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How much evidence is there of long term high level UK paedophile ring?

But who should replace her?

You need someone who is familiar with the workings of the establishment but not part of it.

My vote would go for Shami Chakrabarti.
Maybe, a former Home Secretary, perhaps with some experience working outside the UK, in the European Union say?
I think we could write his statement for him - 'absolute integrity... thanks for her dedication in support of vulnerable children blah'

I think she stepped down because she didn't want further dragging through the mud and further press scrutiny on herself and her family. I don't for a moment recon it was out of reflecting on the matter and realising she is just exactly the wrong person for the job
I think we could write his statement for him - 'absolute integrity... thanks for her dedication in support of vulnerable children blah'
from the beebs article

'A No 10 spokesman said there had been no change in the view of the prime minister or Home Secretary Theresa May about Lady Butler-Sloss' integrity or suitability for the job'

I think she stepped down because she didn't want further dragging through the mud and further press scrutiny on herself and her family. I don't for a moment recon it was out of reflecting on the matter and realising she is just exactly the wrong person for the job
or she was getting so much shit from EVERYONE she thought shed better scarper quick time
I think she stepped down because she didn't want further dragging through the mud and further press scrutiny on herself and her family. I don't for a moment recon it was out of reflecting on the matter and realising she is just exactly the wrong person for the job
Absolutely - and the Gilberthorpe stuff over the weekend, however flakey it may well have been, showed how close to home the focus was going to stay.
Alternatively why does it have to be one person? The job requires a wide range of skills and knowledge; why not draw a group of people together to do it?

Cheers - Louis MacNeice
It is not one person. The job is for the chair of the committee.
Whole thing over the last week smacks of crisis management. According to this piece
they've even been forced to defend themselves against the accusation they forgot she was Havers brother.

Butler-Sloss's decision to stand down is a blow to the government, which appeared to have rushed into appointing her. On Sunday last week Michael Gove said there would be no public inquiry. Within 24 hours the home secretary announced a wide-ranging inquiry that will examine how public institutions responded to allegations of child abuse.
There were suggestions that the Home Office overlooked Butler-Sloss's family links. Government sources insisted last week that it was well known that Butler-Sloss was the sister of Sir Michael Havers, attorney general from 1979 to 1987.
They thought they could get away with an establishment yeswoman being put in place. And, tbf, I thought they'd get away with it as well. Will be exteremely interesting to see who takes her place. Whover it is wants to be whiter than white now, because a second embarrasment like this would be hugely damaging to the vermin on the front benches.
It is not one person. The job is for the chair of the committee.

Thanks for the clarification; therefore the skills that are really needed are those of leading a complex investigative team, including the production of their findings. The other demand should obviously be that the appointee should not be compromised by membership of or connection with the establishment bodies they are helping to investigate.

Cheers - Louis MacNeice
They thought they could get away with an establishment yeswoman being put in place. And, tbf, I thought they'd get away with it as well. Will be exteremely interesting to see who takes her place. Whover it is wants to be whiter than white now, because a second embarrasment like this would be hugely damaging to the vermin on the front benches.
I think they might have done before the advent of the internet.
From The Guardian

Lady Butler-Sloss's resignation statement

"I was honoured to be invited by the Home Secretary to chair the wide-ranging inquiry about child sexual abuse and hoped I could make a useful contribution.

It has become apparent over the last few days, however, that there is a widespread perception, particularly among victim and survivor groups, that I am not the right person to chair the inquiry. It has also become clear to me that I did not sufficiently consider whether my background and the fact my brother had been Attorney General would cause difficulties.

This is a victim-orientated inquiry and those who wish to be heard must have confidence that the members of the panel will pay proper regard to their concerns and give appropriate advice to Government.

Nor should media attention be allowed to be diverted from the extremely important issues at stake, namely whether enough has been done to protect children from sexual abuse and hold to account those who commit these appalling crimes.

Having listened to the concerns of victim and survivor groups and the criticisms of MPs and the media, I have come to the conclusion that I should not chair this inquiry and have so informed the Home Secretary.

I should like to add that I have dedicated my life to public service, to the pursuit of justice and to protecting the rights of children and families and I wish the inquiry success in its important work"

And here is Theresa May's statement on Lady Butler-Sloss's resignation.

"I am deeply saddened by Baroness Butler-Sloss’s decision to withdraw but understand and respect her reasons. Baroness Butler-Sloss is a woman of the highest integrity and compassion and continues to have an enormous contribution to make to public life.

As she has said herself, the work of this inquiry is more important than any individual and an announcement will be made on who will take over the chairmanship and membership of the panel as soon as possible so this important work can move forward."

May will be taking questions on this when she gives evidence to the home affairs committee at 3pm.

More comments here....


Frank Field just on the radio saying what a shame it is that she has stepped down; his solution to the potential conflicts of interest was to have ' got on with the inquiry straight away' so that people could see how good she was. Or to put it another way; present the public with a fait accomplis.

Cheers - Louis MacNeice
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