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Food and drink you discovered on holiday

We were in a Spanish hotel last year & I had a G&T every afternoon & on the odd occasion I've had one in a bar in the UK since, I've thought why bother? Stingy bloody measures.
When I have a something and tonic here, I always order another bottle of tonic about 20 minutes later
Snakebite was pretty tame looking back.

My local often has imperial stouts, 10% and over. When I first started going I ordered a half and joked I bet you don't sell that in pints. Nope. They'll sell you it however you want if you pay for it.
In the colder seasons i sometimes have a few pints of London pride either indoors or out in a pub. The last few i top up with Gold Label. T'is fucking lovely. Ive been refused it once or twice in pubs before. When i was a teenager in our local The Royal Oak, one of the regulars done 10/12 pints of a wicked tasting Stingo/Holsten Pils combination every night. I tried it a couple of times but t knocked the bollocks out of me.
When I worked in Elche in Spain the local tapas there was Delicias De Elche, Elche is nestled within palm forests, the tapas is a date with the stone removed, replaced with an almond then the whole thing wrapped in streaky bacon and cooked, it's divine. I got so excited when Lidl or Aldi had them in for their Spanish week but they were absolutely vile and nothing like the fresh ones. But they'd be easy enough to make!

I first tried these in Majorca years ago and was immediately addicted. I make them at home as often as i can & you're right, they're piss easy to do.
Avocadoes and aubergine - When I was a volunteer on the kibbutz in Israel 1982 aged eighteen.
Biltong - South Africa 1987
Fried plantain - housing co-op in South East London with Nigerians 1990
All Turkish food including sheep brain soup - Turkey 2006, 8 month holiday.
Sisig in the Philippines which is basically the only edible thing I found in the Philippines that wasn't a burger. Pig's face, chicken liver, pork belly, onions, chili pepper, lime.

Pisco sour in Peru (that was Liza's thing)

Never got the courage to try tarantula in Cambodia but they love them. I'll never forget all the locals diving off a bus to a stall (completely ignoring the large cafe next door) to fight over who gets the best one. Left me wondering what makes a good tarantula.
planetgeli more legs?? Juiciest thorax? Least amount of hairs? :D
You wouldn't really want the hairs I don't think, can't they be a bit of an irritant?
When the Romans used to eat hedgehogs, they'd bake them in clay and when they took the clay off after cooking it would take all the spines with it.
I never got the courage to try tarantula in Cambodia but they love them. I'll never forget all the locals diving off a bus to a stall (completely ignoring the large cafe next door) to fight over who gets the best one. Left me wondering what makes a good tarantula.
I did try it fried in a chilly oil. The legs were really nice and crunchy but the body while having a nice crispy outer shell had a disturbingly gooey center
Sisig in the Philippines which is basically the only edible thing I found in the Philippines that wasn't a burger. Pig's face, chicken liver, pork belly, onions, chili pepper, lime.

Pisco sour in Peru (that was Liza's thing)

Never got the courage to try tarantula in Cambodia but they love them. I'll never forget all the locals diving off a bus to a stall (completely ignoring the large cafe next door) to fight over who gets the best one. Left me wondering what makes a good tarantula.
What was so awful about the food in the Philippines?
What was so awful about the food in the Philippines?

I had some terrible meals there but on top of that it's American dominated and Manila is the biggest shithole in the world with a burger bar every 3 yards.

It is a diverse place. The best things I ate, as usual for the type of places I go, were small street snacks, often sold out of the back of people's homes.

I once got a plate of raw potatoes. And pork fat. Nothing else to it. And it took about 45 minutes (in an empty seaside shack) to arrive.

You don't go to the Philippines for the food. You go for this

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I first frank "proper" cider as a student when visiting my then girlfriend in Somerset. She took me out with her mates and one of them took me to a "proper Thatcher's pub" up an alley in Wincanton whilst the rest went on to a bigger pub because I'd said I liked cider and he was embarrassed by the "Scrumpy Jack" offering in the pub we started in. It came in "orange" (medium) or "yeller" (dry) and I loved it. We left that pub as if we'd been several days at sea and I remember little else about the evening.

Since then, I've popped in and out of finding new ciders/a bit of amateur cidermaking with desert apples.

I now make cider commercially (as part of a work project), I just got a bronze at the Bath and West International cider championships. I'm in the Three Counties contest on Saturday.......

Question is: does the trip to see my girlfriend in Somerset count as a "holiday"?
Who was it on these boards who had a story about asking for a chicken and cheese sandwich in France and being told he couldn't have that because that's not a correct combination.
And then not letting him buy a cheese sandwich AND a chicken sandwich because "I know what you're going to do" ??
This is still making me laugh days later.
The French can be weird with their sandwiches. In large parts of the South West they never put any butter or mayo or anything which lubricates the sandwich. Classic Jambon Buerre is just Jambon. And trying to get through a mixte on baguette is also impossible without a lot of drink to make it edible.
I had some terrible meals there but on top of that it's American dominated and Manila is the biggest shithole in the world with a burger bar every 3 yards.

It is a diverse place. The best things I ate, as usual for the type of places I go, were small street snacks, often sold out of the back of people's homes.

I once got a plate of raw potatoes. And pork fat. Nothing else to it. And it took about 45 minutes (in an empty seaside shack) to arrive.

You don't go to the Philippines for the food. You go for this

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Filipino food is amazing! One of my friends is married to a Filipina woman and her food is delicious. Maybe they don’t share it with the tourists
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Neither have I. I agree it sounds wrong. But why, when so many dead-animal-plus-cheese combinations are good, and even redeem indifferent dead animal and indifferent cheese? This bothers me.
Neither have I. I agree it sounds wrong. But why, when so many dead-animal-plus-cheese combinations are good, and even redeem indifferent dead animal and indifferent cheese? This bothers me.

Yes. Even turkey and cheese can be nice (with Swiss cheese in a sandwich). Why not chicken? It is definitely wrong though.
Chicken breast or thigh stuffed with cream cheese and spinach and rolled up in bacon?

Chicken parmigiana?

Chicken in tomato and mascarpone sauce?
And to go lowest common denominator, chicken burger with a slice of melty fake cheese going beautifully soft on top.

Pasta bake involving chicken with mozzarella going all stringy on top of it
Sometimes people say "fish doesn't go with cheese" and I just say "Tuna Melt" to them - usually ends the discussion.
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