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Russian Missile Tests Off Coast of Ireland

...but neutrality is a false concept, it doesn't offer any protection to the neutral country, it's more a case of sitting on the side-lines and going along with whoever wins cos there's nothing you can do about it either way. Bahnhof Strasse

See, I'm not sure this is true, I think genuine Neutrality is possible, but what it isn't is cheap, or something you can do at the last minute, or particularly convenient in peacetime, or indeed particularly morally or politically easy in times of conflict.

For Ireland, I'm not sure what faux neutrality brings to the country - I can see that for politicians it's great: there's a bit more cash to splash at the parish pump, and there are fewer difficult, controversial decisions to make, but for everyone else it's a bit of a mystery...

Irelands' curse is geography, but like Iceland, it can also be a bargaining chip: the other eastern Atlantic states - Norway, Denmark, the UK and France, as well as the US and Canada - would love to be able to get access to the feed from some big air search radars on the west coast, perhaps be able to deploy their tankers and ASW aircraft to Shannon and operate from there on occasion, and they would happily assist Ireland with some of the issues it has faced, like cyber security, or airlift, in return.

There is, obviously, a limit to how far this can be pushed, but a sensible government could probably strike a happy medium without the political costs of actual rearmament or something like NATO membership - which, tbh, given the likelihood of an SF government, few NATO member states would be wildly enthusiastic about..
...but neutrality is a false concept, it doesn't offer any protection to the neutral country, it's more a case of sitting on the side-lines and going along with whoever wins cos there's nothing you can do about it either way. Bahnhof Strasse

See, I'm not sure this is true, I think genuine Neutrality is possible, but what it isn't is cheap, or something you can do at the last minute, or particularly convenient in peacetime, or indeed particularly morally or politically easy in times of conflict.

For Ireland, I'm not sure what faux neutrality brings to the country - I can see that for politicians it's great: there's a bit more cash to splash at the parish pump, and there are fewer difficult, controversial decisions to make, but for everyone else it's a bit of a mystery...

Irelands' curse is geography, but like Iceland, it can also be a bargaining chip: the other eastern Atlantic states - Norway, Denmark, the UK and France, as well as the US and Canada - would love to be able to get access to the feed from some big air search radars on the west coast, perhaps be able to deploy their tankers and ASW aircraft to Shannon and operate from there on occasion, and they would happily assist Ireland with some of the issues it has faced, like cyber security, or airlift, in return.

There is, obviously, a limit to how far this can be pushed, but a sensible government could probably strike a happy medium without the political costs of actual rearmament or something like NATO membership - which, tbh, given the likelihood of an SF government, few NATO member states would be wildly enthusiastic about..

Dublin doesn't like Shannon.
Or the midwest in general. Quite frankly.
Might explain a lot.
There's many round the country who don't like what went/goes on at Shannon. That's for sure.

that decision had fuck all to do with the people of the midwest. That was a government decision.

I'm talking about investment in hospitals and industry and business and jobs. Dublin as in Dublin government has neglected the mid west of Ireland. The Shannon free zone was detested by Dublin because as a local initiative 70 years ago it kick started the region for business. But as usual Dublin fucked that over.

Gotten side tracked.

The fishermen are still heading out.
that decision had fuck all to do with the people of the midwest. That was a government decision.

I'm talking about investment in hospitals and industry and business and jobs. Dublin as in Dublin government has neglected the mid west of Ireland. The Shannon free zone was detested by Dublin because as a local initiative 70 years ago it kick started the region for business. But as usual Dublin fucked that over.

Gotten side tracked.

The fishermen are still heading out.

The seat of government always fucks over the other counties/regions/prefectures. It's not just confined to Ireland.

Hope the fisherman are safe. And of course, the whales in the area.

“While we do not know the nature of these exercises, we do know that underwater sounds such as active military sonar can have devastating consequences for cetaceans including some of our rarest marine mammal species, notably the deep-diving and rarely-seen Blue whale, Sperm whale and beaked whales,” he said.

“It can cause significant disruption to their hearing systems and normal behaviour, and may lead to permanent or even lethal injury.”

Concern over impact of sonar on whales as Russia plans naval exercises
But as Ireland is 'neutral' British and American ships are ok.. even unannounced..the fishermen just turn around.

Quote "The vessels are mostly British but sometimes America.
"Even last Monday morning as we were starting to lift the crab pots [not far] from Tory island, there were submarines just to the west of us."
He said British and American navy ships train around the area of the Stanton Bank, frequented by local fisherman."

But as Ireland is 'neutral' British and American ships are ok.. even unannounced..the fishermen just turn around.

Quote "The vessels are mostly British but sometimes America.
"Even last Monday morning as we were starting to lift the crab pots [not far] from Tory island, there were submarines just to the west of us."
He said British and American navy ships train around the area of the Stanton Bank, frequented by local fisherman."

The Russians have been around too. Russian subs have been off the west coast plenty times. But this time theyre firing live ammunition. I think that's the difference?

Dublin City FM The Russian Show..
Interview with Russian ambassador Yuri Filatov.

I didnt realise there was a Russian Show on any radio station in Ireland. Bit naive of me I guess? It makes sense though, as there are many Russians working and living here.

ETA this is more an interview about the military build up at the border between the Russian Federation and the Ukraine than the fishermen.
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You use live ammo because sooner or later you need to see if the highly expensive things that go bang will actually go banh and hit something.
Though the British always wait till just before the best kill before date🤣.
Rapiers got to sit on the racks through a south Atlantic and were then fired off in the spring with rather erratic results 🙄.
Nearly killed a senior padres when one did a 180😂.

The Irish look into buying fighter jets even for a minimal sqd after you've brought the necessary infrastructure found training providers for pilots and maintrainers upgraded radar so the fighters can be dire ted etc your not getting much change from a billion if your starting for scratch and it would take years unless your buying some surplus that has its own problems.
Not like Ireland has billion its got nothing better to spend on.
At least five Russian ships have been spotted by the Defence Forces since February 1st. Russian ambassador Yuriy Filatov told an Oireachtas committee this week that the drills would involve only two ships.

Russian, US, French and UK warships spotted off south coast by Defence Forces​

Vessels are outside Irish territorial waters, therefore acting in line with maritime law​

about 9 hours ago
Conor Gallagher

Ships operated by Russia have been spotted in international waters off the coast of Ireland.

Ships operated by Russia have been spotted in international waters off the coast of Ireland.

The core of the Russian navy’s Northern Fleet has been observed manoeuvring in and around Irish-controlled waters in recent days, ahead of planned live-fire drills.
The ships are being shadowed by the UK, US and French navies, as well as RAF combat aircraft, according to photographs and video released by the Defence Forces
Irish Air Corps aircraft and Naval Service vessels made the observations as part of maritime, defence and security operations.
The vessels were spotted transiting through the Irish Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) off the southwest coast on their way to take part in naval exercises in the Atlantic.
The Russian naval exercises were initially due to take place within the EEZ but over the weekend Russia announced that, “as a gesture of good will, they would be relocated.
At least five Russian ships have been spotted by the Defence Forces since February 1st. Russian ambassador Yuriy Filatov told an Oireachtas committee this week that the drills would involve only two ships
“As far as the embassy knows, the exercises in question involves two ships,” a Russian embassy spokesman repeated on Thursday.


The Russian flotilla comprised the Marshal Ustinov, an advanced missile cruiser and one of the largest vessels in the Northern Fleet, along with the Admiral Kasatonov, the Stoikiy and the Soobrazitelnyy, a “guided missile cruiser” which was seen with a helicopter on its deck.
They were accompanied by a support vessel called the Ekhorov. A submarine is also likely to be accompanying the ships, per Russian naval doctrine, but this could not be confirmed.
On Wednesday night an Air Corps’ Casa maritime patrol aircraft observed two of Russian warships within the EEZ about 140 nautical miles (260km) southwest of Kerry Head.
A Defence Forces spokeswoman said all vessels were outside Irish territorial waters, which extend 12 miles from the coast, and are therefore acting in accordance with international law. “There is no restriction on warships operating on the high seas inside and outside of exclusive economic zones"
During the day the Air Corps also observed two French naval ships, accompanied by RAF Typhoon fighter jets, outside the EEZ which were shadowing the Russian vessels. The Naval Service’s LE Samuel Beckett was also in the area monitoring the ships’ movements.
The US Navy’s USS Roosevelt, a destroyer equipped with two helicopters, was also observed by the Defence Forces.
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And more..

Some military experts believe the proposed deployment within our EEZ was a Russian ruse, and they never intended to conduct their exercise there.

It's believed they're trying to make a point, highlighting we're the weakest link in terms of NATO and EU military defences - being neutral, with seriously underfunded Defence Forces - and had always planned to conduct the exercise outside our EEZ.

Western Forces

The reason there's a gathering of 'Western Forces' is the initial exercise was to be directly over transatlantic submarine cables daily carrying intelligence information and millions of financial transactions between North America and Europe.

The Russians have moved the exercise slightly outside our EEZ, but still have at least two warships sitting over the cables, with a supply ship standing nearby.

The Defence Forces have confirmed they've observed US, Russian and French vessels in international waters off the southwest coast.

It's also believed that some of these nations, as well as the British, have submarines also located in the general area to keep a close eye on the Russian exercise, especially as they're concerned the Russians may be preparing to cut the vital cables in the event a major conflict breaks out over the 'Ukrainian situation.'

Pics and videos of vessels and aircraft just outside the EEZ off the coast of SW Ireland presently.
Note the Russian Cable laying boat
You use live ammo because sooner or later you need to see if the highly expensive things that go bang will actually go banh and hit something.
Though the British always wait till just before the best kill before date🤣.
Rapiers got to sit on the racks through a south Atlantic and were then fired off in the spring with rather erratic results 🙄.
Nearly killed a senior padres when one did a 180😂.

The Irish look into buying fighter jets even for a minimal sqd after you've brought the necessary infrastructure found training providers for pilots and maintrainers upgraded radar so the fighters can be dire ted etc your not getting much change from a billion if your starting for scratch and it would take years unless your buying some surplus that has its own problems.
Not like Ireland has billion its got nothing better to spend on.
We did get a few fun results with the Rapiers on South Uist. More than a few decided to take an early swim and then come out of the sea like a Polaris. A few decided that a loop the loop was a good idea and had the Operator and Commander diving into the shelter on the point.
No war, no stories. I like my wars a long time ago and far away.

TBH I'm always hyper aware that I don't want anyone to think I'm claiming any sort of real military experience so I added the explainer for those that may not be as astute and forensic as yourself. :thumbs:

I did chip my tooth on an FN magazine when doing a combat roll down a field in the Wicklow mountains, does that count?
Thank you for your service.
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