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Russian Missile Tests Off Coast of Ireland


Blimey, what a walloper.

This is the gombeen I was thinking of.

Aye he a teacher who has been jailed for contempt of court for refusing to use a students new name and pronoun at the school he teach
at just to his religious convictions

he said he rather spend years in jail than repent

and most people reactions have been
"stay in the joy then ya plank" or how sad never mind
I dunno what this has to do with russian ships unless Galloway's support for the loon can be brought into it but just to clarify, he wasn't jailed for refusing to use pronouns.

Enoch Burke was jailed for contempt of court after he breached a High Court order which forbade him from attending the school while a disciplinary review was carried out.

He kept turning up and had a go at the principal. The student isn't even in any of his classes.
Dunno but he’s the evangelical who is praying in jail (for an angel to save him) for refusing to use they as a pronoun. A hateful shit.
He's in the jug for contempt of court. His whole family are basically the biggest loons in Mayo.

There was an inquest in Mayo of a Syrian girl who died of Covid at the beginning of the pandemic. In Ireland, such inquests are open to the public, but you have to give your name and address.

He showed up and made such a song and dance of refusing to give his name and address (don't know why, I suppose it was going to be passed on to George Soros and the Bilderberg crowd in his scrambled-egg mind) that the inquest had to be abandoned. A nice outcome for the girl's family.

E2A: the great Google brings up this, which refers to a later attempt to hold the same inquest;

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Nobody’s taking HMS enterprise into a fight it’s predecessor was Falklands task force as a mailboat it sailed from ascension to the task force with mail.
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