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Russian Missile Tests Off Coast of Ireland

The way nuclear weapons command and control is structured it is unlikely any exchange will remain localised so you'd also have to factor in nuclear winter which although not a direct hit will affect the southern hemisphere. I cannot imagine much civilisation surviving in the north where the effects will be far worse. A temperature drop of between 20 - 30 degrees across huge areas of North America and Eurasia will bring civilisation to its knees. Starvation will be a likely consequence for many of the survivors.
Hardly. Plenty of people live in cold parts of the world.
On one side, yes, a global war is generally perceived to be bad. But consider the boon to the movie industry just following WW2 and the elation everyone felt when it was over.
After having got through austerity, Brexit and covid I am sure we as a nation can rise above a thermonuclear war and take full advantage of the opportunities that inevitably arise from adversity.
C5 now is that warship show going up against russian planes and subs.

Last one this week sadly. Easily the best show I've watched in 2022. The Covid outbreak that presumably ended the show early (five episodes?) does suggest it was filmed some time ago?
Kind of tangential, but not.

A long running, government sponsored commission on the future of the Irish Defence Forces - what they are for, what the threats are, what they can do and what they should be able to do - has finished it's work.

Report made public, sent to government, and the Irish Government will report to the Dail in 4-5 months on what it intends to do.

Worth reading, imv...

Kind of tangential, but not.

A long running, government sponsored commission on the future of the Irish Defence Forces - what they are for, what the threats are, what they can do and what they should be able to do - has finished it's work.

Report made public, sent to government, and the Irish Government will report to the Dail in 4-5 months on what it intends to do.

Worth reading, imv...

Thanks kebabking. I downloaded that and started reading it but it’s long. Will persevere.

In the meantime.

Blindboys’ take.

What were the Russians really up to off the coast of Ireland?
They said manoevres.
But they said the same thing about their "manoevres" on the border with Ukraine.
We all know this was a lie.

So what do you think they were doing off Ireland? Or what have they done that is not visible?
Where are they now?
How vulnerable is Ireland?
Where could they potentially land?
How fast could the UK send help?
What chance has Ireland & UK of fighting off a Russian army / navy etc that might invade Ireland?

Am I just overthinking what the Russians are doing?
"To anyone who would consider interfering from outside: If you do, you will face consequences greater than any you have faced in history. All the relevant decisions have been taken."

That sort of thing yeah?
Kind of tangential, but not.

A long running, government sponsored commission on the future of the Irish Defence Forces - what they are for, what the threats are, what they can do and what they should be able to do - has finished it's work.

Report made public, sent to government, and the Irish Government will report to the Dail in 4-5 months on what it intends to do.

Worth reading, imv...

There's a section of the south Dublin upper middle classes who would love Ireland to be in NATO - but don't go overboard with the "Good show, I knew Paddy would see sense in the end" stuff just yet. The rest of the country hates and despises that section of the south Dublin upper classes, and also knows that everyone Euro spent on weapons, weapons, exciting weapons will be one that won't be spent on housing or healthcare, both of which are in crisis right now.
There's a section of the south Dublin upper middle classes who would love Ireland to be in NATO - but don't go overboard with the "Good show, I knew Paddy would see sense in the end" stuff just yet. The rest of the country hates and despises that section of the south Dublin upper classes, and also knows that everyone Euro spent on weapons, weapons, exciting weapons will be one that won't be spent on housing or healthcare, both of which are in crisis right now.

While I agree ..there are plenty young people who have no clue about the stance on not being in NATO. There are some who have NATO mixed up with peacekeeping and the UN.
Ireland abstains from supporting military aid to Ukraine.

Ireland abstains from supporting military aid to Ukraine.

They are giving €9million to non lethal equipment.

Not sure why...but maybe it's to do with neutrality or not being in NATO?

Many people all over Ireland are collecting money and goods to send to Poland for Ukrainian refugees.
Ireland is not a member of NATO..so ..is it possible Putin might see us a strategic position because of our closeness in to the UK
.and invade Ireland from the sea?
Would the UK take Putin on in Ireland?

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