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How do you stay full on a vegan diet?

That looks fantastic, will have to give it a go!
I spent a while wondering what a hispi cabbage was, then read the description on that page and realised they are often called sweetheart cabbage which is the name I know them by :thumbs:

This is my go to cabbage. You can make decent salads with them just shred them fine eat raw. With good dressing. Well I mean I just use lemon juice and olive oil.
This is my go to cabbage. You can make decent salads with them just shred them fine eat raw. With good dressing. Well I mean I just use lemon juice and olive oil.

I don't eat a lot of cooked cabbage, but I've used that particular variety to make coleslaw with carrot and apple- delicious :)
That's exactly what it is. I'm by no means a chef.

It tastes like all the ingredients. Most of which you'd combine anyway. Admittedly having berries with tofu is a bit odd, but that's only because it's easier to put eberything in one bowl, rather than have the oats and berries in a bowl and the tofu and beans and veg on a plate

Well that's exactly the problem with nutrition science. There are more opinions than scientists!

Substituting the oats might be a good idea.

That's why i'm tracking. You have to plan properly to avoid missing out nutrients.

I'm not sure I have that much food if Im going to be eating that often! Not joking, food is expensive enough as it is

You don't really need to track in a detailed way to eat a healthy vegan diet - maybe it's helpful at the start, but weighing stuff and tracking calories is definitely not something you always need to do. It's not really a healthy way (mentally) to organise your eating.

Splitting those ingredients into two meals wouldn't cost more if you don't increase the ingredients.
You don't seem to be overweight yet mention diet a few times and seem to be restricting your calorie intake.
This assumes I am. It's possible, but I'm not sure that eating 2500kcals, or whatever the assumed energy intake, is advisable.

But this doesn't address the issue that I'm specific about: i eat a meal that leaves me full and then an hour later I'm hungry again. I don't think that's normal. It can't be healthy to end up eating that often. Not saying Im correct, I don't know. But I couldn't eat a bigger meal than I have, so why isn't that meal keeping me full when it has all the bits you need for satiety, like fibre.

It might not be the foods you're eating that are at risk of being unhealthy, but more your attitude to weighing them and calorie counting.
That might also be unhealthy, but I think it's erroneous to characterise it as unhealthey. I do it to ensure that I'm getting enough nutrients because a vegan diet has those issues. I don't obsess over it though; if i put 101g chick peas into a pan instead of 100g, I won't remove the one pea and put it back in the can.

Maybe trying stopping weighing foods and calorie counting and eat what you like - in moderation - until you feel full.
I do eat until I feel full, that's what I've been trying to say. I just don't stay full and am trying to work out why not
Do you have a history of problems with being overweight and struggling to lose weight/eating disorder(s)?
I used to be overweight and then lost weight going low carb. Never had an eating disorder.
But I couldn't eat a bigger meal than I have, so why isn't that meal keeping me full when it has all the bits you need for satiety, like fibre.
But possibly not enough protein.

Anyway, I'm out. People have suggested various things on this thread/your last one but you don't really seem up for actually trying any of them so 🤷‍♀️.
Yeah, more protein, fewer carbs could be worth a try. There may also be aspects of lifestyle influencing the hunger - activity levels and stimulation both physical and mental. There could be psychological elements to the hunger as well.

And everyone will be different, so you'd need to experiment with a few things. How we react to carbs varies very widely, for example. Some people get sugar spikes and crashes quite easily, others don't.
It's not terribly shocking that you're hungry not long after a 650 cal meal, especially one that's not very high in protein. You need more vegan protein than you do meat protein. Also, there are basically no fats in your food, and that'll be affecting you a lot. Fats are usually there automatically in meat protein, but not so much when your protein is tofu and beans, with no frying.

TBH I'm not certain you can say you've never had an eating disorder. I feel very hesitant about saying that, but the weighing, calorie-counting and throwing random things together in a bowl aren't good signs.
It's not terribly shocking that you're hungry not long after a 650 cal meal, especially one that's not very high in protein. You need more vegan protein than you do meat protein. Also, there are basically no fats in your food, and that'll be affecting you a lot. Fats are usually there automatically in meat protein, but not so much when your protein is tofu and beans, with no frying.

TBH I'm not certain you can say you've never had an eating disorder. I feel very hesitant about saying that, but the weighing, calorie-counting and throwing random things together in a bowl aren't good signs.
You consider 30g protein/meal to be low? Or that 650 cals isn't enough? I don't think it's correct to say there were no fats in the meal as it had 30g fat. Obviously YMMV here.

Plant protein is complete, it's just that you need to have a mix of sources because of the different levels of amino acids within each source. This isn't the case for animal protein, irrc. So that could be an issue, there's no real way to be sure.

Now I have to speak a bit more seriously because this is bordering on gaslighting, which I'm sure isn't intentional. I think it massively inappropriate to say that I can't be certain I've never had an easting disorder. I've no doubt you are saying that with respect, but it is not appropriate. If you don't believe me then that's your prerogative, but this isn't a productive way to proceed, and your characterisation of my behaviour re food is hyperbolic. I don't throw 'random' things together in a bowl and I'm not even sure what that means, I've also explained why I used cronometer to track my food. Again: a vegan diet has to be well planned in order to avoid things like poor protein in take, as you correctly identified. I don't obsess over it. That is a far cry from an eating disorder and I think pursuing that line of inquiry is not something I'm giong to respond to. I'm grateful for people responding. I don't even mind that question being riased. I draw the line when it threatens to become gaslighting. Thanks
You consider 30g protein/meal to be low? Or that 650 cals isn't enough? I don't think it's correct to say there were no fats in the meal as it had 30g fat. Obviously YMMV here.

Plant protein is complete, it's just that you need to have a mix of sources because of the different levels of amino acids within each source. This isn't the case for animal protein, irrc. So that could be an issue, there's no real way to be sure.

Now I have to speak a bit more seriously because this is bordering on gaslighting, which I'm sure isn't intentional. I think it massively inappropriate to say that I can't be certain I've never had an easting disorder. I've no doubt you are saying that with respect, but it is not appropriate. If you don't believe me then that's your prerogative, but this isn't a productive way to proceed, and your characterisation of my behaviour re food is hyperbolic. I don't throw 'random' things together in a bowl and I'm not even sure what that means, I've also explained why I used cronometer to track my food. Again: a vegan diet has to be well planned in order to avoid things like poor protein in take, as you correctly identified. I don't obsess over it. That is a far cry from an eating disorder and I think pursuing that line of inquiry is not something I'm giong to respond to. I'm grateful for people responding. I don't even mind that question being riased. I draw the line when it threatens to become gaslighting. Thanks

OK. I apologise for my comment, genuinely. It was a step too far and I do not know you well enough.

But it was not "gaslighting." Mis-using that term puts my back up a fair bit. I was very specifically talking about the way your current behaviour strikes me as presented on this thread (you do throw random things together in a bowl! And no, I did not say a vegan diet has to be planned well, except maybe when starting out - I specifically said the opposite to what you think I said). I'm not talking about the past.

You characterising me as an abusive person is also a step WAY too far. Fuck off with that.
OK. I apologise for my comment, genuinely. It was a step too far and I do not know you well enough.
Thank you
But it was not "gaslighting." Mis-using that term puts my back up a fair bit. I was very specifically talking about the way your current behaviour strikes me as presented on this thread (you do throw random things together in a bowl! And no, I did not say a vegan diet has to be planned well, except maybe when starting out - I specifically said the opposite to what you think I said). I'm not talking about the past.
You weren't saying a vegan diet has to be well planned, I was. That is the reason I was using cronometer, which you said weren't 'good signs'. I don't throw random things into a bowl, I'm not even sure what 'random things' means. I put food into a bowl and ate it as one meal for someone transitioning to a vegan diet. Context is everything. The problem is that your comment was indelicate, implying that I eat bizarre food combinations all the time, like fishfingers and custard or something.
You characterising me as an abusive person is also a step WAY too far. Fuck off with that.
No, I said that you were acting in good faith and that you weren't intending to gaslight me. I also didn't say that you were, but that continuing pressing the issue of an eating disorder would be.

So let's not continue with the eating disorder claims and focus on the comments about the food itself. Firstly, whether or not it's sufficient, 650kcals is not an insubstantial amount of food for any meal. Now the issue of protein is valid, and only time will tell as to whether i need more or not, or whether i need the right combination of plants to get a complete profile of amino acids. But you ignored how much fat the meal included. Are you saying that 30g fat is too low?

However the fundamentla issue I think you have overlooked is taht it isn't the size of the meal that's the problem. That is, I feel full eating that meal. I coudln't eat anymore at the time. The issue is that it doesn't keep me full. So if the answer is to eat more food, I don't really see how without being uncomfortable.
Yeah, more protein, fewer carbs could be worth a try. There may also be aspects of lifestyle influencing the hunger - activity levels and stimulation both physical and mental. There could be psychological elements to the hunger as well.

And everyone will be different, so you'd need to experiment with a few things. How we react to carbs varies very widely, for example. Some people get sugar spikes and crashes quite easily, others don't.
That is true, however a lower carb intake for a vegan diet means starting to restrict lots of very healthy foods. Legumes are a staple and are about 20g carbs per 100g. If you aren't eating meat then you need to eat a lot of them. They are also generally very healthy anyway and cutting foods like that out would be a shame for any diet
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