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If you have it, have had it, are pretty sure you have it, tell us about it?

Have you got the virus, had it, or recovered from it?

  • I have the virus at the moment, pls post symptoms in thread ..

    Votes: 15 9.9%
  • I had a mild case of the virus and have now recovered ..

    Votes: 17 11.2%
  • I had a serious case of the virus and have now recovered ..

    Votes: 2 1.3%
  • Someone I know has a serious case, and has not yet recovered ..

    Votes: 5 3.3%
  • Someone I know died from the virus

    Votes: 20 13.2%
  • I was tested, it was positive for the virus

    Votes: 6 3.9%
  • I was tested, it was negative for the virus

    Votes: 18 11.8%
  • I am still healthy, with no evidence of infection

    Votes: 79 52.0%
  • I was contacted as part of contact tracing, pls post details

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I am self isolating at the moment by my own choice

    Votes: 19 12.5%
  • I have been told to self isolate ..

    Votes: 15 9.9%

  • Total voters
How bad were you felling before the 7-10 day madness? Apart from a couple of days right at the start, i've just had mild symptoms but now I'm panicking that I will get ill over the next few days! I've been able to breathe fine throughout (I'm asmathic but not seriously) and had a mild fever about a week ago.
Days 1-5 I had low grade fever. Then I had burnt lungs feeling, then fever fluctuations up to 40o plus breathlessness, very sick day 6-11, then I got better. Nightmare.
Breathlessness mainly. I wasn't checking my temperature but I don't think I had much of a fever after the first round, and the subsequent rounds were nothing like as bad as the first.
I wasn't meaning to sound alarming, more saying not to be surprised if you get symptoms coming back and if you do they're probably nothing to panic about. And to take it easy for a while.
zahir we’ve not really met before, and you’ll have to excuse me not reading back... but what was your experience like of covid? Both the acute illness and any ongoing symptoms. It sounds like you’ve taken a clobbering like me xx

Doodler are you better now?

I am at the giving praise for good health stage of recovery, where even simple things like being able to cook a basic meal and wash up feels like a blessing :cool:

Is anyone else on the boards struggling right now with it? Xx
Doodler are you better now?

Better than I was. Temperature now normal, but have been having headaches and easily get breathless doing modest tasks. It's like being made 20 or 30 years older all of a sudden. Will try walking around a little bit tomorrow when I can stop self-isolating and see how things go. Accept now that weeks of gradual recovery lie ahead.
I’m on day 3 of recovery. I got the Home School kicked off, went for a 40 minute walk, been to the shops, and done macaroni cheese for lunch. I reckon I’m back at 90% full steam. I’m thanking God that I don’t have this long Covid.

That's pretty impressive.
Better than I was. Temperature now normal, but have been having headaches and easily get breathless doing modest tasks. It's like being made 20 or 30 years older all of a sudden. Will try walking around a little bit tomorrow when I can stop self-isolating and see how things go. Accept now that weeks of gradual recovery lie ahead.
Glad you’re on the up x I’m guessing you might be a bit older than me so might be a bit more gradual for you. That said, after a busy morning I’m resting this afternoon. And I never rest, I usually do 12 hour shifts of ward rounds and jobs. So I’ve clearly got a way to go too!
Better than I was. Temperature now normal, but have been having headaches and easily get breathless doing modest tasks. It's like being made 20 or 30 years older all of a sudden. Will try walking around a little bit tomorrow when I can stop self-isolating and see how things go. Accept now that weeks of gradual recovery lie ahead.
That's a pretty good description of how I feel
This is me:

Day 1 (29 Dec) - regular ONS test carried out no symptoms (wife and children had been positive the week before)
Days 2-3 - no symptoms
Day 4 (1 Jan)- NHS rang to say test on 29 Dec was positive. No symptoms
Day 5 (2 Jan) - noticed loss of taste in evening - no other symptoms
Days 6-7 (3-4 Jan) - cold symptoms increasing - thirsty
Day 8 (5 Jan) - bad night last night with shivers - went away on taking ibuprofen. Rotten head cold - very stuffed up. No temperature. Mild cough. Swollen glands. No trouble breathing. SpO2 at 95-97%.
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That's a pretty good description of how I feel

Maybe worthwhile finding out more about recovery paths. Ideally you'd have a chest x-ray and a doctor to identify what's been going on and what to expect now, but that's not going to happen.
This is me:

Day 1 (29 Dec) - regular ONS test carried out no symptoms (wife and children had been positive the week before)
Days 2-3 - no symptoms
Day 4 (1 Jan)- NHS rang to say test on 29 Dec was positive. No symptoms
Day 5 (2 Jan) - noticed loss of taste in evening - no other symptoms
Days 6-7 (3-4 Jan) - cold symptoms increasing - thirsty
Day 8 (5 Jan) - bad night last night with shivers - went away on taking ibuprofen. Rotten head cold - very stuffed up. No temperature. Mild cough. Swollen glands. No trouble breathing. SpO2 at 95-97%.
Hope that’s as bad as it gets Winot
Maybe worthwhile finding out more about recovery paths. Ideally you'd have a chest x-ray and a doctor to identify what's been going on and what to expect now, but that's not going to happen.
I've still got to have blood tests relating to the infection I had directly before covid.
Are all oximeters much of a muchness. I’ve found some on ebay for £10-15. Is that a false economy?
This is me:

Day 1 (29 Dec) - regular ONS test carried out no symptoms (wife and children had been positive the week before)
Days 2-3 - no symptoms
Day 4 (1 Jan)- NHS rang to say test on 29 Dec was positive. No symptoms
Day 5 (2 Jan) - noticed loss of taste in evening - no other symptoms
Days 6-7 (3-4 Jan) - cold symptoms increasing - thirsty
Day 8 (5 Jan) - bad night last night with shivers - went away on taking ibuprofen. Rotten head cold - very stuffed up. No temperature. Mild cough. Swollen glands. No trouble breathing. SpO2 at 95-97%.

Liked for the detailed symptom report. Wishing you a good recovery!
Are all oximeters much of a muchness. I’ve found some on ebay for £10-15. Is that a false economy?
I suspect that most of the cheap (~£20) mass produced Chinese fingertip blood pulseoximeters on (eg) Amazon are 'sufficient' (ie can determine if you are consistently >>90%='probably ok' or <90%='we have a problem'; though it helps to know what your 'normal' SpO2 would be given your personal medical history).

Obviously they will vary in accuracy, precision, sensitivity; all equipment does. So, as with all consumer medical devices, take a number of readings (eg 7) whilst relaxed, discard the outliers (forget the highest and lowest numbers) and take the median (rank them from low to high and use the middle value, eg 3rd here) to get a not unreasonable estimate of your SpO2. Obviously helps if someone else does this for you whilst you try to relax, particularly if saturation is tanking since you will struggle to concentrate.
zahir we’ve not really met before, and you’ll have to excuse me not reading back... but what was your experience like of covid? Both the acute illness and any ongoing symptoms. It sounds like you’ve taken a clobbering like me xx

The first indication of anything wrong was feeling the need to cut short a long walk because I wasn't feeling quite up to it, which is very uncharacteristic for me. At that point there was nothing more specific. The next day I felt like I had a cold coming on with tiredness and nasal congestion (which never developed into a runny nose). The nasal congestion would stick with me in some form for months - I still get occasional signs of it. I was fairly sure it was just a cold but self-isolated and cancelled an appointment a couple of days later to be on the safe side. After a week or so I was feeling well enough to go out for a couple of long walks which were manageable apart from the climb back to my house at the end. I started having breathing problems the night after the second walk and I suspect the exertion may have helped to bring it on, or at least made it worse. Things eased off during the day but my breathing got worse the next night and by the third night I was feeling desperately ill and had the feeling of my lungs burning. By this point I was sure I had covid and was wondering about my chances if I had another night of it getting worse. The next day it eased off again and I had a much better night. After that it was a gradual improvement for I think about ten days before getting a few more nights with breathing difficulties. It was at this point that I got to the respiratory clinic where my oxygen levels were normal. I also got an appointment for a chest x-ray which ended up happening a long time afterwards - with no sign of any lung damage. Although I was panicked a bit by the second round of breathing difficulties it was nothing like as bad as the first round. Again it lasted for a couple of nights before easing off. The pattern continued for a couple of months with episodes of breathing difficulties coming along at fairly regular intervals but gradually getting less serious. It took me a few weeks to be able to leave the house and make the short walk (on the level) to the next village, which was a major effort. I'd had a stern warning from the doctor at the respiratory clinic to avoid the hill walking for a while because of worries about the effects of covid on the heart. I doubt that I'd have been able to walk up a hill anyway. Through all this I never had a cough and didn't lose my sense or taste or smell. I don't think I really had a fever apart from during the first round of breathing difficulties. Odd symptoms included short lived rashes which seemed to coincide with the breathing difficulties and one episode of conjunctivitis.
Is a sore mouth/mouth ulcers a Covid symptom? I've suddenly got a dirty great sore patch like an ulcer or a scald on the gum below my molars on one side. Noticed it this morning and it's got rapidly very painful (just had to take paracetamol because talking hurts). Not got any of the classic symptoms and don't feel ill but this is very unusual for me. Have had a very mildly dicky tummy the last day or two but due my period so might just be that :hmm:
Is a sore mouth/mouth ulcers a Covid symptom? I've suddenly got a dirty great sore patch like an ulcer or a scald on the gum below my molars on one side. Noticed it this morning and it's got rapidly very painful (just had to take paracetamol because talking hurts). Not got any of the classic symptoms and don't feel ill but this is very unusual for me. Have had a very mildly dicky tummy the last day or two but due my period so might just be that :hmm:

Not a common one by any means, but there are some reports of mouth ulcers associated with covid disease - not as far as I know confirmed causative (ie could be coincidence) though.

The virus appears to attack multiple systems and have a wide range of symptoms outside the classic cough-fever-anosmia triumvirate in some people, so almost anything could be a result of infection.

Mouth ulcers do occur for other reasons of course though! If you can I’d get a test, and see. I don’t think there’s going to be any better answer than maybe.
Is a sore mouth/mouth ulcers a Covid symptom? I've suddenly got a dirty great sore patch like an ulcer or a scald on the gum below my molars on one side. Noticed it this morning and it's got rapidly very painful (just had to take paracetamol because talking hurts). Not got any of the classic symptoms and don't feel ill but this is very unusual for me. Have had a very mildly dicky tummy the last day or two but due my period so might just be that :hmm:
My mouth has been horrible. Like oral thrush or salt burns. Nothing there to look at, and its getting better but seems to be one of the last symptoms to go (3.5 weeks after first symptoms).

I don’t think I’ve recorded my symptoms anywhere, so:
My first symptom was a mild sore throat on day one, joined by a headache in the afternoon of day two and a fever by the evening. I tested on the afternoon of day 2.
Day 3 was the worst. Terrible fever. I was too sick to go downstairs and find my thermometer but it was much worse than day 2 when I tested at 38.5 (iirc).
Then my COVID was, and remains, fairly a-typical. My sore throat never got beyond mild and disappeared around day 4, I think. The fever continued on and off until day 9, but became more controllable with paracetamol. Throughout this time I had the horrible sore mouth, and a bunch of fever symptoms: burning eyes, muscle pain in legs, sore skin, dehydration headaches. For about another five days after I was mostly better, (so to day 14-ish) I really struggled to concentrate. I’ve had horrid hives in my finger and toe joints every few days since about day four - still having those even now. My sense of smell disappeared totally for a week from about day 4 onwards and is still now quite limited - I have to shove things right against my nose to smell them. I’ve had a mild snotty nose for the last couple of weeks, which may or may not be related. Taste didn’t disappear but every now and then something will taste a bit wrong and like a sharp, chemically taste. Even different bites of the same piece of toast, say. That’s also still ongoing.

Tracking my post-viral fatigue is complicated because I have a chronic neurological condition which manifests as hypersomnia. Basically, unless I take 4 modafinil every morning I will feel incredibly sleepy anyway. I stopped taking my modafinil when I got sick and didn’t restart until this Monday just gone because I was on Xmas break. So I’ve been exhausted, but I always am. And because of the hypersomnia, my life is already engineered so that I don’t really “do” much anyway. I wouldn’t ever go for a walk, I have a chair and a stool in the kitchen so I can sit down to cook and wash up... And although I’m back on my meds I’m not physically “at” work this week (or for the foreseeable). So it’s impossible to compare accurately to pre-COVID energy levels. But I think I am more fatigued. I’ve taken my breaks this week by going to bed, and I’ve come away from my desk at 3.45pm and not 6pm as I did in the last lock down, even though I’m getting so behind with my work that it’s clearly going to come to a head soon.)

But I’ve had no respiratory issues really. No cough to speak of. Slightly crackly breathing for a few days. I see that people say you either get it mildly or you have serious respiratory issues. I kind of feel like I had neither. The fever phase was anything but mild. It wasn’t as bad as when I was hospitalised with typhoid a few years ago, but it was worse than any flu I’ve had.

Over all I feel like I’ve dodged a bullet. I’m clinically vulnerable and it could’ve been much worse.
No more self-isolation from today. Going for a walk outdoors I felt like a midget riding on top of a pair of giant robot legs that would plod on tirelessly in whatever direction they were set. I have a headache and a shallow pointless cough.

Mrs Doodler has made a good recovery. For different reasons we had both had some concerns about how things might turn out were we to become infected and so had our wills drawn up.

I am in my mid-50s,male and asthmatic. At one point in the course of the infection I felt genuinely worried: it seemed as if the virus was starting to generate all kinds of little symptoms, probing my body for weak points. Perhaps saturating myself well in advance with vitamins C, D, zinc and the anti-inflammatories quercetin and bromelain made some difference but it's impossible to know for sure.
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I'm a bit confused about my isolation period. Officially it ended yesterday and apart from a crackly cough and some sore sinuses I'm symptom free. My wife however is feeling really sick and is in bed with a bunch of symptoms waiting for her test result. Question is can I go and get some shopping? We are totally out of food and there is no chance of getting a supermarket delivery before next week. I could ask someone to help out but my understanding is that even with my wife showing symptoms, I'm ok to end my isolation period. Can anyone confirm?
I'm a bit confused about my isolation period. Officially it ended yesterday and apart from a crackly cough and some sore sinuses I'm symptom free. My wife however is feeling really sick and is in bed with a bunch of symptoms waiting for her test result. Question is can I go and get some shopping? We are totally out of food and there is no chance of getting a supermarket delivery before next week. I could ask someone to help out but my understanding is that even with my wife showing symptoms, I'm ok to end my isolation period. Can anyone confirm?
Souljacker, I am afraid despite your recovery, I think you enter into a new isolation period when your wife contracted the illness, if indeed she tests positive.
Souljacker, I am afraid despite your recovery, I think you enter into a new isolation period when your wife contracted the illness, if indeed she tests positive.
Not according to govt advice:

If other household members develop symptoms during this period, you do not need to isolate for longer than 10 days.
Just spoke to a mate on the phone who has it. And wow, it’s really got to me. He’s okay, through the worst of it, but he sounds so exhausted and weak. Was due a vaccine next week too.
I've been wondering about this... If someone is due a vaccine but gets covid prior to it, does it get cancelled? What about people who have had covid, do they get automatically taken off vaccination list? Don't expect anyone here to know... Just wondering.
I don’t think it makes a difference whether you’ve had Covid or not. When it’s your turn you get it.
Obviously you can’t have it if you’re isolating.
I’ve had an email from my surgery asking about my frontline worker status and had to upload proof of employment so I think it might be imminent or at least they’re planning ahead.
Is a sore mouth/mouth ulcers a Covid symptom? I've suddenly got a dirty great sore patch like an ulcer or a scald on the gum below my molars on one side. Noticed it this morning and it's got rapidly very painful (just had to take paracetamol because talking hurts). Not got any of the classic symptoms and don't feel ill but this is very unusual for me. Have had a very mildly dicky tummy the last day or two but due my period so might just be that :hmm:
I've got this too -- I've been putting it down to a slightly dodgy Wisdom tooth but it's also sore elsewhere (though sometimes it's a bit difficult to identify where exactly mouth pain is coming from). Been doing salt water/ibuprofen for a couple of days now.
I've been wondering about this... If someone is due a vaccine but gets covid prior to it, does it get cancelled? What about people who have had covid, do they get automatically taken off vaccination list? Don't expect anyone here to know... Just wondering.
They should still be vaccinated. This is what the guidelines say
Minor illnesses without fever or systemic upset are not valid reasons to postpone immunisation. If an individual is acutely unwell, immunisation may be postponed until they have fully recovered. This is to avoid confusing the differential diagnosis of any acute illness (including COVID-19) by wrongly attributing any signs or symptoms to the adverse effects of the vaccine.

There is no evidence of any safety concerns from vaccinating individuals with a past history of COVID-19 infection, or with detectable COVID-19 antibody.

Vaccination of individuals who may be infected or asymptomatic or incubating COVID-19 infection is unlikely to have a detrimental effect on the illness. Vaccination should be deferred in those with confirmed infection to avoid confusing the differential diagnosis. As clinical deterioration can occur up to two weeks after infection, ideally vaccination should be deferred until clinical recovery to around four weeks after onset of symptoms or four weeks from the first confirmed positive specimen in those who are asymptomatic.

Having prolonged COVID-19 symptoms is not a contraindication to receiving COVID-19 vaccine but if the patient is seriously debilitated, still under active investigation, or has evidence of recent deterioration, deferral of vaccination may be considered to avoid incorrect attribution of any change in the person’s underlying condition to the vaccine.
Iirc there was something somewhere about time between receiving medical treatment for covid (dexamethasone etc.) and vaccination too.
Is a sore mouth/mouth ulcers a Covid symptom? I've suddenly got a dirty great sore patch like an ulcer or a scald on the gum below my molars on one side. Noticed it this morning and it's got rapidly very painful (just had to take paracetamol because talking hurts). Not got any of the classic symptoms and don't feel ill but this is very unusual for me. Have had a very mildly dicky tummy the last day or two but due my period so might just be that :hmm:
I had a lot of horrible mouth symptoms [and continuing ] since having covid
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