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Test yourself ... Climate Hero Carbon Calculator

I've just done the test twice, once telling the truth about us being child-free, and a second time telling the test we in fact had three kids.

The results given were exactly the same for both tests.

Utter, utter fail of a test.
I've just done the test twice, once telling the truth about us being child-free, and a second time telling the test we in fact had three kids.

The results given were exactly the same for both tests.

Utter, utter fail of a test.

Oh wow, so it's even more garbage than I thought. The cheeky fuckers are asking for money and all!
Apart from going vegan rather than veggie and being more on it with plastic all my other down points are money related (old, not recently insulated house, old petrol car, no solar panels etc). Unfortunately (and ironically) my job of running a project that diverts around 6 tonnes of food from landfill to peoples plates every week, doesn't pay enough :D
I've just done the test twice, once telling the truth about us being child-free, and a second time telling the test we in fact had three kids.

The results given were exactly the same for both tests.

Utter, utter fail of a test.

Why? It's only your personal result.

Come to think of it...
I dont know why they ask about kids 🤔
It's not about individual choice.

The top one hundred polluting companies & the richest seven countries produce the bulk

So nothing I as an individual can do will halt global warming? 🙁 that is very demoralising.
I only got off lightly because I buy renewable electricity.
I use 4059 kwh a year - 774 of those are for heating
If that was from coal generation it would be 4 tonnes of CO2
i started the test but it's pretty invasive (as others have said) and stopped. anyway, I'm absolutely a carbon hero.
So nothing I as an individual can do will halt global warming? 🙁 that is very demoralising.
Posted this is in response to an article PM had on the climate change thread
Big Oil Is Trying to Make Climate Change Your Problem to Solve. Don’t Let Them
May 14, 2021
A new Harvard study highlights a decades-long trend — how industry creates systemic problems and then blames consumers for it

Of course, consumers aren’t entirely blameless, particularly the world’s wealthiest individuals, but the idea that oil is a purely demand-side industry is ridiculous. In the 1980s, for example, when the oil crisis was finally over (oil prices had risen by 300 percent at one point) oil companies were very worried about the fact that Americans had gotten good at saving energy, so good that demand seemed to have permanently dipped.

Did they reduce supply accordingly? No, they looked for ways to drive demand back up, tinkering with production and lobbying for policies that would incentivize increased fossil fuel use. More recently, as companies have grappled with a natural gas glut, they have not stopped fracking, but merely found a new revenue stream — plastic.
Just 100 companies responsible for 71% of global emissions, study says
Mon 10 Jul 2017
Four years old but I doubt much has changed? Maybe cryptocurrency mining?
I only got off lightly because I buy renewable electricity.
I use 4059 kwh a year - 774 of those are for heating
If that was from coal generation it would be 4 tonnes of CO2

I'm pretty sure my result is off because I get power from a grid that gets about 50% of its electricity from renewables and is on track to get 100% of its power from renewables by 2030. I also use a fairly low amount of power per year and drive considerably less than the lowest option. The app doesn't account for those factors.
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First question fail, my flat is the world's smallest studio flat.

Also there's no option for I'm a tight arse who won't put the heat on (we added like 15 to the gas numbers over last 18 months)
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