Is a sore mouth/mouth ulcers a Covid symptom? I've suddenly got a dirty great sore patch like an ulcer or a scald on the gum below my molars on one side. Noticed it this morning and it's got rapidly very painful (just had to take paracetamol because talking hurts). Not got any of the classic symptoms and don't feel ill but this is very unusual for me. Have had a very mildly dicky tummy the last day or two but due my period so might just be that
My mouth has been horrible. Like oral thrush or salt burns. Nothing there to look at, and its getting better but seems to be one of the last symptoms to go (3.5 weeks after first symptoms).
I don’t think I’ve recorded my symptoms anywhere, so:
My first symptom was a mild sore throat on day one, joined by a headache in the afternoon of day two and a fever by the evening. I tested on the afternoon of day 2.
Day 3 was the worst. Terrible fever. I was too sick to go downstairs and find my thermometer but it was much worse than day 2 when I tested at 38.5 (iirc).
Then my COVID was, and remains, fairly a-typical. My sore throat never got beyond mild and disappeared around day 4, I think. The fever continued on and off until day 9, but became more controllable with paracetamol. Throughout this time I had the horrible sore mouth, and a bunch of fever symptoms: burning eyes, muscle pain in legs, sore skin, dehydration headaches. For about another five days after I was mostly better, (so to day 14-ish) I really struggled to concentrate. I’ve had horrid hives in my finger and toe joints every few days since about day four - still having those even now. My sense of smell disappeared totally for a week from about day 4 onwards and is still now quite limited - I have to shove things right against my nose to smell them. I’ve had a mild snotty nose for the last couple of weeks, which may or may not be related. Taste didn’t disappear but every now and then something will taste a bit wrong and like a sharp, chemically taste. Even different bites of the same piece of toast, say. That’s also still ongoing.
Tracking my post-viral fatigue is complicated because I have a chronic neurological condition which manifests as hypersomnia. Basically, unless I take 4 modafinil every morning I will feel incredibly sleepy anyway. I stopped taking my modafinil when I got sick and didn’t restart until this Monday just gone because I was on Xmas break. So I’ve been exhausted, but I always am. And because of the hypersomnia, my life is already engineered so that I don’t really “do” much anyway. I wouldn’t ever go for a walk, I have a chair and a stool in the kitchen so I can sit down to cook and wash up... And although I’m back on my meds I’m not physically “at” work this week (or for the foreseeable). So it’s impossible to compare accurately to pre-COVID energy levels. But I think I am more fatigued. I’ve taken my breaks this week by going to bed, and I’ve come away from my desk at 3.45pm and not 6pm as I did in the last lock down, even though I’m getting so behind with my work that it’s clearly going to come to a head soon.)
But I’ve had no respiratory issues really. No cough to speak of. Slightly crackly breathing for a few days. I see that people say you either get it mildly or you have serious respiratory issues. I kind of feel like I had neither. The fever phase was anything but mild. It wasn’t as bad as when I was hospitalised with typhoid a few years ago, but it was worse than any flu I’ve had.
Over all I feel like I’ve dodged a bullet. I’m clinically vulnerable and it could’ve been much worse.