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Hundreds of workers protest against Italians/Foreigners 'taking jobs'...

UK is not part of a single European market until we join the EURO! It's like having one foot in and one foot out.

How do Italians, Germans, French, workers (etc) feel about Companies in their countries contracting non-residential labour subject to these "undercut and dumbed-down terms and conditions" ?
Has anyone got any info.
How do Italians, Germans, French, workers (etc) feel about Companies in their countries contracting non-residential labour subject to these "undercut and dumbed-down terms and conditions" ?
Has anyone got any info.
Someone posted this link earlier.

In 2004, the Latvian-based construction company, Laval un Partneri, started work on a school refurbishment and rebuilding project in Vaxholm—the main town on an archipelago of islands in the Baltic Sea outside Stockholm. The contract, offered to the lowest bidder, was the latest in a series for the company’s Swedish subsidiary seeking to exploit the stark wage discrepancy between Sweden, with an average wage of around €1,900 per month, and its Baltic neighbours.

Laval’s subsidiary, L&P Baltic AB, paid its workers relatively high wages for Latvia, around €9 per hour, in addition to offering food and accommodation. But this is substantially below the rate agreed for construction workers with the main construction union in Sweden, Byggnad.

Byggnad, citing the longstanding practice in Sweden of minimum wages being set across industries through “collective agreements” with employers, unions and the state, demanded that Laval pay the Swedish rate of around €16 per hour. Collective agreements generally involve no-strike and no-lock-out deals between the unions and the employers in return for an agreed pay structure and dispute resolution procedures.


Laval initially agreed to be bound by the agreement, but then changed its mind. Anxious to exploit lower pay levels in Latvia, the company claimed it already had an agreement with the Latvian Building Workers Union. Therefore there was no need for a Swedish-style collective agreement.

In response, Byggnad arranged for picketing of the site by up to 50 building workers, ensuring that supplies were not delivered. The electricians union called a one-day solidarity strike. Picketing was sustained for seven weeks.
The union was demanding a significantly higher rate of pay for the Latvian workers, but the underlying issue at stake for the union bureaucracy was the collective agreements on which the “Swedish model” of a corporatist alliance between capital and the trade unions is based. This is why the principal slogan on the picket line in Vaxholm was “Swedish laws in Sweden” and why the dispute was given tacit support by the Social Democratic government.


The Swedish union took the unprecedented step of countering charges of xenophobia from Latvian employers by advertising in the Latvian press for recruits. Laval sued Byggnad in the Swedish Labour Court as a first step towards taking the case to the European Court of Justice.
The only 'evidence' I have of anything is the inclusion of the word local in one line of a set of demands. But I'd gladly hear some explanation of why it is there
As I said in the part of my post that you cut out:
It looks more to me like an attempt to deracialise the dispute over jobs by making it about creating a means for the union to help unemployed people who live nearby into work. Notice that the demand doesn't actually refer to 'local people', by the way.
The strikers haven't been shy about saying what they mean up to now, why would they get all coy when agreeing on their demands? Face it, you made the wrong call and now you're too embarrassed to back down from it.
I've added my complaint. Appalling editorial standards. I didn't include the video link in my quote because I wasn't sure about the legality. I'm sure they are aware of it though.
cheers for the links PK and Fridge... my email...

Fair play

You should have pointed out that the edited comments were a 2 second segment.This could've covered the option of the Beeb claiming it was edited to quickly sum up the strikers' feelings.

Any other complaints been lodged?
It will be interesting to see what the result of this is in the courts - keep us updated

That was a few years back DC. The European Court of Justice ruled in favour of the bosses in this and another similiar case which, amongst other things

effectively outlawed industrial action where unions are trying to win equal pay for migrant workers and banned public bodies from requiring foreign contractors to pay such workers local rates.

This fight is in large part aboput these cases and their results.


Face it, you made the wrong call and now you're too embarrassed to back down from it.
It's a strike against foreign labour being brought in and for British jobs for British workers, oh, sorry I mean local jobs for local people.

It's not a strike to defend and extend jobs for all regardless and there's no point in trying to pretend it is.
what is your point? You have nothing to add to the thread, daren't you give us your actual opinion, you're not normally so shy.

one of the things MC5 will have missed in Paul Masons report was the way the main bbc news deliberately distorted opne protesters words to make him seem like an utter bigot, when he was saying something quite different.

"We can't work along these Portuguese or Eyeties" said the main news. Obviously 'eyeties' isn't exactly right on, so he must jsut be a bigot, right?

On Newsnight it transpired he said at least three more words - "because they're segregated.".
That's aboslutely fucking outrageous, complaint sent.

Where's that link to BBC complaints gone again?
BBC complaints homepage, you can make a complaint online or you could phone on 03700 100 222.
It's a strike against foreign labour being brought in and for British jobs for British workers, oh, sorry I mean local jobs for local people.

It's not a strike to defend and extend jobs for all regardless and there's no point in trying to pretend it is.

thats right its what the daily mail says
Fair play

You should have pointed out that the edited comments were a 2 second segment.This could've covered the option of the Beeb claiming it was edited to quickly sum up the strikers' feelings.

Any other complaints been lodged?
it was a quote used out of context to back up the reporters assertion about the 'xenophobic' undertones of the protests... something the full quote doesn't back up at all... the timings on the 2 quotes are 4 seconds and 7 seconds, so there's no excuse at all for that editing.

no response to my email, so this is going out on various campaigning email lists for mass circulation... I'd suggest anyone else does the same.

be good if someone could post up a list of press contacts as well if anyone has one handy.
It's a strike against foreign labour being brought in and for British jobs for British workers, oh, sorry I mean local jobs for local people.

It's not a strike to defend and extend jobs for all regardless and there's no point in trying to pretend it is.
British jobs for British workers, which is why they're demanding interpreters to help the those bastard foreigners they want to get rid of get involved in the union, yes?

There's some nationalism about, but by talking it up and insisting that it's the only tendancy within the strike, you are spreading a bosses' slur against striking workers. Take a long hard look at yourself and think about what you're actually arguing here.
how am I to understand the 'nominating' of 'locally skilled' people for employment in the demands exactly as anything other than another way of saying BJ4BW?
Maybe becuase it was written by two Socialist Party members and comes alongside demands for unionisation of immigrant workers and interpreters to help them participate in the union, you fucking idiot.
how am I to understand the 'nominating' of 'locally skilled' people for employment in the demands exactly as anything other than another way of saying BJ4BW?

In Bloom explained it all perfectly reasonably and tangably directly to you

You have already made your choice - line up with the bosses and kept friends if you must. You can play with words all you like - its safe for you
it was a quote used out of context to back up the reporters assertion about the 'xenophobic' undertones of the protests... something the full quote doesn't back up at all... the timings on the 2 quotes are 4 seconds and 7 seconds, so there's no excuse at all for that editing.

no response to my email, so this is going out on various campaigning email lists for mass circulation... I'd suggest anyone else does the same.

be good if someone could post up a list of press contacts as well if anyone has one handy.

I've my own opinions about the Lindsey situation.......But I have lodged my complaint

The beeb site states it could take upto 10 days to respond
There's some nationalism about, but by talking it up and insisting that it's the only tendancy within the strike, you are spreading a bosses' slur against striking workers. Take a long hard look at yourself and think about what you're actually arguing here.
I'm not talking anything up. The only demand that has anything to do with who should be employed or not in future calls for them to be 'locally skilled'. Can you explain to me how that doesn't exclude some workers from employment on the grounds of where they come from?
I'm not talking anything up. The only demand that has anything to do with who should be employed or not in future calls for them to be 'locally skilled'. Can you explain to me how that doesn't exclude some workers from employment on the grounds of where they come from?

cirle jerk
UK is not part of a single European market until we join the EURO! It's like having one foot in and one foot out.

Pish and tish. For the intent and purpose of employing someone in the EU it's one nation. Yes, there are discrepancies between states over issues like voting rights, access to healthcare, but as a worker or boss, the UK has been part of the single market since it's creation in 1992.
I'm not talking anything up. The only demand that has anything to do with who should be employed or not in future calls for them to be 'locally skilled'. Can you explain to me how that doesn't exclude some workers from employment on the grounds of where they come from?
The demand is for a union controlled register people in the area who have the skills to work there, who can then be nominated for jobs that come up. That doesn't exclude migrants who live in the area or people who come from elsewhere but live nearby. If anything, it contributes towards deracialising the strike and pushing back nationalist tendancies.
Those on strike today are going to be up-shit-creek tomorrow unless they use their unions to press for guaranteed skill-retraining to meet future-energy build & maintenance requirements.
The demand is for a union controlled register people in the area who have the skills to work there, who can then be nominated for jobs that come up. That doesn't exclude migrants who live in the area or people who come from elsewhere but live nearby. If anything, it contributes towards deracialising the strike and pushing back nationalist tendancies.
Why mention 'local' then? That's what I don't get. There is no need to use the word unless the local leadership is pandering to parochial sentiment. And really, the so-called socialists on the committee should have been pushing for something that called for defence and extension of jobs for *all* to make sure that the BJ4BW message that has emanated from this strike was stopped its tracks.
Why mention 'local' then? That's what I don't get. There is no need to use the word unless the local leadership is pandering to parochial sentiment. And really, the so-called socialists on the committee should have been pushing for something that called for defence and extension of jobs for *all* to make sure that the BJ4BW message that has emanated from this strike was stopped its tracks.
Why obsess over one word? The LOR workers chased off BNP members, demanded that the immigrant workers be given the opportunity to join the union alongside them and largely dropped BJ4BW as a slogan and you still won't support them because you've now deigned to label them "parochial".
Those on strike today are going to be up-shit-creek tomorrow unless they use their unions to press for guaranteed skill-retraining to meet future-energy build & maintenance requirements.

How does a time served welder, fully coded to Lloyds register need retraining?
Or a skilled Steel erector, Fitter or plater?

I'm dying to know.
That's it. Hide behind your insults instead of answering basic questions. So you're for a strike for 'local jobs for local people' are you?

I answered questions - you ignored the answers and repeated the same old distortion. I assume you do not live in a vacuam - that you can see and read - so I can only conclude you are not interested in answers.
Why obsess over one word? The LOR workers chased off BNP members, demanded that the immigrant workers be given the opportunity to join the union alongside them and largely dropped BJ4BW as a slogan and you still won't support them because you've now deigned to label them "parochial".

It's because it's all happening outside the aegis of a party or other organisation, that the whole thing was spontaneous and self-generating. Spion doesn't like non-party stuff like this to happen without a thorough analysis :p;):D
Spion doesn't like non-party stuff like this to happen without a thorough analysis :p;):D

Spoin you did not answer my earlier question.

BA reckons you are not a member of any party.

KS assumes you are an SWPer and I assumed you were that or fellow-traveller - which is it?
It's because it's all happening outside the aegis of a party or other organisation, that the whole thing was spontaneous and self-generating.
That's right. There was no human agency, no decisions taken, no union members putting their views forward, no 'Socialist' Party members involved, it just happened :rolleyes:
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