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Have you got the virus, had it, or recovered from it?

  • I have the virus at the moment, pls post symptoms in thread ..

    Votes: 15 9.9%
  • I had a mild case of the virus and have now recovered ..

    Votes: 17 11.2%
  • I had a serious case of the virus and have now recovered ..

    Votes: 2 1.3%
  • Someone I know has a serious case, and has not yet recovered ..

    Votes: 5 3.3%
  • Someone I know died from the virus

    Votes: 20 13.2%
  • I was tested, it was positive for the virus

    Votes: 6 3.9%
  • I was tested, it was negative for the virus

    Votes: 18 11.8%
  • I am still healthy, with no evidence of infection

    Votes: 79 52.0%
  • I was contacted as part of contact tracing, pls post details

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I am self isolating at the moment by my own choice

    Votes: 19 12.5%
  • I have been told to self isolate ..

    Votes: 15 9.9%

  • Total voters
Thanks darling. Alive 🎉 Had this weird thing where I woke up crying at 4am convinced I was soaking wet through so stripped off but wasn’t so either hallucinated it or had dried off with fever. Chest so tight I’m having to do lots of little shallow breaths and breathless still. Really light headed if I try to stand. No fever but the Fever-of-Fear begins after lunch and peaks at early evening. The day that goes I start to recover xx
I'm glad to hear from you - it's all very worrying! But it sounds as though you still have some way to go, so I hope that boy of yours is stepping up. Have you managed to eat anything? It's important to keep strength up x
If I feel strong enough in an hour I’m going to do what the paramedics showed me. Sit on chair, make tripod with arms and lean forward, big deep breaths that will of course make me cough, but try and get my airways at the bases of my lungs open. I’ve spent all (or most as far as I could) of the night sleeping prone on my belly as well. And I’m going to force myself out of bed upright downstairs. I need to open my lungs, lying on my back is killing me. Difficult tho cos I’m weak as a kitten. May need determination, Nurse Billy, and less fever!
Was so ill I forgot to tell you all about this amazing phone call I received yesterday from Test & Trace. Young guy, early 20s, from South East. Was just ringing up to see how I was! So I said I’m really really ill (cos I was) I’m struggling to breathe even led down, and he went (no word of a lie), Aww I’m so sorry, it’s just to let you know most patients recover by Day 10 🤣🤣🤣

I was like, just out of interest, is there anything I could have said that would have made you say ‘you need an ambulance’ and he (bless his heart) said he hadn’t been told anything :eek: So I said, well what is the purpose of this call??! And he said ‘reassurance, a lot of people are lonely and scared and appreciate it’.

Now I’m not a massive bitch and he was a very pleasant young guy, he might have even been a volunteer I don’t know, but don’t you think it’s dangerous for a non-medically trained person to call on behalf of the Government to reassure you you’ll be alright! What if your not alright?!! LynnDoyleCooper
Was so ill I forgot to tell you all about this amazing phone call I received yesterday from Test & Trace. Young guy, early 20s, from South East. Was just ringing up to see how I was! So I said I’m really really ill (cos I was) I’m struggling to breathe even led down, and he went (no word of a lie), Aww I’m so sorry, it’s just to let you know most patients recover by Day 10 🤣🤣🤣

I was like, just out of interest, is there anything I could have said that would have made you say ‘you need an ambulance’ and he (bless his heart) said he hadn’t been told anything :eek: So I said, well what is the purpose of this call??! And he said ‘reassurance, a lot of people are lonely and scared and appreciate it’.

Now I’m not a massive bitch and he was a very pleasant young guy, he might have even been a volunteer I don’t know, but don’t you think it’s dangerous for a non-medically trained person to call on behalf of the Government to reassure you you’ll be alright! What if your not alright?!! LynnDoyleCooper
Yes that's an outrageous almost criminal use of resources that plays into a narrative that might stop people seeking help

ETA most symptomatic people dont recover by day 10, I wish this narrative was changed
Yes that's an outrageous almost criminal use of resources that plays into a narrative that might stop people seeking help

ETA most symptomatic people dont recover by day 10, I wish this narrative was changed
Thing is phoning people when they are ill and alone IS a lovely thing to do and it might be really helpful from a MH perspective, imagine if I was a little old lady on my own and not me with the excellent flannel-chucking Nurse Billy. But you cannot tell a patient that’s short of breath at rest that they will be alright in two days, cos you don’t fucking know!!
Thing is phoning people when they are ill and alone IS a lovely thing to do and it might be really helpful from a MH perspective, imagine if I was a little old lady on my own and not me with the excellent flannel-chucking Nurse Billy. But you cannot tell a patient that’s short of breath at rest that they will be alright in two days, cos you don’t fucking know!!
Hows your oxygen levels now?
Thing is phoning people when they are ill and alone IS a lovely thing to do and it might be really helpful from a MH perspective, imagine if I was a little old lady on my own and not me with the excellent flannel-chucking Nurse Billy. But you cannot tell a patient that’s short of breath at rest that they will be alright in two days, cos you don’t fucking know!!

He's probably not clinically trained because you learn pretty fast not to promise anything given the uncertainty of illness.

How is nurse billy?
I've had three test & trace phone calls so far.

The first time I didn't recognise the number so thought it might be a scam! I told the man on the other end I'd check out the number first and ring them back.

(The number is 0300 013500 and you can't call them back on it.)

The second followed a couple of hours later. A pleasant-sounding woman asked how I was doing and quizzed me on a couple of places where I'd registered my presence with the tracking app.

The third call came a day later. A young man tried asking me some questions but his voice kept cutting out and eventually I told him I was going to hang up and that was that.

I take my vitamins C and D and zinc, keep an eye on the thermometer, peak flow meter and oximeter, and wait to see how things develop.
He's probably not clinically trained because you learn pretty fast not to promise anything given the uncertainty of illness.

How is nurse billy?
I think he’s fine. It’s hard to tell. He has said ‘you look really sick mum’ with a note of concern in his voice a couple of times, so I guess he’s mildly concerned. Seemed to take ambulance in his stride. Is looking after himself and bringing me whatever I ask. Appears to have told Social media world I’m very poorly as I’ve not told anyone I’m sick but another Mum contacted me to check in. He doesn’t come on shift til about 3pm though 😂
Doodler how do you feel in yourself? Xx (am downstairs sat upright having showered! utterly wiped but did it).

Hello Edie! I feel on a plateau at the moment where the main sense is of being very tired and lethargic. Sometimes there is a faint raw feeling from within my chest, as if I'd inhaled hot smoke a while ago. This goes if I stand up. Also, my usual low level of tinnitus seems a bit louder. Things don't taste nearly as bad as they did a couple of days ago.

Yesterday I felt very emotional at times There was a TV drama on where John Shaw plays an old man who adopts an orphaned boy and I found this almost tearfully moving. The sense of my life's span of years seemed real and tangible, like when you stretch your arms wide so you can hold each end of a plank of wood.

Like I imagine you are, I'm keeping a close check on the oximeter. I was taken aback at how quickly your SPO2 readings changed. There is some aspect of the lucky charm about it for me, ditto the vitamins etc, but it is still useful.
I think he’s fine. It’s hard to tell. He has said ‘you look really sick mum’ with a note of concern in his voice a couple of times, so I guess he’s mildly concerned. Seemed to take ambulance in his stride. Is looking after himself and bringing me whatever I ask. Appears to have told Social media world I’m very poorly as I’ve not told anyone I’m sick but another Mum contacted me to check in. He doesn’t come on shift til about 3pm though 😂

It was probably good for him that the ambulance came and you were reassured even if a bit frightening too.

Any idea when your GP is coming?
Hello Edie! I feel on a plateau at the moment where the main sense is of being very tired and lethargic. Sometimes there is a faint raw feeling from within my chest, as if I'd inhaled hot smoke a while ago. This goes if I stand up. Also, my usual low level of tinnitus seems a bit louder. Things don't taste nearly as bad as they did a couple of days ago.

Yesterday I felt very emotional at times There was a TV drama on where John Shaw plays an old man who adopts an orphaned boy and I found this almost tearfully moving. The sense of my life's span of years seemed real and tangible, like when you stretch your arms wide so you can hold each end of a plank of wood.

Like I imagine you are, I'm keeping a close check on the oximeter. I was taken aback at how quickly your SPO2 readings changed. There is some aspect of the lucky charm about it for me, ditto the vitamins etc, but it is still useful.
That feeling in your lungs was the start of the turn for the worse for me (day 5), what day are you? Be careful.

Doctor just been Red Cat . Prescribed me steroids. I’ve been signed off work all next week. He said he just couldn’t tell me when I’ll recover, he’s seen 83yo with copd recover in 2 weeks and a fit 39yo taxi driver cry because he was still so ill after weeks. He’s never seen anything like it in 41 years practicing. But I am thinking positive.

He said don’t worry unless desaturating below 90, but if I feel worse don’t hesitate to call 999- even repeatedly ie if you’ve called before- as can get worse quick. Just sharing all that in case it’s of use to anyone who gets sick.
That feeling in your lungs was the start of the turn for the worse for me (day 5), what day are you? Be careful.

Doctor just been Red Cat . Prescribed me steroids. I’ve been signed off work all next week. He said he just couldn’t tell me when I’ll recover, he’s seen 83yo with copd recover in 2 weeks and a fit 39yo taxi driver cry because he was still so ill after weeks. He’s never seen anything like it in 41 years practicing. But I am thinking positive.

He said don’t worry unless desaturating below 90, but if I feel worse don’t hesitate to call 999- even repeatedly ie if you’ve called before- as can get worse quick. Just sharing all that in case it’s of use to anyone who gets sick.
Shit I feel obligated to mention that that was the advice the Doctor gave me as a relatively fit 43 year old If you are older or sicker you might get taken to hospital with those sats. Just need to be aware of that x
Hold on in there Edie hopefully things will take a turn for the better soon. Sounds horrific - glad you’ve got the sats monitor now.
Hello Edie! I feel on a plateau at the moment where the main sense is of being very tired and lethargic. Sometimes there is a faint raw feeling from within my chest, as if I'd inhaled hot smoke a while ago. This goes if I stand up. Also, my usual low level of tinnitus seems a bit louder. Things don't taste nearly as bad as they did a couple of days ago.

Yesterday I felt very emotional at times There was a TV drama on where John Shaw plays an old man who adopts an orphaned boy and I found this almost tearfully moving. The sense of my life's span of years seemed real and tangible, like when you stretch your arms wide so you can hold each end of a plank of wood.

Like I imagine you are, I'm keeping a close check on the oximeter. I was taken aback at how quickly your SPO2 readings changed. There is some aspect of the lucky charm about it for me, ditto the vitamins etc, but it is still useful.
glad you can check your oxygen levels. Hope you have a smooth recovery Doodler
ps John Shaw does do pathos really well;)
Bloody hell Edie, you’re really going through it. I’m glad the GP came out and nurse Billy is being some help. I was giggling at the description of the flung flannel.
Fever is coming :( Hooefully the last day

Hope things arent getting too uncomfortable there, let us know how you're getting on please when you're able.

Was talking with Mrs Doodler (also infected) about what a relief it'll be when the illness passes and having at least some immunity for a few months.
Were I to get it I would be woefully equipped. At the start of it all I tried to buy a thermometer at a couple of pharmacies, they had both sold out.
Was talking with Mrs Doodler (also infected) about what a relief it'll be when the illness passes and having at least some immunity for a few months.
I'm trying to understand how long the immunity lasts, as one of the few silver linings I could think of was telling mr oula he might be able to get the bus to work rather than cycle for a couple of weeks.
Also my in laws have now decided they don't want to see the grandchildren until they get their vaccine, which seems a strange decision to make now that we've had it when they were looking after them one day a week until we caught it. I get that they're scared but I'd assume that it might be safer to see its next week than it had been any time in the past year. But I don't know enough about it to say that for sure so will keep out of it.
I'm trying to understand how long the immunity lasts, as one of the few silver linings I could think of was telling mr oula he might be able to get the bus to work rather than cycle for a couple of weeks.
The latest research suggests that, for most healthy adults, naturally acquired immunity typically lasts for at least 5-6 months. The limits of such immunity will only be established in the fullness of time (if immunity only lasts 1 year then we are not going to know that for a few more months - until just over 12 months after the studies began).
The latest research suggests that, for most healthy adults, naturally acquired immunity typically lasts for at least 5-6 months. The limits of such immunity will only be established in the fullness of time (if immunity only lasts 1 year then we are not going to know that for a few more months - until just over 12 months after the studies began).
That's very interesting. Do you have links to this?
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