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How much evidence is there of long term high level UK paedophile ring?

Questions have also been raised about its funding. Organisers say they hope to raise money from the public, partly by selling wristbands carrying the slogan ‘sweep away the secrecy’.

from the article

Ah, its not been sorted yet and apparently Liz Davies has resigned from the steering committee
Catching up on other reported stuff of the last week or so that I don't think got a mention in this thread yet.

The Lord Janner investigation is far from dead, two sources have told Exaro in this December 8th article that it has restarted, and witnesses are being reinterviewed. Several authorities appear to have decided that they can't just leave it alone, and that if they have enough evidence for prosecution but Janners lawyers claim he is unfit to stand trial, they will insist on an independent medical assessment.

Probably because it and the original April story are Daily Mail stories, I think I had completely missed this Elm Guest House angle:


Two former police officers are being investigated over claims they sexually abused a former child actor at a guesthouse allegedly frequented by VIPs and politicians, The Mail on Sunday can reveal.

Lee Towsey claims two undercover officers, who were themselves investigating abuse claims, sexually assaulted him at the Elm Guest House in South-West London.

In an interview with The Mail on Sunday in April, Mr Towsey said he had sex with two officers who were gaining intelligence on the guesthouse prior to the June 1982 raid.

Mr Towsey worked as a masseur at the guesthouse but was 16 at the time of the offences, which was under the age of homosexual consent then. He said: ‘The first came in April and I had sex with him.

‘He turned out to be one of the officers who later raided the house.

‘He came back about three weeks later and hired a room. He stayed two nights and on the second night his partner stayed too.

‘I ended up having sex with them. Afterwards they asked me “how much” and I told them that they were not clients and I felt insulted they wanted to pay me.’

Metropolitan Police detectives launched the investigation after Mr Towsey reported the allegations to police in early 2013. It referred the matter the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC), but the watchdog decided not to investigate and sent the case back to the Met.

The Met’s Directorate of Professional Standards is now leading the investigation, Operation Yvonne, into the former officers, who were police constables at the time of the alleged offence.

Scotland Yard has refused to release their names.

Like some other aspects of Elm Guest house and elsewhere, we can see issues of gay age of consent and sex work complicate the broader picture of these places/events. I suppose the main way to deal with that properly is the very specific details of each case of potential abuse, and thats a level of detail we don't have in too many cases yet, and wouldn't expect to have at this stage beyond those victims who have given detailed horrific accounts to the media.

But obviously with this particular story, if it goes anywhere we have the link to other revelations of recent years regarding police undercover work.
New major Guardian news article
Basically just says the lead investigating copper believes the claim made by Nick.

In this December 5th article regarding operation Pallial, we learn that some victims of North Wales care home abuse are receiving letters from government lawyers saying that so far ten deceased people would have been prosecuted if they were still alive (out of 120 potential suspects, 40 of whom are dead).


76 year old from Wrexham charged with 14 offences as a result of pallial - link i have says 14 further charges - and that the offences were 2010-2014. Not sure if those dates are a mistake.
Basically just says the lead investigating copper believes the claim made by Nick.

76 year old from Wrexham charged with 14 offences as a result of pallial - link i have says 14 further charges - and that the offences were 2010-2014. Not sure if those dates are a mistake.
BBC R5 also leading with the story...also mentioning "military establishments".

tbh that Met statement, if reported correctly, does seem extraordinary...
Scotland Yard has said claims by a witness that a “VIP” sex abuse ring murdered three boys are “credible and true”.
BBC R5 also leading with the story...also mentioning "military establishments".

tbh that Met statement, if reported correctly, does seem extraordinary...

That does seem astonishingly prejudicial.

If I were inclined to the vast cover-up/conspiracy theory of events I'd be interested to know a bit more about the circumstances of that statement...
That does seem astonishingly prejudicial.

If I were inclined to the vast cover-up/conspiracy theory of events I'd be interested to know a bit more about the circumstances of that statement...
The telegraph report uses a slightly different quote...

Detective Superintendent Kenny McDonald, the lead officer for the operation, said:

"Nick has been spoken to by experienced officers from the child abuse team and from the murder investigation team and they and I believe what Nick is saying is credible and true, hence why we are investigating the allegations that he has made."

Still, apparently, surprisingly prejudicial language.

e2a : BBC report inc interview with McDonald
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The telegraph report uses a slightly different quote...

Still, apparently, surprisingly prejudicial language.

Ok, so maybe just an example of poor reporting of a poorly judged statement.

Still, if there is a cover up of various scandals that is about to be revealed, it'll be interesting to observe the precise way the veil is drawn back.

With the antiquity of the allegations and the probable lack of hard, contemporaneous evidence, it will be very difficult to prosecute anyone. Statements like that won't make it any easier.
Condom Face "dismissive" of Historical Sex Abuse Claims according to Sky News.

An MP leading the campaign to uncover allegations of sexual abuse involving political figures in the 1980s has accused David Cameron of being "dismissive" of the issue.

Simon Danczuk has told Sky News he believes there is a "schism" in the Cabinet over the issue.

He said: "I think the Prime Minister, and I don't say this lightly, but I think the Prime Minister is quite dismissive of the issue and wants to move on from it.

"Whereas the Home Secretary Theresa May, I think, is very serious about wanting to pursue this. She's right to say we're talking about the tip on the iceberg.

"There's absolutely no doubt about it that there were politicians and other people in power co-operating and assisting each other in the abuse of children, and that's going to come out and there's no doubt about that.
If there is any "schism" it will revolve around how best to limit the damage from the inevitable, managed reveal.

Again, on the assumption that there is a wide range of stuff to come out, there are ways of revealing it that offer the opportunity for some comparatively good PR/brand distinction.

Very risky game to play tho...
BBC R4 leading with it. I have a very bad feeling about this.

I don't have a bad feeling about it. Its a desperate plea for more info. It suggests that not enough people and info have emerged since 'Nick' first made his pleas for people to come forward via the media.

Personally I'd place the fear that badly chosen words by the police might scupper criminal proceedings very far down my list of concerns as it relates to both high-profile child sex abuse prosecutions in general and any specific Dolphin Square instances of such. The biggest threat of it being scuppered would come from a failure of people to heed these appeals for information, and so although I am dismayed that the police clearly still haven't got enough victims and info, I see it as a good thing that they are making the appeal now with such strong emphasis on believing victims.
The Sky news thing I saw this afternoon actually had a guy being interviewed who was originally from North Wales who claimed to have been taken to London and abused during the 70's-80's.
I don't have a bad feeling about it. Its a desperate plea for more info. It suggests that not enough people and info have emerged since 'Nick' first made his pleas for people to come forward via the media.

Personally I'd place the fear that badly chosen words by the police might scupper criminal proceedings very far down my list of concerns as it relates to both high-profile child sex abuse prosecutions in general and any specific Dolphin Square instances of such. The biggest threat of it being scuppered would come from a failure of people to heed these appeals for information, and so although I am dismayed that the police clearly still haven't got enough victims and info, I see it as a good thing that they are making the appeal now with such strong emphasis on believing victims.
I hope you are right. I see the appeal as genuine. Just that it can be blown off course by malign influences. For anyone who hasn't followed these stories it's very hard to believe these claims. That disbelief can easily be harnessed.
Still, apparently, surprisingly prejudicial language.

I suspect that there is a little more flexibility at certain specific key stages of police work, on occasions where altering the tone of the message is seen as crucial.

For example, when a young person goes missing, the police may decide to release all sorts of information about the possible victim, perpetrator, and various other details, that we might otherwise only expect to learn during or after a trial, or not at all when it comes to some privacy/protection of minors issues. Eg people that could be named by all and sundry, suddenly un-nameable in the press.

I don't have too hard a time wondering whether this might not also apply to pleas for potential victims to come forwards at some vital stage of an investigation. And since one of the historical phenomenon often seen as having being at work in prior coverups and failures to prosecute serial sex offenders was the failure to believe victims, its no surprise that any mistake they may make on this front at this stage of the game is likely to be in the opposite direction.

It is entirely understandable that people should be cynical in the face of a massive correction on this front, but its been one of the most obvious and sustained phenomenon in the post-Savile era, and although I would not go quite so far as to take it purely at face value, I believe it to be genuine on at least some levels. How far that genuine desire reaches we are not yet really able to conclude, but attempts to manage the situation won't put me off cheering on occasions where fresh milestones are reached.
I hope you are right. I see the appeal as genuine. Just that it can be blown off course by malign influences. For anyone who hasn't followed these stories it's very hard to believe these claims. That disbelief can easily be harnessed.

I tend to see any malign influences as operating on different levels to this stuff.

For example I only really expect to see disbelief being harnessed successfully if there really don't end up being enough victims coming forwards to attempt any prosecutions.

And plenty of the malign influences that can supper things at this earlier stage are ghosts, echoes from the past. The damage done to victims by the abuse itself, the fear that power can project, both on a personal abuse of power level and from institutions and structures of power. The numerous ways this can make victims unable to talk to the police in 2014, including being dead. And of course I cannot utterly forget the possibility of the victims we seek not existing, for its still almost as hard today as it was on day one of this thread to judge the scale of elite abuse. A picture of wider abuse by those on lower levels of power has always been somewhat easier to grasp, and thats proving to be the case again this time around. These echo are one of the reasons I'm not quick to assume any fresh cover-ups, since in most cases so far its been almost impossible to judge the age of any bad smells - fresh coverup or the unalterable present-day consequences of historical coverups? If there is genuine will at various levels of the state to correct this stuff, they too have a battle on their hands in dealing with these consequences of the past, so I'm entirely unsurprised to hear the police overcompensating for past sins.
Saw this on Twitter tonight...had a quick search on here but neither John Oliver's name or that of Mark Sedwill came up so hope it hasn't already been posted....

Home Office ordered to answer questions on missing Westminster child abuse files from Guildford man John Oliver

The Home Office must respond to the request of Guildford resident John Oliver by the middle of January next year

A Freedom of Information (FoI) request submitted by a Guildford resident about 114 missing files detailing allegations of historic child abuse in Westminster must be answered by the Home Office.

John Oliver wrote to the department on July 8 this year asking about the files, on the same day its top civil servant, Mark Sedwill, told the Home Affairs Select Committee that he did not know if other files were also missing.

The 114 files contained allegations of abuse at Westminster, but during his select committee appearance Mr Sedwill said he was unable to confirm if other files next to the missing child abuse allegations were also missing or not.

“I couldn’t believe that one of the most important administrators in the country hadn’t thought to have this checked – something that the most junior member of his clerical staff would do as a matter of course," said Mr Oliver.

Mr Sedwill said he was “concerned” but insisted people “should not assume there was anything sinister” about the missing files - and confessed that he did not know the titles or contents of the documents, which dated from 1979 to 1999.

Despite sending the FoI request on July 8, Mr Oliver had still not received a response by the end of September.

It was revealed on Thursday that the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) - which monitors the operation of the Freedom of Information Act - had issued a formal decision ordering the Home Office to respond.

Mr Oliver reacted by saying: “I am grateful for the help of the Commissioner’s Office. Despite [Home Secretary Theresa] May’s assertion that no stone will be left unturned, I’m beginning to wonder if they would rather the stones were buried."

As well as the FoI request, Guildford MP Anne Milton has also written to the minister of state at the Home Office with responsibility for child abuse matters, Mike Penning.

Despite contacting him in early November, she too has not had a response.

The ICO decision requires the Home Office to respond by January 13 2015.

Failure to comply may result in the ICO sending written certification of this fact to the High Court and it being dealt with as a contempt of court.

A Home Office spokesperson said: “We are aware of the ruling by the Information Commissioner’s Office and will respond within the given period.”

...this is real FOAF stuff but I met up with an ex colleague yesterday, I showed him the Evening Standard front-page


....he said one of his co-worker's dad's was a policeman & working on the case.....and his view was ( paraphrasing ) ...its all bullshit, there are people coming forward but timewasters and that it was a massive diversion ( 80 officers or so ) from the stuff happening now...

...that's all 3-4th hand ofcourse, paraphrased but the gist anyway fwiw...
...this is real FOAF stuff but I met up with an ex colleague yesterday, I showed him the Evening Standard front-page


....he said one of his co-worker's dad's was a policeman & working on the case.....and his view was ( paraphrasing ) ...its all bullshit, there are people coming forward but timewasters and that it was a massive diversion ( 80 officers or so ) from the stuff happening now...

...that's all 3-4th hand ofcourse, paraphrased but the gist anyway fwiw...

A large number of people are certainly benefitting indirectly from all these inquiries.

Simply put, focusing on historical child abuse distracts from present failures and, in a worse case scenario, may help perpetuate them.
A large number of people are certainly benefitting indirectly from all these inquiries.

Simply put, focusing on historical child abuse distracts from present failures and, in a worse case scenario, may help perpetuate them.

Sorry but how does that actually work?

If you are giving credence/authority to historical victims of abuse won't that empower current/recent victims?

Placing the accounts of the abused in a credible centre stage (whenever that abuse occurred be it yesterday or in the last century) is vital in tackling the individual cases of abuse and exposing cultures of abuse (be they in families, communities or organisations).

Louis MacNeice
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