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Russian Missile Tests Off Coast of Ireland

being as ireland has allowed united states military flights to use shannon airport the neutrality as expressed by successive governments is more of a figleaf than a real position Renewed calls to stop letting US troops use Shannon Airport

It's a problem. And with the lies told by Blair and Bush Ireland was a very small pawn..used by the two nations who literally create most of the emplyment and business and livelihoods of the majority of Irish people at that time.

So the government had a choice.
Say no and watch US and UK business dry up and companies pull out and watch 100s of thousands of people lose jobs.
Or let them land refuel and fuck off ...pragmatic neutrality
It's a problem. And with the lies told by Blair and Bush Ireland was a very small pawn..used by the two nations who literally create most of the emplyment and business and livelihoods of the majority of Irish people at that time.

So the government had a choice.
Say no and watch US and UK business dry up and companies pull out and watch 100s of thousands of people lose jobs.
Or let them land refuel and fuck off ...pragmatic neutrality
And this isn't the gotcha that the "Irish neutrality is fake and gay" crowd think it is. Even if only a fig-leaf covers your modesty, well, you're still not going naked into the conference chamber. And maintaining even a semblance of modesty is still something, in a world of naked aggression - aggression which takes many forms, not just Vlad's little green men, but also the threat of US/UK businesses pulling out if they don't like this or that policy. . . or US/UK governments 'keeping the world safe for human rights' by checks notes transporting people through Shannon to be tortured in their vast array of black sites.
Do you really think that Irish neutrality played no role at all in the selection of Irish troops for peacekeeping missions, especially during the cold war?

Yup, simply because the UN has, since it's inception, never had enough troops who were well trained, equipped, lead and had the political support from their contributing state to carry out the mandate. They are often, much to their own sadness, forced to accept utter dross from states who's only interest is in the payments the UN makes to contributing nations.

Irelands soldiers are well trained, well equipped, and don't come with 50 pages of caveats - the UN bites Ireland's hand off when they're offered, but only in the way they also bite the hand off the Swedish, Danish, French, British, Polish, Norwegian etc... governments when troops from those states are offered.

There are UN ops when Ireland's semi-detached status is useful in terms of persuading the warring parties to accept an UN force, but it's very much towards the bottom end of the persuading factors the UN uses.
Yup, simply because the UN has, since it's inception, never had enough troops who were well trained, equipped, lead and had the political support from their contributing state to carry out the mandate. They are often, much to their own sadness, forced to accept utter dross from states who's only interest is in the payments the UN makes to contributing nations.

Irelands soldiers are well trained, well equipped, and don't come with 50 pages of caveats - the UN bites Ireland's hand off when they're offered, but only in the way they also bite the hand off the Swedish, Danish, French, British, Polish, Norwegian etc... governments when troops from those states are offered.

There are UN ops when Ireland's semi-detached status is useful in terms of persuading the warring parties to accept an UN force, but it's very much towards the bottom end of the persuading factors the UN uses.
So, in other words, Ireland is different, and even after other criteria have been deployed, and the UN has reached the "bottom end of the persuading factors", that difference is one of the persuading factors.
Airbus here is alluding to the condolence expressed to the German ambassador after Adolf checked out. What is always left out of this story is the fact that when Franklin Roosevelt died a few weeks earlier, the entirety of Dail Eireann adjourned for the day as a mark of respect.

As for his second sentence, he's referring to the cases of those who deserted from the Irish defence forces in order to join the British army during 1939 - 45. Any army that failed to punish desertion would cease to exist rather quickly, I would imagine.

See most English people on here aren’t in denial and don’t make apologies for the errors, horrors and abuse committed by ‘our’ country and government…

History isn't what we want it to be, It's nuanced. The Dublin fire brigade sent fire appliances and ambulances to Belfast during the Blitz, and the Irish met office sent crucial weather information, which helped significantly with both the bomber campaign and the Normandy landings. But the other things are also true. Many men who fought the nazi regime were banned from the civil service and from receiving benefits to which they were entitled well in to the the 50s.
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So Simon Coveney jumped the gun on Twatter and targetted / undermined the Chief of Staff of the Defence Forces for his meeting with the Russian ambassador last Friday.
Then he realised he fucked up and removed his tweet.
Then the plonker had to offer what looked like a mealy mouthed half apology in the Dail....actually a non apology.

Another Rob Gibney thread - information operations, getting your ducks in a row, not walking into traps....

Robert Gilbey (@RobGilbey) Tweeted: Let's face it, the Russians are running rings around the Irish in the information space. We've been exposed as weak to the world. Our under resourced Naval Service is being ridiculed as fishermen are stepping into the breach. Now we're seeing this. Russian embassy disputes claims of ‘absolute guarantee’ to Irish fishermen on naval exercise impact
Russia has been doing these approaches to Irish and UK airspace for some time.. that's why there is the agreement for UK jets to enter Irish airspace.. wouldn't take long for missiles from nuclear submarine off Irish coast to hit london.. also UK has nuclear subs from faslane in Scotland entering Atlantic above Ireland and going wherever they want really..
Probably much more of these incidents happening than are reported too..and many incidents of submarines getting entangled in fishing trawler nets..the trawlers just cut loose the nets in case the subs dive and the boat is dragged under..

Russian jets intercepted heading to UK airspace
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Important to note that the 'RAF jets' agreement has two different parts to it, with the bit about watching the Russians being by far the lesser part...

It came into being during a phone call between Blair and Ahern on the afternoon of September 11th 2001, when aircraft where being grounded and airspace closed all over the northern hemisphere, and the Irish Government started choking on the gristle of not splashing the cash on primary radar systems and an air policing capability - they simply couldn't determine if there were aircraft over Ireland that weren't responding to ATC and then couldn't do anything about it if there were. So Ahern calls Blair and asks for air cover, and Blair agrees - at the time the RAF had both AWACS and fighters in the air over the UK, and the AWACS moved a bit westward, looked at the airspace over Ireland and confirmed it was clear.

Later that evening there was a further conversation which firmed up some procedures, and established the idea that if Ireland screamed for help, the UK would respond, and if asked by the Irish Government, would intercept and shoot down an aircraft within Irish airspace.

There's then a second part, which is both older and newer, that of Russian military aircraft flying down the west coast without transponders, no flight plan, and not talking to Irish air traffic control - and given that some of them fly at airliner height, trailing at 10km arial for talking to submerged Russian submarines, this presents something of a safety risk...

So, these aircraft take off in northern Russia, get detected by Norwegian radars, and intercepted/escorted by Norwegian fighters, who trail them all the way down through the Norway-Iceland gap, and then handed to British and Danish fighters who follow them from up past the Faeroes (where the Danes have built a new radar after closing the original at the end of Cold War 1.0), and down along the Shetland-West of Ireland route.

The NATO fighters usually keep their transponders switched on so that other aircraft, and ATC, can keep out of the way, but sometimes they are switched off with a constant update to ATC about where they and the Russians are, course/speed/height etc.... so ATC can route civil aircraft away from them.

The agreement bit of this is simply that the RAF (and sometimes the French) will left Irish ATC know about the Russians, and that, in extremis the Irish will allow UK/French/Danish/Norwegian aircraft to fly over Ireland - which, I believe, has never been requested in the 15+ years that the Russians have been ramping up their flights over the Atlantic.
Important to note that the 'RAF jets' agreement has two different parts to it, with the bit about watching the Russians being by far the lesser part...

It came into being during a phone call between Blair and Ahern on the afternoon of September 11th 2001, when aircraft where being grounded and airspace closed all over the northern hemisphere, and the Irish Government started choking on the gristle of not splashing the cash on primary radar systems and an air policing capability - they simply couldn't determine if there were aircraft over Ireland that weren't responding to ATC and then couldn't do anything about it if there were. So Ahern calls Blair and asks for air cover, and Blair agrees - at the time the RAF had both AWACS and fighters in the air over the UK, and the AWACS moved a bit westward, looked at the airspace over Ireland and confirmed it was clear.

Later that evening there was a further conversation which firmed up some procedures, and established the idea that if Ireland screamed for help, the UK would respond, and if asked by the Irish Government, would intercept and shoot down an aircraft within Irish airspace.

There's then a second part, which is both older and newer, that of Russian military aircraft flying down the west coast without transponders, no flight plan, and not talking to Irish air traffic control - and given that some of them fly at airliner height, trailing at 10km arial for talking to submerged Russian submarines, this presents something of a safety risk...

So, these aircraft take off in northern Russia, get detected by Norwegian radars, and intercepted/escorted by Norwegian fighters, who trail them all the way down through the Norway-Iceland gap, and then handed to British and Danish fighters who follow them from up past the Faeroes (where the Danes have built a new radar after closing the original at the end of Cold War 1.0), and down along the Shetland-West of Ireland route.

The NATO fighters usually keep their transponders switched on so that other aircraft, and ATC, can keep out of the way, but sometimes they are switched off with a constant update to ATC about where they and the Russians are, course/speed/height etc.... so ATC can route civil aircraft away from them.

The agreement bit of this is simply that the RAF (and sometimes the French) will left Irish ATC know about the Russians, and that, in extremis the Irish will allow UK/French/Danish/Norwegian aircraft to fly over Ireland - which, I believe, has never been requested in the 15+ years that the Russians have been ramping up their flights over the Atlantic.
Every now and again the Irish government launch a study into their capability.

It’s that time of the year again…

And.... now there is this.

Why do they need to launch live rockets??
To get everyone looking over there. I can't find it on You Tube but I did once see a TV programme which featured a RN Trident doing working up drills where they fire an inflatable bag to test the system to force the missile out of the launch tube. It was a bit odd as there was the whole 'end of the word' scenario in the operations compartment then this thing like a banana boat popped out of the water and started bobbing up and down...
I dont understand why any of the exercise has to use live ammo?

To be technical, if you're going to stage a big exercise where you test your forces under as real conditions as possible, then you want to have as many links in the chain as real as possible - however, as ever, there's a political aspect to this, which is about trailing coats and making as much noise as possible, and inert warheads put a dent in that.
To be technical, if you're going to stage a big exercise where you test your forces under as real conditions as possible, then you want to have as many links in the chain as real as possible - however, as ever, there's a political aspect to this, which is about trailing coats and making as much noise as possible, and inert warheads put a dent in that.

It's fucking stupid though isn't it? Let's show everyone how we can blow them to bits if necessary.

Its all willy waving...
It's fucking stupid though isn't it? Let's show everyone how we can blow them to bits if necessary.

Its all willy waving...

It's quite effective willy-waving...

I wonder how effective it is as wider policy however - Ukraine wants to join NATO, having had no interest prior to the Crimea-Donbass invasions of 2014, Sweden and Finland have closer relationships with NATO than they've ever had, with membership on the cards for both as well as crash rearmament programs....
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