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Knobheads at gigs

It really annoys me, that. I know it’s beyond some people’s control, but how can people bear to miss even a second of a film they’ve made a special effort to attend and paid for too? If I was caught short and had to use the loo, I’d be tempted to cut my losses, go home and wait for the home release.
This was a rerelease of The Matrix so not even a long film though you’d think everyone there had seen it before. Perhaps beer had been taken (if having a drink at the cinema wine is better as doesn’t go through you so quickly)

Also people who arrived late (so 1925 for a 1900 advertised start) during early scenes of the film.
saw PJ Harvey at Primavera Porto too, but was sat up the bank on the side enjoying the sunset. had a few pissed up lads stumbling around but was a nice place to enjoy the set.

thought the crowds were great for the most part. super friendly and fun. had one drunk dad dancing up on us and trying to open my bag to show off to his mates at obongjayar which was really annoying. but overall was pleasantly surprised how nice and chill everyone was and how few ppl were absolutely wrecked//antisocial.
It was definitely more chill than Barcelona. I loved it when the sun went down during PJ's set - the sky was a beautiful shade of pink. The Pulp crowd were surprisingly chill too, maybe because it was full of old farts like me, though tbf there were younger people there as well. I don't know if you saw them but Jarvis said something about playing Porto back in July 1996, and said to some people in the crowd, "You weren't there, you're too young!"

(Also I'm so relieved they fixed the Vodafone stage because I was worried Pulp would pull out, especially after Justice, although I think in Justice's case the stage couldn't handle their equipment. They were one of the bands I wanted to see the most, the last time I saw them was back in 2002 at Leeds, so a long time between Pulp sets.)
It was definitely more chill than Barcelona. I loved it when the sun went down during PJ's set - the sky was a beautiful shade of pink. The Pulp crowd were surprisingly chill too, maybe because it was full of old farts like me, though tbf there were younger people there as well. I don't know if you saw them but Jarvis said something about playing Porto back in July 1996, and said to some people in the crowd, "You weren't there, you're too young!"

(Also I'm so relieved they fixed the Vodafone stage because I was worried Pulp would pull out, especially after Justice, although I think in Justice's case the stage couldn't handle their equipment. They were one of the bands I wanted to see the most, the last time I saw them was back in 2002 at Leeds, so a long time between Pulp

I ditched my group to go see billy woods so missed loads of pulp, but arrived just as that interaction was happening.

yeah the middle day was a bit of a mess all over and shame about justice as I'm sure they would have been very fun. weird that the stage wasn't prepared for their lighting rig if they managed to sort it for Barcelona! last day made up for it tho! loved gel and mannequin pussy and then caught bunch of other fun bits thru the day!
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