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If you have it, have had it, are pretty sure you have it, tell us about it?

Have you got the virus, had it, or recovered from it?

  • I have the virus at the moment, pls post symptoms in thread ..

    Votes: 15 9.9%
  • I had a mild case of the virus and have now recovered ..

    Votes: 17 11.2%
  • I had a serious case of the virus and have now recovered ..

    Votes: 2 1.3%
  • Someone I know has a serious case, and has not yet recovered ..

    Votes: 5 3.3%
  • Someone I know died from the virus

    Votes: 20 13.2%
  • I was tested, it was positive for the virus

    Votes: 6 3.9%
  • I was tested, it was negative for the virus

    Votes: 18 11.8%
  • I am still healthy, with no evidence of infection

    Votes: 79 52.0%
  • I was contacted as part of contact tracing, pls post details

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I am self isolating at the moment by my own choice

    Votes: 19 12.5%
  • I have been told to self isolate ..

    Votes: 15 9.9%

  • Total voters
Although this group is for long covid there is support for people who are going through the initial infection. I found it /find it useful when I was experiencing scary symptoms. It helped to know that others got through and also how they got through symptoms.
Members located worldwide so always someone around for those 3am worries

When you was I'll back in march and m w where my mum and nan are unwell with covid I have not really found any good clear resources on how best to support yourself when I'll.

Obviously fluids
Try to have some form of sustainance
Pain killers - alternate paracetamol and ibuprofen
Try not to lie on your back as this can make breathing more difficult

Anything else?

How do you know when you are ill enough to call an ambulance? I've just advised my mum to call 111 if she is at all concerned and discuss with them. Surprisingly my 96 yr old Nan seems to be coping much better.
Hope it eases soon Edie and fingers crossed for N Epona , you take care too.

And all the best for Mum and Nan Callie, too. What a worry. :(

One of my flatmates who went to her country of origin in the middle of December to care for her mum who has dementia now has it. Just spoke to her on the phone, she sounded miserable but overall okayish. It's just so grim that noone can even come and mop your brow and tuck you in, and that's just the best case scenario :(

Best wishes again to all here and their loved ones currently suffering with the wretched illness!

Good resources, Miss-Shelf and Callie, and good call with the oxiometer. I would want one of those if I come down with it.
This snotty thing is what I've got, I got a negative test but the test site I went to was a fucking shambles to put it mildly so I'm hiding away from everyone anyway. I've got the change in taste thing, cough and breathlessness. I feel like absolute fucking shit.
ETA and that thing where you're physically cold all the time
This snotty thing is what I've got, I got a negative test but the test site I went to was a fucking shambles to put it mildly so I'm hiding away from everyone anyway. I've got the change in taste thing, cough and breathlessness. I feel like absolute fucking shit.
ETA and that thing where you're physically cold all the time
That's what I had back in march
This snotty thing is what I've got, I got a negative test but the test site I went to was a fucking shambles to put it mildly so I'm hiding away from everyone anyway. I've got the change in taste thing, cough and breathlessness. I feel like absolute fucking shit.
ETA and that thing where you're physically cold all the time
oh muscovyduck that sounds rotten
This is the fifth or sixth time I've been ill during lockdown, they all looked like coronavirus, they can't have all been corona but you have to be careful anyway. Anyone know what the false negative rate is for the tests?
Government messaging around covid has been very slow to change

lots of people test positive and are symptomatic without
high temperate, continuous cough or loss of smell

Zoe covid app study found that headache and fatigue were the most common first symptoms and they ask people to look much more widely at symptoms beyond the three promoted in UK communications
This is the fifth or sixth time I've been ill during lockdown, they all looked like coronavirus, they can't have all been corona but you have to be careful anyway. Anyone know what the false negative rate is for the tests?

Aye, we've both had a couple of things that we just assumed were colds - I did do an antibody test for a research study not long after one of them though and it was negative. Of course had hayfever all spring and summer too but that would seem to be fairly easily distinguishable from other things if you are used to getting it certain times each year. Had a bit of a cold again since then but haven't really felt unwell with anything. Bit worrying that a) despite being really really careful with masks and handwashing that I still seem to be able to pick up cold viruses, and b) the symptoms of Covid seem to be so fucking varied or even non-existent that it is really difficult to tell what's what.
Varies a lot depending on stage of infection. Had an antibody test, or all PCR?
It's all been the gov swabs, not had an antibody test. I could afford one but I'm not sure there's much of a reason to get one?
It's all been the gov swabs, not had an antibody test. I could afford one but I'm not sure there's much of a reason to get one?

Well, it would tell you whether you've had it (not sure about the time strictures), but with the vaccine on the way I think I wouldn't bother at this point either.
I had a bug that they thought worth testing for and the lab lost the result.
Well, it would tell you whether you've had it (not sure about the time strictures), but with the vaccine on the way I think I wouldn't bother at this point either.
I had a bug that they thought worth testing for and the lab lost the result.
It does seem very unlikely that I haven't had it considering I've managed to catch so many other things. I couldn't get a test every time I got ill because at some points they weren't available. My apathy with the antibody test is probably influenced by knowing someone who managed to catch covid twice.
Fuckers :mad:
I wouldn't pay for an antibody test as they don't always pick up antibodies[even in people who were positive on infection ] so are not a reliable way to determine if you've had covid

Might be something to be aware of

This is exactly what my (absent) flatmate sounded like when we spoke yesterday on the phone. That classic snotty and bunged up sound that makes you say to some "oh you poor thing, you have got a cold".

The lateral flow tests can very easily show false negatives, and the PCR is very reliable, but also depending on timing and quality of sample. The fact that most people have been doing their own swabs here rather than having them taken by health care professionals, might play a part.
Edie I wonder how you are this morning? Is there any change? x
Thanks darling. Alive 🎉 Had this weird thing where I woke up crying at 4am convinced I was soaking wet through, and something about a stadium and a big insect, so stripped off but wasn’t wet so either hallucinated it or had dried off with fever.

Chest so tight I’m having to do lots of little shallow breaths and breathless still. Really light headed if I try to stand. No fever but the Fever-of-Fear begins after lunch and peaks at early evening. The day that goes I start to recover xx
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