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Huge reduction in meat-eating ‘essential’ to avoid climate breakdown

We have to massively cut down on having children by the looks of that graph.

We have to regulate corporate emissions (100 companies generate 67% of all emissions)

And it would be really nice if people could live to a higher moral standard than their parents.

The "massively cut down on having children" thing seems like a bit of red herring - firstly because there has already been a deep and sustained drop in the fertility level in industrialised countries, leaving them at or below the population replacement level, and secondly because the time when we very urgently need to cut emissions isn't 20 years or whatever in the future, when hypothetical children would be driving hypothetical SUVs around, it's right fucking now. Having done it 10 or 20 or 30 years ago would be even better.
We are entitled to an habitable planet, our children's grandchildren also. The mistake we are making is assuming/accepting that sanity and competence drives our governments and political systems. I'm not saying the elite/privileged are buffoons, far from it; a minority rips us off. But we have to start trusting ourselves. In other words now is the time to realise equality, now is the time to take what belongs to us. Their system is evidently failing.
The "massively cut down on having children" thing seems like a bit of red herring - firstly because there has already been a deep and sustained drop in the fertility level in industrialised countries, leaving them at or below the population replacement level, and secondly because the time when we very urgently need to cut emissions isn't 20 years or whatever in the future, when hypothetical children would be driving hypothetical SUVs around, it's right fucking now. Having done it 10 or 20 or 30 years ago would be even better.

That's a good point, hadn't thought of that.


Maybe the previous generation can be persuaded to retroactively have fewer children?
Long haul flights and green energy supplies are above car driving on that list.
That doesn't stop private cars being massively damaging to the environment in several ways and something that we should strive to cut back on. In a big way.
Cutting down on private car use in a city is a total no-brainer (I did not miss my car at all when I went car-free living in the city and I love driving). However, until the rural transportation problems are properly sorted out*, I don't see much progress on that front out in the sticks =/

*not just frequency of service but quality of journey as well.
I seriously doubt anyone is going to change their habits... But what is happening to the Amazon rainforest right now is enough to make me turn green, it is an endless monoculture of soya beans owned by the chinese, farmed by robots, soya beans that gets shipped over to Europe to feed the cattle, to feed EU/UK meat eaters. Rainforest Trees getting chopped down fer yer meat.. soon Trump will have his grubby hands in here too, thanks to bollocksonaro
Liked the post - “endless monoculture farmed by robots” intrigued me.

Do you have any links?
Trying to work out what the optimum environmentally friendly diet would be that still includes meat and dairy to some degree. (Not ready to give them up completely)
It's not easy working out what's best. Beef seems to be the worst culprit. But is all beef the same? What's the difference between say highland beef, and beef from s america.

Where does cheese and dairy fit into this? I've read soft cheese is better than hard. Eggs?

Fish seems to be minefield of contradictory information.

Lots of questions.

Have these two graphics that are slightly contradictory. First is US, second UK:


It's all pissing in the wind of course. But there is still that utopian thought that if we all did something a change could happen.
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Trying to work out what the optimum environmentally friendly diet would be that still includes meat and dairy to some degree. (Not ready to give them up completely)
It's not easy working out what's best. Beef seems to be the worst culprit. But is all beef the same? What's the difference between say highland beef, and beef from s america.

Where does cheese and dairy fit into this? I've read soft cheese is better than hard. Eggs?

Fish seems to be minefield of contradictory information.

Lots of questions.

Have these two graphics that are slightly contradictory. First is US, second UK:
View attachment 149405

View attachment 149404

It's all pissing in the wind of course. But there is still that utopian thought that if we all did something a change could happen.
Would like to see where processed vegetarian foods like veggie sausages fit on that graph. I eat very little beef or lamb, as little processed food as possible, stick to seasonal veg and watch the food miles. I'm betting there are some veggies who have environmentally less friendly diets than me.
The "massively cut down on having children" thing seems like a bit of red herring

It's a massive red herring; Roman Abromovitch having one child will fuck the planet more than a woman in a hut in Thailand having 10,000 kids.

It's ALL about consumption, which is kind of what this thread is about. But not just meat consumption, it's everything. Including cutting out eating fruit and veg that is not in season. Fucking flying shit in from Kenya, ffs.
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But overpopulation is a problem too, not least because they will virtually all eat meat which increases demand, produces more methane, increases deforestation to grow the feed and raise the cattle... etc.

So massively cutting down on children is not an irrelevant issue.
It's a massive red heering; Roman Abromovitch having one child will fuck the planet more than a woman in a hut in Thailand having 10,000 kids.

It's ALL about consumption, which is kind of what this thread is about. But not just meat consumption, it's everything. Including cutting out eating fruit and veg that is not in season. Fucking flying shit in from Kenya, ffs.

I think population is certainly a factor, there's no way it cannot be. That being said it has to be seen in the context of consumption as you say, but it shouldn't be dismissed.
I think population is certainly a factor, there's no way it cannot be. That being said it has to be seen in the context of consumption as you say, but it shouldn't be dismissed.

The population issue isn't a fixed one. You have two choices regarding population that works from an environmental standpoint:

* You can have fewer children with a higher standard of living.
* You can have more children with a lower standard of living.

The problem we have now is that we want it both ways. As with a lot of things, we need to decide what our priorities are. If we fail to make the right choices now (as we seem to be), we'll end up with a situation where we're going to have many fewer people with an abysmal standard of living. That is, of course, assuming that we will have people on the planet at all. As I said earlier, I think we're already fucked. Even putting climate change aside, we're probably fucked because we've done so many other environmentally awful things.
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That doesn't stop private cars being massively damaging to the environment in several ways and something that we should strive to cut back on. In a big way.

Most new housing developments only add to car ownership as they are all built on the edge of towns where the only space is left to develop. Families need a car to get around for everything as the new homes are all far away from the amenities. Unless you build new schools and shops and GP surgeries as well.

Near me there's load of new developments going up and they are all nowhere near schools, shops, chemists etc. One development did add a new electric car to every new house as part of the deal, but that's still going to add congestion to the place.

We're still building homes outside of the cities with private car ownership as a given.
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