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*IRAQ: latest news and developments

Embedded Reporter's Role In Army Unit's Actions Questioned by Military

By Howard Kurtz
Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, June 25, 2003; Page C01
New York Times reporter Judith Miller played a highly unusual role in an Army unit assigned to search for dangerous Iraqi weapons, according to U.S. military officials, prompting criticism that the unit was turned into what one official called a "rogue operation."

More than a half-dozen military officers said that Miller acted as a middleman between the Army unit with which she was embedded and Iraqi National Congress leader Ahmed Chalabi, on one occasion accompanying Army officers to Chalabi's headquarters, where they took custody of Saddam Hussein's son-in-law. She also sat in on the initial debriefing of the son-in-law, these sources say.
source: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A28385-2003Jun24.html?nav=hptop_tb
* Slate asks "Bush: Liar or Moron?" Answer:

* Paul Krugman nails it:

There is no longer any serious doubt that Bush administration officials deceived us into war. The key question now is why so many influential people are in denial, unwilling to admit the obvious.

* Here is the New Republic article about the deceptions that Krugman refers to.

* Robert Byrd on the floor of the Senate:

For the first time in our history, the United States has gone to war because of intelligence reports claiming that a country posed a threat to our nation. Congress should not be content to use standard operating procedures to look into this extraordinary matter. We should accept no substitute for a full, bipartisan investigation by Congress into the issue of our pre-war intelligence on the threat from Iraq and its use.

* From Rep. Henry Waxman's latest:
"For nearly three months, I have been asking a simple question: Why did President Bush cite forged evidence about Iraq?s nuclear capabilities in his State of the Union address?"
State Dept. calls the CIA a liar

NY Times, June 26, 2003
Agency Disputes C.I.A. View of Trailers as Iraqi Weapons Labs

WASHINGTON, June 25 -- The State Department's intelligence division is disputing the Central Intelligence Agency's conclusion that mysterious trailers found in Iraq were for making biological weapons, United States government officials said today.

In a classified June 2 memorandum, the officials said, the department's Bureau of Intelligence and Research said it was premature to conclude that the trailers were evidence of an Iraqi biological weapons program, as President Bush has done. The disclosure of the memorandum is the clearest sign yet of disagreement between intelligence agencies over the assertion, which was produced jointly by the C.I.A. and the Defense Intelligence Agency and made public on May 28 on the C.I.A. Web site. Officials said the C.I.A. and D.I.A. did not consult with other intelligence agencies before issuing the report.

The report on the trailers was initially prepared for the White House, and Mr. Bush has cited it as proof that Iraq indeed had a biological weapons program, as the United States has repeatedly alleged, although it has yet to produce any other conclusive evidence.

In an interview with Polish television on May 30, Mr. Bush cited the trailers as evidence that the United States had "found the weapons of mass destruction" it was looking for. Secretary of State Colin L. Powell echoed that assessment in a public statement the next day, saying that the accuracy of prewar assessments linking Iraqi trailers to a biological weapons program had been borne out by the discovery.

Some intelligence analysts had previously disputed the C.I.A. report, but it had not been known that the C.I.A. report did not reflect an interagency consensus or that any intelligence agency had later objected to its finding.

The State Department bureau raised its objections in a memorandum to Mr. Powell, according to Congressional officials. They said the memorandum was cast as a dissent to the C.I.A. report, and that it said that the evidence found to date did not justify the conclusion that the trailers could have had no other purpose than for use as mobile weapons laboratories.
American military morale shaken by Iraq quagmire
The daily attacks and acts of sabotage against American and British forces in Iraq testify that the real war of liberation has begun--a protracted struggle by the Iraqi people to drive the foreign invaders out of their country. If US control over Iraq is to be secured, it will require an indefinite occupation by tens of thousands of troops that will result in thousands of American casualties.

This grim reality is dawning on a constituency the Bush administration and the extreme right in the United States take for granted--the American armed forces. Over the past two weeks, reports have been published by the New York Times, the Washington Post and the Boston Herald that provide some indication of the fears among US troops and their families over the state of affairs in Iraq.

A lengthy New York Times feature on June 15 detailed the physical and psychological trauma of American troops in one unit--the First Brigade of the Third Infantry Division, which has been on deployment since last September and was one of the frontline units in the assault on Baghdad. Now policing in Baghdad's eastern suburbs, the unit was supposed to have returned to the US in May but was kept in country due to the lack of security.

The troops are living 10 to a room in buildings without electricity, running water or air conditioning. Their days are taken up with patrolling streets that appear peaceful, but can erupt in gunfire without warning. Headlined "Anxious and Weary, GIs Face a New Iraq Mission," the Times feature reported: "Some are haunted by the deaths they caused--and suffered--and have sought counseling. All are tired, hot and increasingly bitter. Morale has plummeted as sharply as the temperature has risen."

According to the Times, the soldiers' families were told on May 21 to stop sending them mail in an attempt to decrease homesickness. Some troops have sought counseling after hearing reports of sick families or unfaithful wives. One soldier told the Times: "You call Donald Rumsfeld and tell him our sorry asses are ready to come home."
source: http://www.wsws.org/articles/2003/jun2003/iraq-j27.shtml
wrt to bigfish's posts

I just read this article :rolleyes:

WASHINGTON -- Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld yesterday declined to attribute violence against U.S. soldiers in Iraq to guerrilla warfare, but instead blamed scattered, disorganized remnants of the ousted Iraqi government.

full article

Where's that American propaganda thread
again :confused:

wrt to like-I-care's post above

It looks like Rumsfeld's lying through his teethe to me, unless the remnants of Saddam's forces are made up of twelve year old girls!
Baghdad - Guerrilla strikes against United States interests in Iraq have continued to escalate in recent days, with economic sabotage on the rise and a new type of combatant--a 12-year-old-girl--entering the fray against the American army.

The girl, whose name was not released, reportedly opened fire on patrolling U.S. soldiers in her hometown of Ramadi, west of Baghdad, on Sunday.
source: http://www.globeandmail.com/servlet.../International/
Originally posted by bigfish
wrt to like-I-care's post above

It looks like Rumsfeld's lying through his teethe to me, unless the remnants of Saddam's forces are made up of twelve year old girls!

You know, it would so amusing to watch the American bullshit, but this is not a game.

This is real.

I said this when the USUK (ever noticed that this reads as you suck) forces invaded and I will say it again....America...get the Fuck out!!!
U.S. Soldier Shot Shopping in Baghdad-Witnesses
Fri June 27, 2003 09:14 AM ET
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - A U.S. soldier was shot in the head while buying digital video discs at a shop in Baghdad on Friday, the shop owner and other witnesses said.

The U.S. military had no immediate comment on the report. It was not clear from witness accounts whether his wound was fatal.

The shop owner, who refused to give his name, said the soldier had come into the DVD shop in the Kazimiyah neighborhood in the northwest of the city at around 11 a.m. and picked up two discs.

"He took out dollars from his pocket and as I looked at the money I heard a bang. He froze and then fell backwards," the owner told Reuters Television. "Two other soldiers came in, picked him up and took him away."

Other witnesses corroborated the owner's version. One said he saw a young man shooting the soldier at close quarters in the lower head.

Two U.S. soldiers were killed and 10 wounded in a spate of attacks on Thursday as armed resistance to American and British military occupation appeared to be rising.
An article on the nature of the Iraqi resistance
Wolfowitz said the Iraqi opposition is doomed because it is operating without two essential forms of support. "They lack the sympathy of the population, and they lack any serious external support," he said. "Basically, they're on their own."

But others worry abut the long-term political costs of a continued low-level guerrilla war.

"Over the next months, I expect a vicious cycle in which force-protection measures will alienate the population and create more opposition to the occupation, with rising casualties," said Laurence Pope, a retired State Department expert on the Arab world who served as a political adviser at the Central Command.

Retired Marine Gen. Carlton Fulford was even gloomier, predicting "a long, tough haul in Iraq."

"The longer this goes on, the more violent these events will become," said Fulford, a former deputy commander of U.S. forces in Europe. "We learned this in Lebanon and Somalia -- and Iraq is much more challenging than either of these."
source: http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article3952.htm
Death by death losing the hearts and minds in Iraq

[My translator, Wissam, is furious.
"Why didn't the Americans stop when they saw they'd run over the child?" he asks me.
Wissam takes off his baseball cap and angrily waves his arms at the American soldiers - some of them can only be around 18. They seem too young to be here.
As we finally drive on, my mind flashes back to the image of the little boy lying in the road and his relatives weeping inconsolably with a haunting expression in their eyes.
In losing their child, they have lost their faith in the foreign faces which occupy their land. ]

[Boy's death has Iraqis vowing revenge

``Americans value their children. Please value ours,'' said Kubaysi. ``We will revenge. One child is equal to 10 American soldiers. No one came to apologize. They at least should come to say they are sorry.'']
U.S. Finds War in Iraq Is Far From Finished
By Alissa J. Rubin, Times Staff Writer
BAGHDAD -- Facing a marked increase in the frequency and brazenness of attacks on U.S.-led forces in Iraq in the last two weeks, military officials are for the first time speaking more openly about the potential for a long-term fight to quell the resistance to the American presence.

Although the term is rarely used at the Pentagon, from every description by military officials, what U.S. troops face on the ground in Iraq has all the markings of a guerrilla war ? albeit one in which there are multiple opposition groups rather than a single movement.

The rising opposition could further hamper the civilian reconstruction and delay the military's exit from the country, according to military experts.

"The first clear message is: This war is not over. It's not ended," a senior military official in Iraq said Saturday. "All of us in uniform are targets, we're subject to being engaged."
source: http://www.latimes.com/news/nationw...9jun29,1,2789659.story?coll=la-home-headlines
Democrats to conduct separate inquiry on Iraq intelligence
By Jonathan S. Landay
WASHINGTON - Dissent over intelligence that President Bush used to justify the war on Iraq escalated Friday as Democrats on the Senate Armed Services Committee announced they would conduct their own investigation.
But some senior diplomatic, intelligence and military officials have charged that Bush and his top aides made assertions about Iraq's banned weapons programs and alleged links to al-Qaida that weren't supported by credible intelligence, and that they ignored intelligence that didn't support their policies
Iraqi governor held over kidnap charges

BAGHDAD (Reuters) - U.S. forces in Iraq have arrested the U.S.-appointed interim governor of the holy Shi'ite city of Najaf on charges of kidnapping, holding hostages and committing financial crimes, officials have said

Blast kills 30 Iraqi looters
AT LEAST 30 people were killed and many more injured when an ammunition dump exploded as looters raided it.
More on above report

[US condemned over Iraq rights

The group warned that a two-tier system was evolving, with prisoners in the Iraqi legal system being afforded proper protection while those in military detention were not.
"Some detainees fall into a 'black hole' detention centre at the [Baghdad International] airport; their family has no news of them and they are only entitled to a review of their detention within three weeks by a US military lawyer," the group said in a statement.

"Others arrested for similar offences are taken to Iraqi police stations and receive the protection of the procedures in the... Criminal Procedure Code... They are entitled to release if there is insufficient evidence against them," it added. ]

BBC News is .....

reporting that four more US soldiers have been killed when a rocket propelled grenade was fired at their position.

john x
Well Rummy will soon have the answer to US troops getting killed - replace them with other poor sods.

[US Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said the international troops would help to give rotation and rest periods to coalition troops already in Iraq.
"The more that are there, the fewer US troops we have to have," Mr Rumsfeld said. ]
'You tend to dehumanize the "enemy"'
You tend to dehumanize the "enemy," and that in turn dehumanizes you. Sgt. First Class John Meadows declares, "You can't distinguish between who's trying to kill you and who's not. Like, the only way to get through s*** like that was to concentrate on getting through it by killing as many people as you can, people you know are trying to kill you. Killing them first and getting home." Sgt. Antonio Espera told Wright, "Do you realize the stuff we've done here, the people we've killed? Back home in the civilian world, if we did this, we would go to prison." Just as was the case in Vietnam, the brutality you're obliged to enact can have a heavy psychological toll. Sgt. Meadows says men under his command have been suffering from severe depression: "They've already seen psychiatrists and the chain of command has got letters back saying 'these men need to be taken out of this situation'. But nothing's happened. Some soldiers don't even f****** sleep at night. They sit up all f****** night long doing s*** to keep themselves busy---to keep their minds off this f****** stuff. It's the only way they can handle it. It's not so far from being crazy but it's their way of coping.

Just one example of "this fucking stuff," provided in Wright's Rolling Stone article. On March 30, a car races through a roadblock in north central Iraq, producing a massive burst of weapons fire from Recon's Charlie Company. Protracted screeching of tires. Unarmed men run from the car, waving their hands, dropping obediently to the ground at Marines' instruction.

"Two Marines cautiously approach the car. It is shot up, its doors wide open, lights still on. Sgt. Charles Graves sees a small girl of about three curled up on the back seat. There's a small amount of blood on the upholstery, but the girl's eyes are open. Graves reaches in to pick her up---thinking about what medical supplies he might need to treat her, he later says---then the top of her head slides off and her brains drop out. When Graves steps back, he nearly falls over when his boot slips in the girls brains No weapons are found in the car. A translator asks the father, sitting by the side of the road, why he didn't heed the warning shots and stop it. He simply repeats, 'I'm sorry,' and meekly asks permission to pick up his daughter's body. The last the Marines see of him, he is walking down the road carrying her corpse in his arms."
source: http://www.counterpunch.org/leupp07012003.html
MP's claim they cant get to bottom of the Iraq dossier information as the Government wont give them/let them see all the vital documents.

John Maples, a Conservative member of the Commons Foreign Affairs Select Committee, said: "We really can't come to any absolutely definitive conclusions on the whole of this matter without seeing all of the papers, which we haven't seen and which the Government has made clear it's not going to show to us."

Now there's a surprise........

Violence wracks Iraq, 4 US troops killed
Tuesday, 01 July , 2003, 14:51
Baghdad: Four US soldiers were reportedly killed in Baghdad Tuesday, with attacks on coalition forces showing no sign of letting up, as a series of unexplained blasts overnight left six Iraqis dead.

The US military was unable to confirm the reported rocket-propelled grenade attack in central Baghdad which witnesses said killed four soldiers and wounded two.

US forces also faced claims that the explosions at a mosque in Fallujah, west of the capital, were caused by its missiles.

A coalition official was unable to confirm the cause, saying only that the military was still investigating the incident.

US troops in Fallujah again came under fire at dawn Tuesday, in the fifth consecutive day of anti-US strikes in the town, while a military vehicle was burned out by opportunistic attackers in Yusufiyeh, south of Baghdad.

The string of attacks followed the twin embarrassments on Monday of a key Shiite Muslim leader pouring cold water on coalition plans to draw up an Iraqi constitution, while a US-appointed governor was arrested on kidnap charges.
source: http://sify.com/news/international/fullstory.php?id=13187260
Bush 'Indicted' Over War Crimes
06/30/03: (The Japan Times) A group of Japanese lawyers unveiled documents Monday "indicting" U.S. President George W. Bush for war crimes allegedly committed against the Afghan people since the United States-led coalition began its antiterrorism campaign in Afghanistan in October 2001.

"This is an act that breaks international rules, such as the idea of (honoring) human rights, that have been formed over so many years," said Koken Tsuchiya, former president of the Japan Federation of Bar Associations and head of the 11-member prosecutors' team in the tribunal. "We decided this case has sufficient reason to be brought to court."

A civic tribunal will be held in Tokyo, with the first hearing scheduled for July 21
source: http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article3970.htm
Neocon-Nazi War Crimes
Hossam al-Sayed, Chief Correspondent for IslamOnline.net reported that American troops murdered more than one hundred Iraqi civilians, most of them killed while sleeping in their beds on the morning of June 13, in Rawah, 400 kilometers to the northwest of Baghdad. According to eyewitness accounts, U.S. forces opened fire from tanks and helicopter gun ships in a residential neighborhood. After the carnage, Abu Saadoun a town tribal leader said, "The bodies of 12 of our boys were found tied with ropes, each with a bullet in the head. The Americans detained them and immediately executed them in this horrible way."

One must wonder why America, a so-called 'democracy,' is using soldiers to slaughter civilians. Where has this monstrous idea of gathering up groups of innocent people and killing them come from? What can Americans possibly have to gain that will justify being labeled as "war criminals"? The U.S. Army's actions in the town of Rawah are ominously reminiscent of Nazi Germany's reprisal killings for the deaths of their soldiers in World War II.
source: http://liberty.hypermart.net/Newsletter/3/1_Neocon-Nazi_War_Crimes.htm
Dying for Dubya: The Insanity of Indian Troops in Iraq:

The call for troops from India is an act of desperation by the Bush administration which is hoping others will dig it out of a hole that is deepening by the day. With the body bag count slowly mounting, the US wants to cut its 150,000 soldier -strong presence to about 30,000, replacing the conquering heroes with dupes from around the world whose leaders aspire to nothing more noble than a chance to wait on the high table.

More attacks in Baghdad: 1 dead 20+ injured

One United States soldier serving in Iraq has been killed and many others wounded in separate attacks, the US military says.
One serviceman from the First Armoured Division was shot dead in Baghdad on Thursday night, when his Bradley vehicle came under sniper fire.

In a second attack, at least 19 soldiers were hurt when mortar rounds were fired at a US military base north of Baghdad.

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