world. To what extent he was there already/would have who knows but he is certainly mixing with a crowd who will feed him this shite.
Its not clear to what extent he can step out of these views is it? I suspect he has quite an ironic take on things at times but is also vulnerable to being both very literal and obsessive. I think he might find any narrative that doesn't come from him too controlling, or that he perceives as not coming from him, he can't stand to be pinned down, or to be seen as the same as others. I'm not sure he'll ally himself with a group or movement, not consciously, he seems to like to dodge being classified.

But anyone who you can't say no to is potentially dangerous.
He needs a good woman in his life who can just give him a big hug. That would likely solve a lot.
Anyone who unironically calls other flesh-and-blood people "NPCs", is in my opinion engaging in the kind of dehumanisation necessary for mass murder.

Musk has previously professed the belief that we live in a simulation, which also another belief with seriously dodgy implications when sincerely held.

A belief that you're the only real person and everyone else is just a projection for your benefit is one of the classic symptoms of a sociopath.
He has a circle of people who are fully into this shit who have dragged him into the right wing meme world. To what extent he was there already/would have who knows but he is certainly mixing with a crowd who will feed him this shite.

Who are this circle?


As well as looking shit, there is a large panel gap between the front door and the rear door. Top build quality. :hmm: Best seen at 5 seconds in.
Also, the rear tyres extend wider than the mudguards. This is illegal in the UK and many US states, according to a quick googling.
Lastly, the rear passengers are not going to have a lot of headroom. That's OK in a sports car where the point is the driving experience and most of the time only two people are in it, but this is meant to be a working vehicle travelling over rough roads. It's a shit design.
Maybe there's some sort of deconstructing going on by him. He's deconstructing himself for the lolz. Doesn't sound like he has a very strong family life, so maybe money is all he can loose. This is the thing with this saga, it's not really clear whether he gives a fuck about anything or is secretly thinking "oh shit, someone put the breaks on!"
there's a great phrase in fishing circles for people with hugely expensive kit but are poor fisherman. "all the gear, no idea."

Also see any sport where you need more than a t-shirt and shorts, cycling being a prime example - eg fatties on a carbon fibre frame
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