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*IRAQ: latest news and developments

US firm Halliburton is out of the running for the $600 milliion contract to rebuild Iraq although it could take part as a subcontractor. MSNBC TIMOTHY BEANS, THE chief acquisition officer for the U.S. Agency for International Development, said in an interview that Halliburton is not one of the two finalists to be prime contractor for the reconstruction of Iraq, though the Houston-based firm could take part as a subcontractor. The contract is to be awarded next week.

Halliburton was one of five large U.S. companies that the Bush administration asked in mid-February to bid on the 21-month contract, which involves the reconstruction of Iraq’s critical infrastructure, including roads, bridges and hospitals, after the war. But the administration has come under increasingly strident criticism abroad and at the United Nations for offering postwar contracts only to U.S. companies. Many of the questions have been raised about Halliburton, which Cheney headed from 1995 until 2000.

However Halliburton are already operating in the war zone and will still be making a healthy profit from the war. They allready have the contract for securing the southern oilfields. PaKdaily article
Originally posted by DJ Squelch
Many of the questions have been raised about Halliburton, which Cheney headed from 1995 until 2000.[/URL]

:D Some good news!

I have a question Dick, can you explain how you sold $30m shares in Halliburton, after accountancy changes inflated the share price by $234m, just before the price crashed?
The BBC ticker quotes the US military as saying that 5 US troops have been killed in a suicide bombing near Najaf.
car bomb killed 5 according to CNN, at least 3 according to BBC

UK official says there will be no pause in campaign (CNN)... it had been reported overnight on BBCNews24 that there would be a pause in ground operations because supply lines had been overstretched

marines launced a dawn attack on Nasiriya this morning (CNN)

US are eaxmining remains of soldiers, believed to be american, near Nasiriya, not clear whether these may have been reported previously or are additional casualties (Reuters)

Rumsfeld has accused Syria of providing Iraq with equipment (i think BBCnews24 said it was night-vision goggles etc.) Rumsfeld described this as a "hostile act" and said that Syria would be held accountable for it. the Syrians have since responded angrily, not outright denying that they provided the equipment but saying that Iraq didn't need it (presumably implying they didn't give it) and that US was only saying this to distract attention from the civilian casualties they have caused (BBCNews24, BBConline)

"US forces say they have bombed a building in the southern Iraqi city of Basra where about 200 paramilitaries loyal to Saddam Hussein were believed to be meeting. " (BBConline)

Missile hits Kuwait, no known injuries caused:

"Just before 0200 local time (2300 GMT Friday), a large explosion rocked the Al-Sharqiah souk, which lies directly on the Gulf shore and close to the foreign ministry and the palace of Sheik Jaber Al Ahmed Al Jaber Al Sabah, the Emir of Kuwait. " (BBConline)

there's a few to keep you going
grasshopper - it sounds like chaos in Basra

Reuters correspondent David Fox said a stream of people was leaving the city but an even larger group was trying to get in, creating chaotic scenes at a bridge on the edge of Basra where British soldiers had pulled up two tanks, creating a narrow channel for people to pass through.

The soldiers were allowing women, children and old men into the city, but were barring adult men. They were not stopping people leaving Basra.

"Basically men of fighting age are being kept out for the moment," a tank commander with the 2nd Royal Tank Regiment said.
Journo spots missing Italian journalists
Seven Italian journalists reported missing in the southern Iraqi city of Basra since yesterday have been sighted by a correspondent of Al Jazeera television.

The journalist said he had also seen a cameraman from his own station, who went missing yesterday after his crew was fired on by British tanks at Basra.

Armed men in uniform had stopped the Italians' convoy of cars as they approached Basra.

The correspondent said he saw them leave the city and head north.

Journo spots missing Italian journalists
WASHINGTON -- U.S. ships in the Red Sea and the eastern Mediterranean apparently have been ordered to suspend firings of Tomahawk cruise missiles at targets in Iraq after several of the $1 million weapons fell into Turkey and Saudi Arabia.
``There are some questions about what went wrong. So for right now, airspace over Saudi Arabia is closed to us,'' Capt. Nevin Carr, skipper of the Norfolk-based cruiser Cape St. George, said Friday.
One of the Marines mine detecting dolphins has gone missing in action! Times Online
"THE US Marines have suffered an embarrassment with reports last night that one of their most prized investigators may have defected.
Takoma, the Atlantic bottle-nosed dolphin, had been in Iraq for 48 hours when he went missing on his first operation to snoop out mines.
Takoma has now been missing for 48 hours and the solitary figure of Petty Officer Whitaker could be seen yesterday patting the water, calling his name and offering his favourite fish, but there was no response.
Well, hang on - he's a mine searching dolphin - clearing the way for aid vessels to dock... and he can't use a gun... yet...

More dolphins and less troops would be an improvement...
Originally posted by pk
More dolphins and less troops would be an improvement...

I remember a cartoon I saw in a paper many years ago, at the time of the H-bomb tests on Christmas Island. Two dolfins are popping their heads out of the water to watch the mushroom cloud above the island, and the text is "The meek shall inherit the earth".

I wonder if the dolfins could make a better fist of it than humanity has?
pk [Well, hang on - he's a mine searching dolphin - clearing the way for aid vessels to dock... and he can't use a gun... yet... ]

the dolphin would be shot - he's no use to them if he doesn't do as he is ordered.
What - they're going to court-martial a dolphin?

Come on - even the US military aren't that stupid... reminds me of the monkey hanging incident in Hartlepool where they caught a ships monkey after a shipwreck and thought he was a Frenchman, so they hung him for treason because he wouldn't tell them where the invasion was going to land... bless them...
And hence, many ............

years later, H'angus the monkey aka Stuart Drummond was elected mayor of Hartlepool.

It's a funny old world!

john x
Mr Cook writes: "I have already had my fill of this bloody and unjust war. I want our troops home and I want them home before more of them are killed."
He also accuses George W Bush of "sitting pretty in the comfort of Camp David" while Allied forces risk death in an "unnecessary and badly planned" war.
"It is easy to show you are resolute when you are not one of the guys in a sandstorm peering around for snipers," he writes.
Baghdad under intense attack

The BBC's Andrew Gilligan says the bombing was among the heaviest since the war began.


However our correspondent in Baghdad says that, even if suggestions that Iraq had misfired its missiles were substantiated, the people of Baghdad would still hold the coalition responsible for the loss of life.
Their view, he said, is that if a war were not taking place Iraq would have no need to fire missiles to defend itself.
Originally posted by whiterose
Fact or fiction from Downing Street??????

Saddam 'sacks air defence chief over missile malfunctions'

Impossible to tell, but a sensible person would have to say that if the US had an intelligence source that close to the Iraqi regime, they would not risk exposing them over a matter like this in a war which looks likely to last months.

john x
Iraq market bomb accused of being Iraqi by the uS and UK

Heres the serial number of that missle or bomb which killed all those people yesterday........

"It can be easily verified and checked by the Americans – if they choose to do so. It reads: 30003-704ASB 7492. The letter "B" is scratched and could be an "H". This is believed to be the serial number. It is followed by a further code which arms manufacturers usually refer to as the weapon's "Lot" number. It reads: MFR 96214 09."

Thanks to Robert Frisk an un embedded journalist in Baghdad

So far B-liar has:

1. Presented a plagiarized students thesis as hard "evidence" of Saddams mendacity and in doing so, proved his own.

2. Presented documents to the UN Security Council perporting to show that Iraq was importing uranium ore from Niger to fuel its atomic weapons program. After detailed examination by UNSCOM these documents were shown, in fact, to be forgeries. So B-liar, a lawyer, lays forged documents before the highest institutions of international law!!!

3. Taken the oppertunity, while sharing a podium with Bush before a world wide audience, to claim that two British troopers were executed, when, in fact, their commanding officer told their relatives that they died instantly in battle!!!

So yes, I agree with whiterose: whatever the truth its hard to trust B-liar.
"Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld repeatedly rejected advice from Pentagon planners that substantially more troops and armor would be needed to fight a war in Iraq, New Yorker Magazine reported.
In an article for its April 7 edition, which goes on sale on Monday, the weekly said Rumsfeld insisted at least six times in the run-up to the conflict that the proposed number of ground troops be sharply reduced and got his way."

And thats from New Yorker magazine & Reuters...
General Sir Peter De La Billiere (ret) on Breakfast With Frost

We can fight a hard war, and lose men. We can fight an easy war, and win. There have been far too many blue on blue incidents, because as an army our troops do not train together. As a military force the UK army has been demoted to a mere show and police force. Then again, im just an armchair commander
A "loud" explosion is being reported from the Israeli town of Netanya.

Now it is being attributed to a suicide bomber, injuring about 10.
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