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Hundreds of workers protest against Italians/Foreigners 'taking jobs'...

then why don't these union members initiate a new union of unions - europe-wide- preferably talking to other unions (esp. portuguese and italian) by the end of the week?

Unite takes more than a week to decide whether or not to fart!

As I said, there are cross-european agreements, but thy are very hard to enforce.

And do you really want a union with an HQ in Turin?
You're ignoring the only demand that refers to future employment, that calls for it to go to locals nominated by the union.
Except that it doesn't say "locals" it says "skilled people, locally", i.e., the work at the refinery should be available to the people who live right by it. Is that really such a reactionary demand?

No, w/c people's ideas don't arise fully formed with diamond sharp class consciousness. They are learned in struggle and in discussion during that struggle, and you're abdicating responsibility from criticising the reactionary elements of this strike's demands
Alright, first of all, I don't have a "responsibility" to do or say anything with regards to these strikes. Secondly, if would you care to read the newsletter I linked to earlier, which I and others will be distributing at demonstrations and pickets and tell me whether you think it shies away from criticising reactionary elements in this strike?
Unite takes more than a week to decide whether or not to fart!
Bureacratic triplicate permission-to-fart-form signed, I presume?
As I said, there are cross-european agreements, but thy are very hard to enforce.
Would be better/easier to enforce if there were an umbrella representation via union of unions!
And do you really want a union with an HQ in Turin?
There needn't be that kind of physical building - can be done other ways..peripetetic HQ, one union, one rep ?

Why aren't the union protestors standing outside the Italian/Portuguese workers' hotel/digs with placards saying 'Brothers, join us!'

Why are there reports of these migrant workers having to endure hatred from locality ?
The PCC says that complaints of inaccuracy in news broadcasts must me sent directly to the BBC

Any other independent bodies to send the complaints to?
PK might know more on this, but I can't see there'd be any harm in effectively giving the PCC a heads up about the situation... particularly as other media might well contact them for a comment or something if there is any media interest in it.

btw, I don't really do the blogosphere, not sure if anyone knows any likely blogs to get onto this story if they aren't already?
Why aren't the union protestors standing outside the Italian/Portuguese workers' hotel/digs with placards saying 'Brothers, join us!'

Why are there reports of these migrant workers having to endure hatred from locality ?
erm, possibly because like any community in the country there are some racist / xenophobic arseholes out there who're taking their frustrations out on the posted workers... doesn't mean that the majority of the strikers agree with them, or that this is what the strike's about though does it?
Why aren't the union protestors standing outside the Italian/Portuguese workers' hotel/digs with placards saying 'Brothers, join us!'

Because they would drown and the BOAT they are staying on is secured.

Why are there reports of these migrant workers having to endure hatred from locality ?


Why IS the left so adamant to label this as racist, maybe it is because they can't bear to support the strikers as it is the left that pushed us into the No Borders anology and they can't bear to see their dream as a heap of profiteering shite.
PK might know more on this, but I can't see there'd be any harm in effectively giving the PCC a heads up about the situation... particularly as other media might well contact them for a comment or something if there is any media interest in it.

btw, I don't really do the blogosphere, not sure if anyone knows any likely blogs to get onto this story if they aren't already?

As I've said i've my own opinions on the Lindsey situation(which most disagree with) but undermining the beliefs of those who are losing money to strike is downright disgusting

I think as much as possible should be done to make sure this doesn't go unnoticed
Except that it doesn't say "locals" it says "skilled people, locally", i.e., the work at the refinery should be available to the people who live right by it. Is that really such a reactionary demand?
Well, it doesn't say a percentage of locals, it just says locally skilled labour. IE, not those who - by whatever arbitrary limitation is decided upon - are from further than X miles away. So, by definition it means British-based only at best, and I'm sure no-one in the real world is under any illusions about that given the prominence of the BJ4BW slogans.
Why aren't the union protestors standing outside the Italian/Portuguese workers' hotel/digs with placards saying 'Brothers, join us!'
they have tried. Bosses wont let them near (hence the comments from Mr 'Eyetie' on the news last night) Also Portuguese workers have joined in some of the other walkouts

Why are there reports of these migrant workers having to endure hatred from locality ?

the italian bloke i saw on the news yesterday was saying how little explicit racism like that he'd witnessed. No doubt it exists, but the media is overblowing it massively. I imagine if one single italian had been assaulted, we'd all know about it by now, but it doesn't seem to have happened. So its hardly a seething hotbed of bigotry, is it?
What seems to have been missed is the lopsided way that 'no borders' has been implemented in the UK; the country has been kept quite deliberately separate economically speaking from the rest of Europe whilst labour has been allowed to be sold i nblocks across borders, taking advantage of the fact that prices etc can be controlled independently of each other. And all the while the UK has been opposing any regulation that would insure common standards for labour across the EU.

Dominic Lawson writing in the independent today talks as if socialist internationalism and capitalist free movement of labour were one and the same thing, and the workers opposition to the latter somehow refutes the former, whereas in fact they could hardly be more different.
Well, it doesn't say a percentage of locals, it just says locally skilled labour. IE, not those who - by whatever arbitrary limitation is decided upon - are from further than X miles away. So, by definition it means British-based only at best, and I'm sure no-one in the real world is under any illusions about that given the prominence of the BJ4BW slogans.
Except that this would just be a register of people who'd be nominated as candidates for the jobs, not the entirety of the workforce.

"British-based" is an incredibly slimey way to make insinuations of xenophobia, by the way.
So its hardly a seething hotbed of bigotry, is it?
This is the straw man of the thread. No one is saying that.

But at the same time we've no evidence that the strikers have attempted - or that members of the strike cttee have even argued for - the basic act of reaching out to these workers to say, "Brothers, join us for jobs for all".

TBH, linking up with the Italians is vital in this
Have the Socialist Party members on the strike cttee suggested that a delegation makes a public gesture to these workers to join them? I'd like to know that

they have tried. Bosses wont let them near (hence the comments from Mr 'Eyetie' on the news last night) Also Portuguese workers have joined in some of the other walkouts
I'm nowhere near Lindsay. I am near Longannet and Grangemouth, but those are sympathy strikes. So I have to rely on what I'm told, and as we have seen the news media aren't really doing a great job on that score. However, I'd be very surprised if the strikers haven't tried to contact the migrant workers. And belboid says they have tried.
This is the straw man of the thread. No one is saying that.

But at the same time we've no evidence that the strikers have attempted - or that members of the strike cttee have even argued for - the basic act of reaching out to these workers to say, "Brothers, join us for jobs for all".

TBH, linking up with the Italians is vital in this

I agree making contact is very important, and afaik, attempts are being made.

But it is NOT a straw man to point out that the 'xenophiobia' seems really very limited. the media are constantly telling us how the strike is 'anti-italian' and threats are being made, but there appears to be not one iota of evidence for this. There have been NO reported incidences of racism directed at any italians or other foreigners. if the strike really were so xenophobic, you would expect someone would go and do something fucking stupidly ignorant, but they haven't.
But it is NOT a straw man to point out that the 'xenophiobia' seems really very limited. the media are constantly telling us how the strike is 'anti-italian' and threats are being made, but there appears to be not one iota of evidence for this. There have been NO reported incidences of racism directed at any italians or other foreigners. if the strike really were so xenophobic, you would expect someone would go and do something fucking stupidly ignorant, but they haven't.
I meant straw man as far as this thread on this board is concerned. Not one of the posters AFAIK here has accused the strikers of racism or xenophobia (nationalism, yes), but that straw man has been thrown around a lot towards me and others.

I thought the Newsnight report last night had the owner of the accommodation barge reporting threats to the Italians there?
they have tried. Bosses wont let them near (hence the comments from Mr 'Eyetie' on the news last night) Also Portuguese workers have joined in some of the other walkouts
it's a priority mission of goodwill. are they at Immingham? there are other ways of getting to Immingham dock w/o breaking any laws.
the italian bloke i saw on the news yesterday was saying how little explicit racism like that he'd witnessed. No doubt it exists, but the media is overblowing it massively.
Still, even a little intimidation must be bad for all.
So its hardly a seething hotbed of bigotry, is it?
That wasn't really my point to highlight 'a seething hotbed of bigotry', just to show how unpleasant things have become for these migrant workers.
What the strikers want. Preferential treatment for British workers


Two of those interviewed were unemployed i.e. not striking workers. This wasn't immediately made clear by the reporter.

2nd guy interviewed, was asked if he was one of the contractors, (the man who had formerly said 'We'll stay out as long as it takes') and turned out to be unemployed and supportive protestor, looking for work, and not an employed-striker - his statement was misleading.

The other non-employed bloke believes he was not considered for re-hire at this place due to his being a former shop steward. He spoke on behalf of the strikers - does he still work for the Union?

Who was the guy in sunglasses being interviewed? "Kenny" - was he a striking worker or another supportive out-of-work protestor seeking employment?

Again, consultation with Italian/Portuguese Unions seems of paramount importance.
The CGIL website doesn't seem to mention it.

They do however have a page on immigration


Ipresume to unionise migrant workkers

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