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Got a busy March coming up. In successive weekends:
Bar Stool Preachers
Shanghai Treason
Nick Parker
Bad Touch (would have been Headsticks, but they cancelled their gig so this alternative is on the same night).
Are Mannequin Pussy good? I feel like I've seen the name around a bit recently, but think they might fall into the "names so awful you refuse to listen to them" category for me.

The words "Beach House" appearing on that spotify preview thing briefly really confused me, but sadly the Baltimore dreampop legends will not actually be supporting Subhumans in New Cross.
Are Mannequin Pussy good? I feel like I've seen the name around a bit recently, but think they might fall into the "names so awful you refuse to listen to them" category for me.
yeah I think so. one of those us hardcore bands (like militarie gun and gouge away) which seem to have discovered UK 90s rock in the last year or so and now all their production sounds like ash or idlewild. not that I'm complaining. mannequin pussy's last single/ep is banging.

e2a: gonna be seeing them at primavera porto and very excited!

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yeah I think so. one of those us hardcore bands (like militarie gun and gouge away) which seem to have discovered UK 90s rock in the last year or so and now all their production sounds like ash or idlewild. not that I'm complaining. mannequin pussy's last single/ep is banging.

e2a: gonna be seeing them at primavera porto and very excited!
Ah, would love to get back to primavera one day, enjoy!
Just been out to see the Happy Mondays, Inspiral Carpets & Stereo MCs. Mrs SFM and I got suitably spangled before we left the house but the Leeds O2 bar prices were fucking insane! I ordered a pint of Peroni and one of Guinness and was asked for £16.90. I told them to halve the order as that was taking the fucking piss. That’s not even standard in London. Cheeky bastards 😤
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