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Do you own a jug?

To be fair . her jug collection is probably worth quite a bit. £2 up the road often transfers to £30 in real value. It is like the old style Oxfam shops that did not know the true value of books - so some incredible bargains could be got, they are a bit more savvy these days.....

We have agreed to transfer overspill stock to one of our 3 sheds.........
Looonnnggg time (Suburban) lurker, Mrs B, has encouraged me to present her favourite (mint) jug.

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Picked up last year in the chassa for £2, Mrs B uses it as one of her mint nurseries; she buys yellow label herbs and brings them on in jugs. For the jugnoscenti it's a 1960s Susan Williams-Ellis, Port Meirion piece.

Here’s my same but different jug. I use it for fresh parsley from the market and other things that need a bit of water and /or to be upright. Like these asparagus spears. It’s a Portmeirion Totem pattern. I have a couple of other pieces in the same range.

ETA Blimey, I’ve just looked online and they’re priced much much higher than I paid.

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I used to have more but had to get rid of them when downsizing.
In addition to these, a little plastic pourer ( or really a jug) that came with the iron, which I use for refilling my hip flask, a 500ml Pyrex and a 1000 ml Pyrex.

The stainless steel one in the picture below has a heavy bottom and doubles up as a saucepan. I want to buy another but can’t find anything quite the same so if anyone has one they don’t want, or knows where I can get one please let me know. Lots of similar, but not quite as good.

5 here. 1 pyrex measuring jug, 1 plastic measuring jug that came with the steam cleaner, 1 smoked glass for cold drinks, 1 water jug that goes with a wash bowl and a stainless steel milk jug that's part of a tea set.
5x1 litre measuring jugs
2x2 litre measuring jugs
1x5l litre measuring jug
1x1 litre bottom pour jug

All plastic cos we broke all the glass stuff and this is cheaper. Probably another 3x1 ones in the garden holding stuff cos we used them to bail out the swimming pool when it got too low, plus another 5l cos I was getting annoyed my back hurt bailing it out lol.
I used to have more but had to get rid of them when downsizing.
In addition to these, a little plastic pourer ( or really a jug) that came with the iron, which I use for refilling my hip flask, a 500ml Pyrex and a 1000 ml Pyrex.

The stainless steel one in the picture below has a heavy bottom and doubles up as a saucepan. I want to buy another but can’t find anything quite the same so if anyone has one they don’t want, or knows where I can get one please let me know. Lots of similar, but not quite as good.

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That bottom one is lovely :) would one of those Turkish/Greek (etc.) stovetop coffee things do the trick?
That bottom one is lovely :) would one of those Turkish/Greek (etc.) stovetop coffee things do the trick?

They’re all lovely ! :mad:


The orange one is frosted glass, I love the way it glows in the candlelight on a dinner table.

The one you like makes me just a little bit sad because I bought it as a replacement for a gorgeous much lager jug that was matt black on the outside and glossy coral pink on the inside. It was badly wrapped in the chazza shop and got broken in the rush hour on the way home. I still yearn for its loss and keep looking for a replacement. This lovely little potbellied fella is the nearest I’ve ever found to it. It’s the perfect size and thickness for hot milk for a coffee.

I’ve got an enamel briki and I’m looking for a proper good quality copper briki with a wooden handle (cos I do like my Greek coffee). That steel one is 1.5 litres and I’m not sure they make brikies that big. The coffee in a litre size Greek coffee pot would be a tricky beast to control, I reckon.

BTW I add cardamom and carob to my Greek coffee sometimes. And sometimes a bay leaf.
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I also have a teeny milk jug for the same reason. Sometimes I use it to refill the iron.

Off the top of my head I also have 2 measuring jugs, possibly 3, 3 solo small milk jugs, 3 that are part of vintage coffee sets and 1 flower jug. Last year I broke my favourite large flower jug and haven't yet found one worthy of replacing it.

Edited to add a jug.
I also use my teeny milk jug to refill the iron
We have only one, a Pyrex 500ml measuring jug, which occasionally stands in as either a custard jug, gravy boat or watering jug
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OMG, Mrs B has got up renewed jug energy!

Below are, in order, her 'custard jug' (Hornsea), 'milk jug' (Hornsea), the cooking eggs German 'saucepan jug', the 'emergency jug', (Dalton), the 'tulip jug'/vase and finally the ornamental pig jug. All chassa finds except the last that was a birthday gift circa 1984.







Somewhat surprisingly, there are others! :eek:
But I'm jugged out now, and if she wants to show off any more she'll have to give up lurking and get posting herself.

I'm gonna hare off now!
Was the bloater paste as nice as the jar suggests?
A question I also often ask myself. I would like to meet the original owner and ask his or her feelings on the subject, but I fear that they may long ago have met a bloater-related demise.
Ultimately I want to have a high shelf the length of my kitchen for all my interesting china.
Mrs B has asked me to offer a word of advice about this jug dream; her mother did exactly that and the whole thing ended up becoming quite an ecosystem of spiders that appeared to flourish on a diet of dust and kitchen grease.

As some sort of self-described anarchist, I obviously don't own loads of material possessions like a jug collection....but I do own this pichet, like you do :D

ok, I can understand measuring jugs but the rest is beyond me, I did have a glass jug I used as a vase but I picked it up last year and the handle was all that lifted :( I don't think I have any jugs nor do I see the need for one(I have measuring scoops and a cup and for bigger thing I have a pint glass)

The flower one is really pretty Elizabeth :)
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