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Hundreds of workers protest against Italians/Foreigners 'taking jobs'...

Is that the best you can do? These striking tits need to be fired, and fired yesterday.

You can't simply expect jobs because you're British - its a highly competitive global economy and if you want the job then you have to be better then the next guy. If you're more expensive then you better be worth it.

These tits simply are not.

Global economy, competition, blah, blah, blah

Thats all very nice and academic. Its power that counts. Striking is about exercising power.
fuck me that's appalling editorial bias

When I worked for the BBC I'd have been sacked for that shit.

Definitely complaints time.


03700 100 222

When you call, it’s the normal “press 1 for…” and then you’re through.

I think it’s 3 for complaints.

Helen Boaden, Director of BBC news
Email: helenboaden.complaints@bbc.co.uk

Peter Horrocks, Head of BBC TV News
Email: peter.horrocks@bbc.co.uk

Richard Sambrook, Director of the World Service and Global News
Email: richard.sambrook@bbc.co.uk
Is that the best you can do? These striking tits need to be fired, and fired yesterday.

You can't simply expect jobs because you're British - its a highly competitive global economy and if you want the job then you have to be better then the next guy. If you're more expensive then you better be worth it.

These tits simply are not.

ignore everybody - it's just not worth it and it will derail the thread
Is that the best you can do? These striking tits need to be fired, and fired yesterday.

You can't simply expect jobs because you're British - its a highly competitive global economy and if you want the job then you have to be better then the next guy. If you're more expensive then you better be worth it.

These tits simply are not.

The only tit here is you pal.

You can expect jobs in your own town, otherwise companies like Total who pollute the fuck out of the local area can fuck off.
Is that the best you can do? These striking tits need to be fired, and fired yesterday.

You can't simply expect jobs because you're British - its a highly competitive global economy and if you want the job then you have to be better then the next guy. If you're more expensive then you better be worth it.

These tits simply are not.
because it's that simple isn't it?

btw another factor that links into what I was saying earlier about the social contract with the local community is that when the refinery is eventually closed, historical precedent and current legislation indicates that it will eventually be the local taxpayers who pick up the bill for cleaning up the site... which is yet another arguement in favour of them needing to employ local workers who pay council tax to the local council, income tax to the national government, and businesses who pay business rates to the local council and corporation tax to the national government.

in other words it's not just the local workers getting screwed by this, it's all local and national tax payers... or more precisely, the next generation of local and national tax payers who'll have to pick up the tab eventually.
Global economy, competition, blah, blah, blah

Thats all very nice and academic. Its power that counts. Striking is about exercising power.

So might makes right does it?

The unions made Britain ungovernable in the 70s, they bankrupted many British industies (Leyland being one).

Morons like you will drag everyone down.
When I worked for the BBC I'd have been sacked for that shit.

Definitely complaints time.


03700 100 222

When you call, it’s the normal “press 1 for…” and then you’re through.

I think it’s 3 for complaints.

Helen Boaden, Director of BBC news
Email: helenboaden.complaints@bbc.co.uk

Peter Horrocks, Head of BBC TV News
Email: peter.horrocks@bbc.co.uk

Richard Sambrook, Director of the World Service and Global News
Email: richard.sambrook@bbc.co.uk

Complaint registered. Oh and ignore fire, don't feed the troll.
Morons like you will drag everyone down.

Morons like you need a good slapping, bet you wouldn't come out with that shite to a striker.

Down where by the way? You do realise we are already there.....

BTW Leyland bankrupted itself by building out of date rotboxes, nowt to do with the workers.
So might makes right does it?

The unions made Britain ungovernable in the 70s, they bankrupted many British industies (Leyland being one).

Morons like you will drag everyone down.

Yes might does make right. Cos whoever wins makes the rules.
Yes might does make right. Cos whoever wins makes the rules.

You have the intelligence of a biscuit. What sort of worker are you? Manual labour of some sort? Clearly you're quite dangerous with that razor sharp intellect.
Morons like you need a good slapping, bet you wouldn't come out with that shite to a striker.

Down where by the way? You do realise we are already there.....

We're down there because morons like you sit on your arse and think that simply being British means that you'll have jobs and opportunities instead of going out and being the best you can be.

This is the part when I should say get on your dam bike.
You have the intelligence of a biscuit. What sort of worker are you? Manual labour of some sort? Clearly you're quite dangerous with that razor sharp intellect.

Fuck off back to Zimbabwe.... oh wait... you can't, LOL!!
BBC’s political advisor - Ric Bailey: ric.bailey@bbc.co.uk

I've kept it short and sweet:

Dear Mr Bailey,

I would be grateful if you could watch the following clip:

The first clip in which Nick Robinson is the presenter selectively edits the quote to make the striker appear racist. Unfortunately for Mr Robinson, the full clip appeared on Newsnight some half-an-hour later.

The BBC - or at least, Mr Robinson - is responsible for inflaming the situation by using carefully edited quotes to make the strikers appear to be racist.

Needless to say, I have forwarded this clip to all my contacts elsewhere in the media.
We're down there because morons like you sit on your arse and think that simply being British means that you'll have jobs and opportunities instead of going out and being the best you can be.

This is the part when I should say get on your dam bike.

I have been on my bike most of my adult life you tit, I have worked all over the wold for NAECI agreed rates and am one of the best at what I do, come to UK to work and the NAECI isn't reconised in it's country of origin and labour is undercut.

What don't you understand?
Fuck off back to Zimbabwe.... oh wait... you can't, LOL!!

Is the meant to be funny?

Thousands of people are starving and dying. Deaths that could be prevented and you think its funny?

You dam sick FUCK!
I have been on my bike most of my adult life you tit, I have worked all over the wold for NAECI agreed rates and am one of the best at what I do, come to UK to work and the NAECI isn't reconised in it's country of origin and labour is undercut.

What don't you understand?

Stop moaning - if you're going to be more expensive than other people you'd better be worth it. It looks like the company in question has taken the best and most cost effective solution. Tough shit - better luck next time.
Stop moaning - if you're going to be more expensive than other people you'd better be worth it. It looks like the company in question has taken the best and most cost effective solution. Tough shit - better luck next time.

by importing captive workers, reeks of slavery.

glad to see what YOU advocate, back to free labour, fancy yerself some free slaves to chain up and whip eh?
Is the meant to be funny?

Thousands of people are starving and dying. Deaths that could be prevented and you think its funny?

You dam sick FUCK!

I suppose one might be able to speculate that thousands of people in the UK could also be starving and dying if cunts like Total and that twice-sacked tosspot Mandleson got their own way... but Fire's now banned, so...
by importing captive workers, reeks of slavery.

glad to see what YOU advocate, back to free labour, fancy yerself some free slaves to chain up and whip eh?

I wonder if he's a white Zimbabwean, with a chip on his shoulder and a keen intent to return to the slavery days?

Hmmm.... :hmm:
cheers for the links PK and Fridge... my email...

To whom it may concern,

I'd like to register a serious complaint about the editing of an interview with one of the strikers at the lindsey oil refinery on the BBC news at 10 last night, where the interview was edited deliberately to make the interviewee appear racist by removing a qualifying section of his interview. the full version of the interview was later broadcast on newsnight, and gives and entirely different meaning to what the interviewee was saying.

This is appalling editorial bias, and in my opinion should be a sackable offence for whoever edited the piece. I hope and expect that the BBC will offer a full apology and retraction on tonights news at 10.

The 2 quotes are as follows:-

BBC News at 10

Reporter... "beneath the anger ministers fear lies straightforward xenophobia"

Striker... "These portugese and Ities, we can't work alongside of them"

BBC Newsnight

Same Striker... "These portugese and Ities, we can't work alongside of them, they're segregated, and coming in in full companies"

the 2 different versions can be viewed at the following link

As you can see the 2 different versions of the interview give 2 very different impressions of the strikers viewpoint, the edited version seeming to be highly xenophobic, and the full version being simply a description of the fact that the local workers are being segregated from the foreign workers and not allowed the opportunity to work alongside them. This is a gross slur against the striking workers, a slur that must be corrected at the earliest possible opportunity.

I trust that you will offer a full appology and retraction today otherwise there will be hundreds of complaints being filed with the press complaints commission tomorrow.


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