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I am spending a fortune on food!

None of the cats here can ever be arsed to object when a chicken sneaks into the kitchen to nick some cat food :rolleyes:

I mean they're quite big really next to a cat. I think it would take a brave cat to object. When my neighbours chickens escaped, Katniss hid inside and made strange noises from the other side of the glass.
I mean they're quite big really next to a cat. I think it would take a brave cat to object. When my neighbours chickens escaped, Katniss hid inside and made strange noises from the other side of the glass.
I can imagine Katniss making cheeping and chattering hunting noises but staying firmly indoors because that potential prey is too big :D
I bet your chickens are either around the same size or a bit bigger than the cats - so that's in potential lunch if cat finds one incapacitated bracket :D
Nah, no one fucks with those hens. The ducks were all terrified of them, and they were muscovies - i.e. giant goose-sized ducks with big fuckoff claws on their feet. The cats are even lower down the pecking order and wouldn't even go near the ducks while I was plucking and gutting them :D Mostly they just happily share space while ignoring the other species' existence though.
This is such an important and useful thread but also a sad reflection of the times we live in.

Karl Masks thank you for starting it. Nice chatting earlier my friend
It is an incredibly important discussion - apparently food price inflation is starting to drop, but (and I want to say that I have worked in the past on a lot of stuff that went into calculating the inflation figures) that doesn't mean that what we need to spend in order to feed ourselves and our families has got down to a manageable level yet, and it may never get back down to where it was a few years ago.
The price increases have been ridiculous and crippling over the last couple of years.

Also, rich bastards have not been going without food during this period where a lot of us have been struggling - this is all fake shortages.
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