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Hotel housing asylum seekers attacked in Knowsley

This is not far from mine. Knowsley is a borough with half of it being in the city of Liverpool for those who don't know.

There are very few far right types round this way and they are far too scared of venturing here from outside the area as they always get their arses kicked when they show up (the anti fascists here tend to be burly docker trade union types who arnt afraid of a scrap).

My theory (based on pure speculation) is it's probably a dozen local internet fascists getting carried away with a crowd mostly made up of panicked local people largely unaware what they are a part of.

There have been allegations on local social media doing the rounds this week regarding alleged incidents involving locally housed refugees, very likely bollocks of course but the far right have obviously been whipping up hysteria for their own ends, the arseholes that they are.

No Pasaran.

ETA: The latest word on the grapevine is the local far right (all 6 of them) have managed to mobilise some sections (tiny I might add) of the non political local community on the back of hysteria over allegations made on social media this week under the banner of "legitimate community concerns". In a nutshell.

Obviously all the above is pure speculation and may or may not be true.
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This is not far from mine. Knowsley is a borough with half of it being in the city of Liverpool for those who don't know.

There are very few far right types round this way and they are far too scared of venturing here from outside the area as they always get their arses kicked when they show up (the anti fascists here tend to be burly docker trade union types who arnt afraid of a scrap).

My theory (based on pure speculation) is it's probably a dozen local internet fascists getting carried away with a crowd mostly made up of panicked local people largely unaware what they are a part of.

There have been allegations on local social media doing the rounds this week regarding alleged incidents of criminal activity by locally housed refugees, very likely bollocks of course but the far right have obviously been whipping up hysteria for their own ends, the arseholes that they are.

No Pasaran.
I love the fact that the media aren't reporting that it didn't kick off until the good people of Kirby ( knowsley) intervened to kick the fuck out off the right wing twats.
ETA: The latest word on the grapevine is the local far right (all 6 of them) have managed to mobilise some sections (tiny I might add) of the non political local community on the back of hysteria over allegations made on social media this week under the banner of "legitimate community concerns". In a nutshell.

Obviously all the above is pure speculation and may or may not be true.
The report says there were ‘hundreds’ which doesn’t sound tiny to me.
The report says there were ‘hundreds’ which doesn’t sound tiny to me.

300 apparently. Population is 149,000. With the nearest town population of 46,000.

So yeah, a tiny percentage.
This is the main worry. And it appears that's exactly what has happened.

Liverpool (and surrounding areas) have a large anti fascist crowd and is a city of left voters so would expect to see a response campaign in the coming weeks.

Also worth noting Kirkby is very deprived and has been regarded as a "left behind" outskirt town from the city regeneration projects of the past 20 years.
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i guess local antifa were caught off guard. This all looks pretty horrible.

A predictable consequence of the politics of the ERG government
This is the main worry. And it appears that's exactly what has happened.

Liverpool (and surrounding areas) have a large anti fascist crowd and is a city of left voters so would expect to see a good response in the coming weeks.

Also worth noting Kirkby is very deprived and has been regarded as a "left behind" outskirt town from the city regeneration projects of the past 20 years.

It was always cut off as it was a new town, and it was already very deprived by the 80s (if not before). North Liverpool in general hasn't benefited from any regeneration, has it?
Theres a campaign on by the far right to stoke this kind of violence everywhere where these hotels are by making false claims of refugees being involved in sexual harassment and worse. Part of the content of the messages states that child rape is legal in whatever country they might have come from.
If Braverman is called out over this she will respond by saying we shouldn't play politics or that the woke left are playing politics. She is neither competent nor serious. This is the text book definition of stochastic terrorism. The size of it seems to me significant and disturbing. It certainly won't be the last event. Will Patriotic Alternative be proscribed (if they aren't)?
6 local fash whipping up a crowd of 300 doesn't sound good at all.

Indeed, but something that was also entirely predictable.

The combination of a government policy of housing asylum seekers in hotels, deep inequalities and poverty in the communities where they are located, the yawning political vacuum in those communities (due to decomposing labourism or “red wall levelling up” Tory rule) and social media shit stirring and the only shock is that it’s taken this long.

What has happened in Knowsley might have and still could also happen in hundreds of other places, where people are on the bones of their arses, can’t pay their bills and deeply feel their economic, political and social peripheralisation and exclusion. Online rumours started by the far right - about where asylum seekers live and what they receive - can be the lit match lobbed on to the tinderbox. I’m seeing more and more of this on Facebook in the West Midlands. Fash start rumours and a pile on starts.

Whilst the inevitable debate about the symptoms is important, tackling the causes (always the critical task) is, and has been for years, the key question.
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FB has been used to coordinate this apparently:

Yeah mate I've seen shit all week from "normal" people on my social media channels. People you wouldn't normally see posting this sort of shit.

Single mums who are panicked etc. Grim allegations about child trafficking etc. The allegations definitely caught on with the local community.

It also now appears many didn't realise it was a far right protest and seem to think it was just them and their neighbours.

Its a total shitshow and depressing as fuck.
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i guess local antifa were caught off guard. This all looks pretty horrible.

A predictable consequence of the politics of the ERG government
Nope the only thing that caught anyone off guard was the size. This was planned and loads of it on Facebook. There was a counter protest outnumbered on the night. Situations like this need more than 'antifa' turning up , the fash were a small part of a large local crowd.
Shitty death this is a mirror to what’s happening in my town

Woman posts on Facebook about being followed by a bloke with brown skin in town

Suddenly an idiot narcissist DJ with drug convictions is posting in facebook about setting up keep our women safe group and asking for strong men to organise/join

The following posts are just lynch mob racism. I feel physically sick reading them. These cunts live amongst us
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