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Knobheads at gigs

i get being annoyed at ppl recording a whole gig or having the phone out all the time. but i often wanna get one photo of a band for the sake of my memory. go to plenty of small shows and my silly brain wont remember many, especially now yr less likely to get physical tickets so its nice to have a little archive. doesnt matter if its a shit pic, its not for social media.
This from the lead singer. The very gig I was at as it happens.

At a 2018 concert in Manchester, he said: "For the last time, we're not a fucking punk band."
They can consider themselves to be whatever the fuck they want, others can do the same with a differing result
Mind you there is this:

I've never been a massive gig-goer but I remember going to see the Young Gods at the Fulham Greyound in 1988 and there was a group of lads at the front literally ripping the clothes off each other :D Less amusingly, Laibach at the Forum later that year had a gaggle of neonazi skinheads (again at the front of course) giving it the old sieg heil, with a generally less-than-pleasant atmosphere... :rolleyes:
Mind you there is this:

I've never been a massive gig-goer but I remember going to see the Young Gods at the Fulham Greyound in 1988 and there was a group of lads at the front literally ripping the clothes off each other :D Less amusingly, Laibach at the Forum later that year had a gaggle of neonazi skinheads (again at the front of course) giving it the old sieg heil, with a generally less-than-pleasant atmosphere... :rolleyes:

Ah yes, lovely violent gigs back in the early '80s.
Saw some shockers at places like The Blue Coat Boy (by Angel tube) and some pub I've forgotten the name of in Hammersmith Broadway.

Tim Kelly was always knocking the shit out of some poor sod at the Lyceum too.

Must admit, it's something I don't miss seeing.
Mind you there is this:

I've never been a massive gig-goer but I remember going to see the Young Gods at the Fulham Greyound in 1988 and there was a group of lads at the front literally ripping the clothes off each other :D Less amusingly, Laibach at the Forum later that year had a gaggle of neonazi skinheads (again at the front of course) giving it the old sieg heil, with a generally less-than-pleasant atmosphere... :rolleyes:
I was very close to this fine example of violence at a gig back in 1977. The twat in the sunglasses who was lobbing beer at the singer was righteously chastised.

A few months later, at a gig I was playing at, our bass player twatted someone with his fender precision copy for gobbing at us.

It was all good clean fun though :thumbs:
I was very close to this fine example of violence at a gig back in 1977. The twat in the sunglasses who was lobbing beer at the singer was righteously chastised.

A few months later, at a gig I was playing at, our bass player twatted someone with his fender precision copy for gobbing at us.

It was all good clean fun though :thumbs:

Penetration were just a bit before my time so I missed the gobbing, which while no doubt more authentic than holding a phone in the air, was pretty slimy and unhygenic imo! :D Quite cool watching this sort of footage from late 70s punk gigs to think that it was actually footage, i.e. somebody took an actual film camera with actual film in it to a punk gig. :cool:
Penetration were just a bit before my time so I missed the gobbing, which while no doubt more authentic than holding a phone in the air, was pretty slimy and unhygenic imo! :D Quite cool watching this sort of footage from late 70s punk gigs to think that it was actually footage, i.e. somebody took an actual film camera with actual film in it to a punk gig. :cool:
The film footage was from Granada TV's "So it goes" programme. Tony Wilson and crew followed a lot of the punk scene round the North West, mainly at the Electric Circus in Manchester and Eric's in Liverpool.

The whole gobbing thing was fucking horrible.
Ah so there was an actual full-on pro TV camera there - I've heard about So it Goes and it sounds fab. Crops up in the JCC autobiography iirc... I'm so used to newfangled video type recordings it always looks a bit odd to my eyes to see punky stuff on film. I mean I was around at the time but I was a nipper and punk was this kind of vague nasty noisy thing involving people with safety pins'n'stuff.
'So it goes' was only ever on locally so yeah we were somewhat spoilt up in the North West and it was basically punk telly every week.

Most of the best punk gigs we're on a Sunday night for some reason, 6 or 7 bands for 50p. Great nights watching the Fall, the Clash, the Damned, the Buzzcocks, Slaughter and the Dogs, the Drones, the Jam, the Saints (I missed the Sex Pistols gig), and many more. Most of the gig mither back then was getting home afterwards though running a gauntlet of Collyhurst scallywags.
'So it goes' was only ever on locally so yeah we were somewhat spoilt up in the North West and it was basically punk telly every week.

Most of the best punk gigs we're on a Sunday night for some reason, 6 or 7 bands for 50p. Great nights watching the Fall, the Clash, the Damned, the Buzzcocks, Slaughter and the Dogs, the Drones, the Jam, the Saints (I missed the Sex Pistols gig), and many more. Most of the gig mither back then was getting home afterwards though running a gauntlet of Collyhurst scallywags.
I was a Collyhurst scallywag (well, Miles Platting actually, but what's the difference?) But I wouldn't have given you any trouble, as I was one of the tame, humanitarian variety.

I wasn't old enough to get in to those gigs, although I'd have loved to.

'So it Goes,' about eleven o' clock on Granada, on a school night. Seems like just a few years ago. Fucking hell.
There was a thing recently on Sky with Guy Garvey going through old footage from the ITV archive. There were quite a few songs shown from ‘So it goes’

Thanks for that. I'll have a look later. Tony Wilson did a "so it goes" revisited programme for channel 4 which had a fair bit of footage from those days.

I find it a bit sad watching that because I can see old mates from decades ago bouncing around in the crowd. So there's that 'where are they now?' thing. I can see my best mate from when I was a teenager till when he died about 25 years ago is in a few clips :(
One of my colleagues has spent most of the morning grumping away about the band he engineered for this weekend - Sounds like they registered pretty high on the knobs-at-gigs scale..?

He's got PIL for tomorrow night, which from past experience can be a "difficult" band to work for - Glad I have some leave booked! :D
The film footage was from Granada TV's "So it goes" programme. Tony Wilson and crew followed a lot of the punk scene round the North West, mainly at the Electric Circus in Manchester and Eric's in Liverpool.
Was the name a Vonnegut thing, or unrelated?
Was the name a Vonnegut thing, or unrelated?
I think it's possible, even likely, but as a 16 year old Salford lad with fuck all CSEs, I'd sadly never heard of Kurt Vonnegut back then :(

So It Goes, wasn't just music either. It had arts stuff as well. I was only into the punk bit so have no recollection of anything else. Tony Wilson was an interesting chap: news reader, commentator, club owner, band promoter, bit of a local philosopher, ANL demo marcher and Stretford Ender (he stood in the same section I stood in). I've probably missed out a few things.

Fuck, Manchester was like a small town back then. You could bump into United or City players in the street and have a chat (or tell them to fuck off depending on whether you were red or blue). I used to regularly bump into the drummer from Magazine walking his dog, while I walked my dog. Christ, even my step-grandad (a proper flat cap and muffler bloke) used to play pool with the Buzzcocks once a week in his local.
I hate pricks who stand right on top of you at a gig when there's plenty of room elsewhere. It would be a different matter if we were packed in like sardines.

At recent gig one such entitled arsehole was stood on the floor and had several feet of room in front of him. I was on the stairs so I could see (being a short-arse). But no, he HAD to stand millmetres away right in my air-space.
I'm relatively tall. Six ft but how come when I am at a gig everybody seems taller than me all of a sudden and I can't see shit?

An anecdote. I was watching The Counting Crows in Dublin years back and there was a group of women stood right in front of me. One of them was clearly not a fan and had just tagged on with her mates. She was talking loud as fuck incessantly all over the music to the point that I snapped and said do you mind some of us have come to listen to the band? That didn't go down well with her and she rather unsuccessfully tried to get her mates to gang up on me for being rude. They didn't because I was probably just saying what they was thinking anyway.

Anyway she then goes off to the bar and minutes later I could see her clearly struggling to find her mates again. It took her about 20 minutes to find them again while I stood there sniggering at her.
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