Grandma: Constricticve Criticism, even non-Constructive Criticism is not tantamount to anti-Jewishness and I myself have taken great pains to say this over and over here and elsewhere. The problem lies in that many anti-Jews merely use the slightly more PC guise of criticsm of Israel to slide their horrid anti-Jewishenss.
For example, highly related to the thread's topic, Tutu made a speech where he said Jews contol the govt and the media, . After this huge gaffe cost him alot of speaking engagements (i.e. money) he almost always has taken pains to keep his criticism to that of Israel while in the next breath telling those listening that many Jews helped to topple the Aparthied Era Govt...In other words, like the old US commercial where the young boy and grandpa werer in their canoe, fishing, and the lad tells gradpa, "I have a Jewish friend in school Grandpa and he is very nice..." Grandoa sagely replies, "Jimmy, why do you tell me that he is Jewish?" "But why grandpa, he Is!" "Jimmy, if he is your friend his religion or ethnicity is of no importance. Jimmy is just your FRIEND." The kid looks a bit miffed but alos deep in thought. A paopular culture for a while, right about the time Uncle Sam instituted Affirmatice Action I believe.
Ergo, why would Tutu need to take great pains to repeatedly tell us to the point of monotony about hos some Jews helped to toppled Apartheid? And why did he only begin it in 2004 after media outcry hit him hard in the pocketbook since his public speaking appearances began to dry up rapidly.
Actual criticism of Israel is not only permissable but a great thing. Every nation should be secxure enough in its ideals and policies to be able to accept criticms from disenfranchised and other dempographics, and yes, even foreigners who generally do not have a clue past an Arab Website anbd the BBR World Report as to want is actually going on.
As stated though, too, too many people use it as a Politcally Correct excue to beat up on Israel. Ergo once again, such criticsm needs to be fully examined and not taken at face value. People like Tutu who have commnunist backgrounds, who have terrorist and leftis backgrouns should alwasy be examined as to their true program when making utereances in a place he himself had not been to for more than a decade.His associatioin with that atricious organ of the even more atrocious UN, defiled, defamed, and defanged especially leads a rational person to take anything old Tutu has to say as partiuclarly supect.