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How many times have you been into your office/workplace since March 2020?


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Aiming this at people mainly in office type roles rather than people whose jobs require them to be present even under lockdown conditions

I've been in the office 3.5 times since March 2020 - office closed a week before lockdown and I wasn't in for a few days before that as I wasn't well. They kept it shut until early summerlast year I think.

Came in for a half day in July this year - no one else was there at all and I started feeling ill so I left at lunchtime. Didn't come in again over summer as there were things I wanted to minimise household risk of COVID for. Came in twice in September and once in October. If it's still allowed I may go in next week. Not expecting to go in again until at least next March. Office are not mandating return in foreseeable - but I can imagine I might do maybe a day or two a week starting some time from next spring depending on restrictions.

Don't think I can do a poll as there are a lot of different ways experiences people must have had!
Occasionally between March 2020 & the Autumn, maybe 6 times in that period. From January 2021 I was going in more, my job works a lot better with personal contact with residents.

Since July this year I've been pretty much full-time (apart from this week as I have a bit of a cold 🤔)
I’m always absolutely astonished to realise people are still wfh! My mate who works in DoH Kremlin in town said she went in and in a MASSIVE open plan office (believe me when I say massive) there were two people on the entire floor.
My old job/office twice and very briefly -- once to clear my desk, second time to take my laptop back.

New job/office (since the end of August) -- never. We've now been told to continue to WFH where possible until June. Guess I may pop in at some point before then but no plans to do so anytime soon.
4 times in total, and I've workied virtually every weekday. Even when I've been abroad, the move to WFH has made it unremarkable not to be in the office, so I've worked from by a pool in the sunshine.
I’ve been in at least once a week throughout the whole period as someone needed to check the post (small law firm) and I’m a short bike ride away.

However, of the other 20-ish people, half have not been back at all since March 2020.
My brother, who works for GLA, has been in I think several times a week out of choice. My sister was mostly WFH in her current role anyway, but didn't do any of her work travelling until later in summer.
I’m always absolutely astonished to realise people are still wfh! My mate who works in DoH Kremlin in town said she went in and in a MASSIVE open plan office (believe me when I say massive) there were two people on the entire floor.

A lot of people like WFH and are resisting their employers' exhortations to return to the office. Loads of jobs advertised now specify that they are flexible or WFH.

Last year I went in about once a month to pick up documents that were too big to scan in.

This year it's been about once a week. I'm content doing half a day a week in the office but wouldn't want to return to a 9-5.
in last job, continued to work full time (and then some) in the office until about october 2020 (and had a letter from employer saying i was a key worker) - then about october someone tested positive and they pretty much turfed people out to work from home - still had to go in maybe a day every week or two as some things needed physical documents producing, and one bit of software didn't work remotely.

started new job this september, and have been full time at the office (apart from a few days off with what might have been flu or might have been covid - i got a negative PCR test but was told a few weeks later it was from the dodgy lab) as i'm technically on training still.

not quite sure what the rules are from next week or what new employer will want to do.

and furlough isn't still a thing, is it?

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A lot of people like WFH and are resisting their employers' exhortations to return to the office. Loads of jobs advertised now specify that they are flexible or WFH.
Yep and loads of folk i know are moving jobs where companies are forcing the issue. (Like my old company which is now throwing money at people to come in. A lot of people are leaving anyway.)
never worked from home

not really a option with what i do for a living

still may have the employer keyworkers letter laminated under the car sun visor
About 60% of the time from early summer onwards. I can do virtually all my work from home, but I work at a university, and they've said that everyone has to spend at least 60% of their time on campus, regardless of whether you can work from home or not, to ensure a 'vibrant campus' and support the campus economy.

To be fair, I don't mind it, as having so many staff working from home and/or refusing to come in, is causing no end of problems, and I think it's really valuable to be able to meet and talk in person on a weekly basis, rather than doing everything over Teams, especially for the early career professionals I work with.
still may have the employer keyworkers letter laminated under the car sun visor

i did get stopped once on the way to work by old bill (or young bill - think it was a PCSO) some time in spring 2020 when i was driving because bus service got reduced to hourly here.

they took my word for it without asking to see letter. don't know if they were stopping everyone / people at random / people with cars not registered locally (think my car was registered in staffordshire or shropshire)
Worked from home from March 2020 and probably popped into the City office a handful of times up to January 2021 for various reasons. The last time to give back my laptop and say good-bye to office working full stop. I'd been contracting for various companies in all sorts of industries since 2017, the last one being high-end travel, which died a death from 2020. Talk about soul-destroying. :( cutting weeks and pay down to four days a week, making people redundant and generally being shit.

Semi-retired now and have probably had around twenty-five or so working days since June, with a few days booked for the rest of the month and January. Just pocket-money really, but it can be a laugh and quite entertaining. Doing film-extra work. :)

I realise very well just how fortunate we are.
Once in April last year, to collect stuff as the office was closing perminatly...

Have been into 3 other offices this year, on 3 separate occasions. Which I enjoyed TBH.
I wfh about 3 months in 2020 (apr/may/june iirc) then Back to office for rest of the year then some more wfh in 2021 for 6 months from start jan to end of june. Been back in office since 1st july. No idea if we will be wfh again now after the new "plan b" annoucement. Will see what boss says tommorow.
i did get stopped once on the way to work by old bill (or young bill - think it was a PCSO) some time in spring 2020 when i was driving because bus service got reduced to hourly here.

they took my word for it without asking to see letter. don't know if they were stopping everyone / people at random / people with cars not registered locally (think my car was registered in staffordshire or shropshire)

never got pulled aside from a moment of my own fault during the first 4 months of the pandemic
even then showing the letter was only a afterthought to the officer

lockdown was never that effective it was on public good faith and they screwed that up pretty quickly
as the police did not enforce it effectively

was nice to have it just incase mind
Quite a bit - our office reopened in June last year and since then I've probably been in for at least a day on most working weeks. Creeping up to 2-3 days a week at points this term.

I like it though and need it in some ways. But do also appreciate the option to WFH, and the flexibility my employer affords me to decide when I do what.
Almost every day since a fortnight after I had my second jab back in june. Mostly by choice - WfH doesn't agree with me at all.
Twice I think. We’ve been supposed to be in at least once a week but we have to book in before Tuesday and I keep forgetting. And since nobody in my team works in my office anyway it seems pretty pointless. I can get the exact same team connection without losing 2hrs travel and a tenner a day, so I do.
I was one of the first to return and I still go in most days. It wasn’t forced on me and still isn’t and tbh at first I even had to ask permission.

But for me the whole routine of going to work and coming home at the end of the day is what kept me mentally and physically healthy during the pandemic. It forced me to have a routine and it kept a sense of normality about the world.
other than when I've been obliged to work from home, I've been in the office
Same for me, in the office five days a week since the spring.

Watched the crowds ebb and flow, with the restrictions. Never back to the level of before.
About 3.5 hours but I only did about 1-2 days a week in the ‘before times’ as I mostly worked from home.
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