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Russian Missile Tests Off Coast of Ireland

The old NATO planning was always about either: an amphibious landing at Shannon to take the airfield and then operate Sov fighters there to close the airbridge between the US and Europe (which was always the more ambitious option), or b) a straight Sov bombardment of Shannon/others to deny its use to NATO air forces that would want to use it's geographic location to help detect or attack Russian air, surface and submarine forces in the North Atlantic.

Option 2 was always far more likely.
Irelands neutrality is mostly a figleaf much like Swedens being in a "strategicly useful location" renders the point moot.
Nobodys invading Ireland without neutralising the RAF and the Royal Navy an astute sub makes an ampbious op a rather brave option and emerald dawn vs meteor missiles not a good idea the RAF wouldn't even have to enter Irish airspace.
Not only would the UK & US get involved in defending Ireland, but so would EU countries under the collective defence clause.

The Lisbon Treaty includes a collective defence clause (Article 42(7) of the Treaty on European Union TEU) within the European Union’s common security and defence policy (CSDP) rules. When an EU Member State is the target of armed aggression on its territory, the other Member States must assist it by all the means in their power. Such commitments are to be consistent with the commitments made by Member States as members of NATO.

Ireland is effectively in nato because there is no way the U.K. would accept any Russian boots on Irish soil.
I know.. ..and this would normally be my thinking. I've always believed that the UK would assist.

But...... then we see how nobody is rushing to assist Ukraine? Because they're not in NATO and because its Russia (nuclear threats and all) attacking them.
I know.. ..and this would normally be my thinking. I've always believed that the UK would assist.

But...... then we see how nobody is rushing to assist Ukraine? Because they're not in NATO and because its Russia (nuclear threats and all) attacking them.

Different histories, different ties, and different geographical positions.

There's no way the UK would turn their back on Ireland, ditto with the US.
I know.. ..and this would normally be my thinking. I've always believed that the UK would assist.

But...... then we see how nobody is rushing to assist Ukraine? Because they're not in NATO and because its Russia (nuclear threats and all) attacking them.

Nobody rushing to assist Ukraine? Do you not read the news?
Nobody rushing to assist Ukraine? Do you not read the news?
I watch the news. There's nobody setting foot in Ukraine to help fight Russia.
Ireland has a small army. Even if everything was thrown at them in terms of modern equipment and arms...I seriously doubt Ireland would fend off the Russians without actual physical assistance from other countries..by that I mean active assistance.
Different histories, different ties, and different geographical positions.

There's no way the UK would turn their back on Ireland, ditto with the US.

That's hopeful I think.

I've spent the past few days thinking about what Putin has done / is doing. Thinking, what if he does not stop. What if he decides to make a move on more countries.
He's already threatened Finland & Sweden. He's probably eyeing up previous Russian countries.

So what if he decides that Europe's weak spot is Ireland..which it kind of is. He gets control of Irish airports or just disables them. He cuts communication lines that are running under the sea off Ireland and he effectively cuts a large amount of comms from Europe to the US & vice versa.

I am hoping that my imagination/fear is just getting the better of me.
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I've spent the past few days thinking about what Putin has done / is doing. Thinking, what if he does not stop. What if he decides to make a move on more countries.
He's already threatened Finland & Sweden. He's probably eyeing up previous Russian countries.

So what if he decides that Europe's weak spot is Ireland..which it kind of is. He gets control of Irish airports or just disables them. He cuts communication lines that are running under the sea off Ireland and he effectively cuts a large amount of comms from Europe to the US & vice versa.

I am hoping that my imagination/fear is just getting the better of me.

I think it is, TBH, I doubt Putin sees Ireland as a weak link, in view what would be unleashed if he tried anything there.
are giving €9million to non lethal equipment.

Not sure why...but maybe it's to do with neutrality or not being in NATO?

Many people all over Ireland are collecting money and goods to send to Poland for Ukrainian refugees.

Finland and Sweden, both non-NATO but EU countries are giving huge quantities of arms, and money for other lethal aid. Austria has provided helmets, body armour and fuel, but it's important to understand that Austria is governed by the post WW2 treaty covering it's military affairs - fixed neutrality in return for the removal of Soviet forces.

Ireland uses both the Javelin missile and the AT-4 anti-tank weapon, but is providing neither. Oddly, it claims they are unsuitable for use in Ukraine, which maybe news to the Ukrainians who have been using both to great effect - and then yesterday on of the Govt TD's said that Ireland couldn't send them to Ukraine because it didn't have the experience necessary. One wonders exactly what experience of putting weapons on pallets, and flying them to Poland is required, but there you go...

It's a choice. It's nothing else.
I'm sure he was laying a few mines on our internet cables in case we do the same to his. Or perhaps it's no more Urban from Friday. At least the bandwidth thread.
Finland and Sweden, both non-NATO but EU countries are giving huge quantities of arms, and money for other lethal aid. Austria has provided helmets, body armour and fuel, but it's important to understand that Austria is governed by the post WW2 treaty covering it's military affairs - fixed neutrality in return for the removal of Soviet forces.

Ireland uses both the Javelin missile and the AT-4 anti-tank weapon, but is providing neither. Oddly, it claims they are unsuitable for use in Ukraine, which maybe news to the Ukrainians who have been using both to great effect - and then yesterday on of the Govt TD's said that Ireland couldn't send them to Ukraine because it didn't have the experience necessary. One wonders exactly what experience of putting weapons on pallets, and flying them to Poland is required, but there you go...

It's a choice. It's nothing else.

I agree with you.

Many here agree.

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50 Javelins probably not worth shipping and that's leaving the Irish army with very little anti armour capability for its next peacekeeping mission in the next 20 years it won't be buying anymore.
The UK MoD brought 10000 Nlaw in 2008 and was probably about to place another order

The AT 4 has, a similar capabity as an RPG7 and ukarine is awash with those.

Only really of use against light armour ukarines after anti -tank weapons that can reliably kill tanks that's why Nlaw weighs 30lb its got a big warhead and a guidance system.

The Irish army doesn't have any lethal aid to spare.
50 Javelins probably not worth shipping and that's leaving the Irish army with very little anti armour capability for its next peacekeeping mission in the next 20 years it won't be buying anymore.
The UK MoD brought 10000 Nlaw in 2008 and was probably about to place another order

The AT 4 has, a similar capabity as an RPG7 and ukarine is awash with those.

Only really of use against light armour ukarines after anti -tank weapons that can reliably kill tanks that's why Nlaw weighs 30lb its got a big warhead and a guidance system.

The Irish army doesn't have any lethal aid to spare.
You know it's bad when fish is the voice of reason.

There's a certain current in British thinking about Ireland which, funnily enough, mirror's a similar train of thought in Russian thinking about Ukraine - "they're not really a real country, they're just being difficult for the sake of it".
I think it is, TBH, I doubt Putin sees Ireland as a weak link, in view what would be unleashed if he tried anything there.

What would be unleashed? More sanctions, and supplies for Irish armed forces? Nukes?

I thought we'd established over the past week that something in-between these two options was a non-starter because of the risk of nukes.
Apparently it would be a "huge ask" for Ireland's military to have modern planes and a radar system: :D

I don't think that's a laughing matter, TBH.

What would be unleashed? More sanctions, and supplies for Irish armed forces? Nukes?

I thought we'd established over the past week that something in-between these two options was a non-starter because of the risk of nukes.

In respect of Ireland, who the fuck has established that?
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