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Food and drink you discovered on holiday

Oh, and I discovered chorizo in 2003, in a tiny village on the Sierra Nevada while i was shopping for breakfast stuff. I wish i could have my first ever experience of it again, it really did rock my world. Though I'm veggie now so it's history for me these days. A similar time i discovered Spanish black pudding - morcilla - which i had in a free tapas dish while camping in the Alpajurras. .
I used to have morcilla, chorizo, and a deep fried egg for dinner, with a dry sherry (Gitana brand maybe) when I lived in Jerez. It was cheap and, sitting in the bar, watching the world go by was a wonderful way to relax after work.
In St. Petersburg there was a chain of fast food places called Chaina Loshka, or tea spoon. They did blinis with filling - I usually went for ham and mushroom, but you could get all manner of things in them. And you got a pot of tea with lemon (i.e. in a proper teapot, with accompanying cup) and a small plate of Russian salad.

Whoever imports this one to the west is going to make a small fortune.
And Radler beer. Easy to find in Europe and better than shandy on a baking hot day.
Love the etymology of that (German for 'cyclist' - hence a low alcohol drink that allows you to drink and pedal)
I like them (I accept they are probably a bit of an acquired taste and they are probably not tempting if you didn't grow up with them) and even the association with Rick Stein won't be enough to put me off having them.

I love the implication that being associated with Rick Stein is worse than being made from arse and smelling like it :D

My dad loves them too and grew up in the UK. He has a high tolerance of offal and funky smelling food though. He had some when we went to a bistro in the Medoc and they didn't look or smell that bad. I had gastritis at the time or would probably have tried them.
I love the implication that being associated with Rick Stein is worse than being made from arse and smelling like it :D
My ex' mum is Cornish and she absolutely loathes the man, like turns off the telly while muttering incantations loathes. I wouldn't want to be associated with anyone who can generate this much hatred from an otherwise very even tempered old lady.
Papas Arrugadas are my holiday discovery food. Salty boiled potatoes so nothing particularly exotic but the saltiness of the skin is just right.
My ex' mum is Cornish and she absolutely loathes the man, like turns off the telly while muttering incantations loathes. I wouldn't want to be associated with anyone who can generate this much hatred from an otherwise very even tempered old lady.

I can't stand him either, he's absolutely vile. It radiates from him.
Papas Arrugadas are my holiday discovery food. Salty boiled potatoes so nothing particularly exotic but the saltiness of the skin is just right.
Ooh yes - and the sauces that are served with them.
I grew up in Barcelona - early 1970s - and loved horchata de chufa, drink made from tiger nuts, as a kid. You can find it online, and a few health foody places in London. But it comes in cartons, not ‘on tap’ like the places near our school. It was delicious, have a glass with my bro, then try and find the latest Slade or Sweet single :oops: in some shop off the Ramblas.
There’s a sort of condescending falseness about everything he says. Very unpleasant to watch

Yeah it's uncomfortable. I always felt there was a nastiness to him but it was the thing he did for the bbc on India that really sealed it for me. He was awful in that, condescending is exactly right.
A G&T in Seville is an entirely different experience to a G&T in a Wetherspoons in Elephant & Castle.
We were in a Spanish hotel last year & I had a G&T every afternoon & on the odd occasion I've had one in a bar in the UK since, I've thought why bother? Stingy bloody measures.
I drank a lot of those on another American trip, absolutely loved them

I should also mention bloody caesars which are a Vancouver thing and were absolutely superb
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General Canadian thing really, I got hooked on them in Quebec. It's my favourite cocktail and happily you can get Clamato in large branches of Sainsburys
I grew up in Barcelona - early 1970s - and loved horchata de chufa, drink made from tiger nuts, as a kid. You can find it online, and a few health foody places in London. But it comes in cartons, not ‘on tap’ like the places near our school. It was delicious, have a glass with my bro, then try and find the latest Slade or Sweet single :oops: in some shop off the Ramblas.
oh I'd forgotten about that, it is very nice.
Chinotto (had it first in Canada though, not Italy and it is available here - for a fee - but you have to hunt it down)

Tiger tail ice cream (an Ontario regional retro flavour IIRC) it's orange and liquorice and probably not for everyone but if you like liquorice it's a great combo.
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