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Hong Kong: what next?

Wow. She's so brave.

She is an extraordinary human being. Deeply committed. Strikingly brave.

We were the front line. We lost. As did Thailand, Burma, Belarus, et al. etc. etc.

Now it's Ukraine. Next Taiwan.

Wake up peeps!

I fucking hate fascism and fascist apologists. Fascism is really, REALLY fucked up. Don't do it. Please.

And please be nice to each other.

She is an extraordinary human being. Deeply committed. Strikingly brave.

We were the front line. We lost. As did Thailand, Burma, Belarus, et al. etc. etc.

Now it's Ukraine. Next Taiwan.

Wake up peeps!

I fucking hate fascism and fascist apologists. Fascism is really, REALLY fucked up. Don't do it. Please.

And please be nice to each other.

65 Harpoons say otherwise : thats a lot of 'Ferries'
She is an extraordinary human being. Deeply committed. Strikingly brave.

We were the front line. We lost. As did Thailand, Burma, Belarus, et al. etc. etc.

Now it's Ukraine. Next Taiwan.

Wake up peeps!

I fucking hate fascism and fascist apologists. Fascism is really, REALLY fucked up. Don't do it. Please.

And please be nice to each other.

I was just reading about a young guy in Belarus with cerebral palsy, uses a wheelchair, he got arreseted for allegedly attended the protests in 2020 against the moustachoied dictator.
He was told he could be "forgiven" if he apologises. He won't. He won't retract something he has said or written, even though the authorities and their enablers are brutal. So much courage in Belarus and Hong Kong. ❤️
A brief summary of the summing up on the last day of the speech therapists' sedition trial.

Verdict due on 7th September 2022.



And, tragically, it would seem that Dublin, Ireland, has already been completely subsumed by the United Front Works.

They openly allow the CCP to operate a fucking police station there to monitor "dissidents".

What the living fuckety fucking fuck of fucks is this shit?!

It's important to read this thread before too many Wumao crash in.

Wake the fuck up peeps!

It's happening now!

Try to rest well. And be nice to each other.


Remember this in Dublin, Ireland?

It's been deleted now (probably reported by thousands of CCP agents; algorithm overload!).

But read this shit!

This is really fucking serious, they're everywhere (along with the Confucious Institutes in Universities)!

This is the CCP in Italy.

Article (05/09/22). Read it. It's important. Concise yet detailed.

"All of these cases show that the Fuzhou police is not just an administrative office, but it may also works as intelligence-gathering and criminal report office directly involving the Chinese police."

They're everywhere!

Wake up!


Hey Picky. You have no idea how happy I am that you didn't turn into an (ernesto-stylee,) Tankie my friend.

It was touch and go on occasion. ;)

Be well.

(Edit: To correct the embarrassing "know" to the obvious "no" :facepalm: .)

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I'm sorry gosub. I thought my English was advanced but if that's an idiom or (more likely a?) euphemism of some kind, I'm afraid I'm entirely stumped.


Forgive me.


An invasion of Taiwan would be up there militarily with D-day or the Falklands conflict. Both of which needed a fair bit of secondment from the merchant navy
5 guilty of sedition over publishing kids' picture books, FFS.

Gwen Lee at Amnesty International was a voice of reason: "Writing books for children is not a crime, and attempting to educate children about recent events in Hong Kong’s history does not constitute an attempt to incite rebellion."



5 guilty of sedition over publishing kids' picture books, FFS.

Gwen Lee at Amnesty International was a voice of reason: "Writing books for children is not a crime, and attempting to educate children about recent events in Hong Kong’s history does not constitute an attempt to incite rebellion."

The verdict was inevitable but I found this part of the (CCP-hand-picked-NSL) judge's verdict to be quite illuminating ...

" ... children will be led into belief that the PRC Government is coming to Hong Kong with the wicked intention of taking away their home and ruining their happy life with no right to do so at all.”

It, probably inadvertently, makes it entirely clear that, under the NSL, the CCP has every right to "come to Hong Kong with the wicked intention of taking away our home and ruining our happy life".

And yet here, for some reason, we always understood that the Sino-British Joint Declaration said otherwise - at least until 2047.

Oh well ...

I guess it's something, something. Historical document. Something. Something. Mumble. Mumble.

Be careful who you deal with peeps.

Be nice to each other.

Head of the Hong Kong Journalists Association (HKJA), Ronson Chan, has been arrested. 😡

Channel C, the online news outlet Chan works for, said the veteran reporter was taken away by police officers who asked to check his identity while he was reporting on a meeting of public housing flat owners.

Chan was set to leave Hong Kong at the end of September for the six-month Reuters Institute fellowship programme at Oxford University.

Supposedly Mr Chan was arrested for "allegedly obstructing a police officer and disorder in a public place, a police source told AFP." Well I don't believe "police source" CCP mouthpieces.

ETA: My apologies, here's the link - Head of Hong Kong journalist union arrested: police source
Nine people - including a 24-year-old pregnant woman - sentenced to 3.5 years in prison each for participating in a protest.

At this point, it's just one of many headlines in an endless torrent of shitty news, the situation seems hopeless in the short term but dictatorships don't last forever - I'm 49 years old, if I look after myself, I've maybe got another 40 years left in the world, and I dearly hope I survive to see the filthy fucking animals now running mainland China get overthrown and face justice.
Following Dystopiary's theme, a punchy AFP article on the media landscape attached to a punchy thread echoing it. (And a veritable plethora of Wumao indignation below.)

Amnesty, on how the CCP are dredging up the old colonial Sedition laws (introduced in 1914 during WWI, rarely used, and not since the Cultural Revolution riots in HK 55 years ago).

They're being deployed to suggest that it's British laws that are being used and all perfectly normal.

BUT ...

It's all handled under the NSL system. So no bail and a hand picked CCP judge and no justice.

It's the smashing together of an antiquated, unused, colonial-anachronism, with the CCP-imposed National Security Law. A twisted facade of justice.

“The Hong Kong authorities’ recent revival of colonial-era sedition charges to prosecutive activists, journalists and writers is a brazen act of repression. No one had been charged with sedition since 1967 until the Hong Kong government began weaponizing these provisions to intensify its crackdown on freedom of expression.“

So ...

Hong Kong people can't go to the mainland or Macau.

There's hotel quarantine for all international arrivals (locals and everyone else) to Hong Kong. And all must be fully vaxxed/boosted.

Meanwhile, thousands of Hong Kong people every month are being forcibly carted away to isolated locations and detained for a week in quarantine/isolation camps, comprising tens of thousands of individual, 20 foot, shipping containers.

And Hong Kong people can't go to work or to a shop, restaurant, pub/bar or govt. institution (hospitals, clinics, libraries, schools/uni's, govt. offices, community facilities, anything) ... can't go anywhere. Unless they can prove they're triple jabbed.

And then there's this ...

"Chief Executive John Lee said on Tuesday that the Covid infection risk on the mainland is the lowest in the world and this is why a rule requiring people arriving in Hong Kong to be vaccinated doesn't apply to mainlanders."

What kind of holy, living, fuckity, fucking fuck shit is this shit?

And they've now silenced our public health experts.

How far and how fast we have fallen.

Be careful peeps. Be very careful.

And be nice to each other.


I remember summer of 97 (God that was a year). There was a garden party up near Hampstead a lot of ex HK crew were there and very melancholic. I was playing crochet like a pro til I got too pissed and cheated with my feet. Always regret that, spoiled (a bit) a very plesant afternoon.
Course it was a different world back then. Back then you could go down the pub and a debate over what is the heaviest flying bird (or whatever) would last hours, and you'd come home and think you'd had a good night. These days, someone would pull out a phone after about 30 seconds, settle it, and you have to find something else to talk about. So you end up having more speculative chats.

Not that this particular speculative subject came up down the pub tonight Jessiedog, but what I reckon happened is a bunch of vice Premiers got together (maybe over a public holiday) and thought well if we keep the internationals in HK and then get the mainland factory owners to go and visit them there, then maybe we can reboot manufacturing and do zero covid.

Mind you, that makes them seem like a right bunch of no nothing Canutes (with apologies to the actual King Canute - who apparently at the time, was more fucked off with people blowing smoke up his arse than he was with getting wet)
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Nine people - including a 24-year-old pregnant woman - sentenced to 3.5 years in prison each for participating in a protest.

At this point, it's just one of many headlines in an endless torrent of shitty news, the situation seems hopeless in the short term but dictatorships don't last forever - I'm 49 years old, if I look after myself, I've maybe got another 40 years left in the world, and I dearly hope I survive to see the filthy fucking animals now running mainland China get overthrown and face justice.


Not specific to Hong Kong but relevant. Elsewhere too.

I've not watched the whole hour yet but I will.

Josh Chin and Liza Lin discussing their new book "Surveillance State" (I posted the cover a few weeks back.)

A few hundred people gathered outside of the British Consulate on Monday evening (19/09/22), during The Queen's funeral.

A man pulled out a mouth organ and, to the delight of the crowd, provided an impromptu rendition of the UK's national anthem and Hong Kong's "anthem" Glory to Hong Kong.

The police arrested him for Sedition.

Happy days.

Strange times in Hong Kong.

My neighbour on the top floor (that's the 2nd floor, I'm ground floor - it's a three storey, ground/first/second floor maisonette,) happens to be a fucking cop, quite senior, and very long-serving. We've never had anything to do with each other. I don't nod at him.

He seems to be corrupt.

He came to my door two days ago and now I think he's trying to threaten me/blackmail me.

He used deception to try to get me to sign an agreement to allow him to put a three feet, by two and a half feet, by one foot electricity box on the wall of my maisonette.

He lied about it.

He was deceptive and misleading and manipulative - and I think he's probably breaking the law (using deceptive practices to try to obtain an advantage is a criminal offence!).

Then we spoke today.

I asked him why he didn't discuss this months ago with me (and the chap on the first floor). It seems crazy not to. Right?

Then he offered me money to do it.

I said it wasn't about money.

Then he tried to emotionally manipulate me.

I said that I'm more than happy to discuss this at any time but until I understand the details, it's not going to happen.

He then threatened me with "legal action". (Spoiler - he has no legal right without my permission.)

He knows that I know he's a senior cop. He knows that what he has done/is doing is very likely illegal.

But like the Triads (the Cops "Brothers in Arms",) they all seem be above the law and able to act with complete impunity.

He's made it clear to me that, under the NSL in 2022, he IS the law.

It's very scary when the police let you know that THEY ARE THE LAW.

I don't know how to repel the onslaught any more.

It's impossible to resist a corrupt fascist regime ... And then it's too late!

Putin needs stopping at any cost - as does the CCP - before it's too late for Taiwan.

It's too late for Hong Kong and too late for me. They want me gone.

I fucking despair.


Not most ... ALL!

Especially in fascist dictatorships when they act with total impunity.

Fuck them all.


Be nice to each other peeps.

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