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Hong Kong: what next?

For those of you who have come across The King Of Kowloon and his calligraphy, this will be a rare treat.

For those unfamiliar, it will be a worthwhile revelation.

I met him a couple of times, when I lived in YauMaTei in the early 1990's, before I knew who he was. And still have a couple of the Tang designed Tee-shirts with his calligraphy, from 1997.

The govt. would paint over his "graffiti" as fast as they could but he was far more productive and his work was ubiquitous.

His story is a part of the fabric and history of Hong Kong.

Louisa Lim spent eight year researching him to produce this wonderful piece. Well written. Well presented multi-media. Photos. A couple of videos and a podcast.

"He was born in China proper and had crossed the border when he was 16. He had worked in various menial jobs, including as a trash sorter at a waste station, where he had an accident that had crushed his legs.

He’d only had two years of schooling, as shown in his misshapen calligraphy. It was not the kind prized by the literati, which saw it as the apogee of all artforms. His was the writing of a child, uneven and crooked.

He always wrote the same thing — a genealogy of his family going back more than 20 generations — lists of names, sometimes the places they’d lost, sometimes lewd sexual suggestions about the Queen of England.

One story was that he had seen ancestral documents over the border in Guangdong claiming the land belonged to him, but no-one else had seen them.

These bare facts established, right from the very start, that I was on a fool’s mission, a journalistic road to nowhere, but once I started, I couldn’t stop."


Johnson is toast.

What comes next may be worse.

There's an existential battle to be fought.

Be nice to each other peeps.

Love each other.

Rest well.

And keep thinking.


Remember the five young professionals in their 20's from the Speech Therapists Union? The children's books publishers, with their cartoon books about sheep?

They've been in jail, on remand, waiting for trial for more than a year.

There was a court hearing.


Remember the five young professionals in their 20's from the Speech Therapists Union? The children's books publishers, with their cartoon books about sheep?

They've been in jail, on remand, waiting for trial for more than a year.

There was a court hearing.



Yeah, I remember the sheep books. This is such shit news.

📖 🐑 📣

Fucking Master Watchmakers! Orks and wild creatures, each and every one of them - especially the Arab-East German ones living in a South China jungle! FFS!

Fucking oof! I'm far, far too old for this shit.

G'night. I love you. Rest well.

Keep thinking peeps. 🐬

And, please, be nice to each other. :)

I think I must be barking mad!

Yeah, I remember the sheep books. This is such shit news.

📖 🐑 📣

It's truly horrifying. And yet I'm barely touching the surface in my flimsy reportage here.

The rapidity, breadth, depth and ubiquity of the suppression has been breathtaking.

We should all be ashamed of ourselves. Ashamed of the blind eye we've consistently turned - each and every one of us.

Anyway. Come Bells.

G'night peeps.



And it's 2:30am on Saturday 16/07/22.

And I have a dead Arab on the sofa.

And I don't have a patio!

Are there any "Mr. Wolfs" out there who could possibly lend me some hints and tips?

Oh my oh my. Oh dear oh dear.

Oh well. I'm going to bed. I'll figure it out tomorrow before he starts to decompose too badly.

Recommendations appreciated by Private Message.

Thank you!

Rest well peeps.

Be nice to each other.

And keep thinking.


An update ...

"And I have a dead Arab on the sofa."


When I woke up ... he was gone!

And he now tells me he wasn't dead at all and was just "in therapy".

Never trust a Nihilist - or a Tory, for that matter.

Rest well peeps.

Be nice to each other.

Keep thinking.


For those interested in Taiwan ...

I'm very pro-Taiwan and find this short thread by academic/historian James Lin absolutely fascinating as an insight into, post-1980, Taiwanese constitutional development.

The original tweet it refers to was deleted but references an article by (pro-CCP?) Prof. Andrew MacLeod (that I link to first).

Academic Jessica Drun is a nice addition to the criticism (in the thread but also below).

A really good read in ten minutes for both.

(Plenty of Wumaos below James Lin's short thread.)

The article:

James Lin:

Jessica Drun:

Have a smooth week peeps.

Be nice to each other.

For those interested in Taiwan ...

I'm very pro-Taiwan and find this short thread by academic/historian James Lin absolutely fascinating as an insight into, post-1980, Taiwanese constitutional development.

The original tweet it refers to was deleted but references an article by (pro-CCP?) Prof. Andrew MacLeod (that I link to first).

Academic Jessica Drun is a nice addition to the criticism (in the thread but also below).

A really good read in ten minutes for both.

(Plenty of Wumaos below James Lin's short thread.)

The article:

James Lin:

Jessica Drun:

Have a smooth week peeps.

Be nice to each other.


Strange - I searched for "[at]An*rewMMa*leod Ch*na" and also "[at]An*rewMMa*leod Ch*nese" to see if a so-called academic with a fair size follower account has a habit of bad takes on the subject. Clicked "latest" and it seems he's posted then deleted a few posts on the subject.

Anyway, hope it's not too hot where you are. It's pretty intense over here in the UK, weather-wise, set to hit 40 or maybe even higher tomorrow in some places. Look after yourself.
Strange - I searched for "[at]An*rewMMa*leod Ch*na" and also "[at]An*rewMMa*leod Ch*nese" to see if a so-called academic with a fair size follower account has a habit of bad takes on the subject. Clicked "latest" and it seems he's posted then deleted a few posts on the subject.

Anyway, hope it's not too hot where you are. It's pretty intense over here in the UK, weather-wise, set to hit 40 or maybe even higher tomorrow in some places. Look after yourself.


Giving Yuan to charlatan, grifting, lying pricks is all the CCP has left in its international repertoire.

A bit like the remaining climate change deniers.

Rest peeps. Stop driving, flying and eating meat.



Come Bella.

This is a nice little 20 minute podcast with our very own Chair Professor of Epidemiology at HKU, Ben Cowling, talking about COVID and vaccine efficacy.

A new 14 minute documentary, produced to mark the third anniversary of the Yuen Long Station Triad attack on commuters on 21/07/19.

English subtitles. (And Panda hugging YouTube age restricted it so you need to log in.)

Made by a team of independent Hong Kong journalists, including (ex-RTHK,) Bao Choy.

Another, new, 11 minute documentary of the 21/07/19 Yuen Long attacks, featuring an elderly lady caught up in that night's events. She tried to alert police in person but to no avail and was also injured in the attacks.

English subtitles.

Alice Mak, as an appointed Legislator, has always been a rather dim, pro-CCP, wingnut.

Now installed as a Govt Minister (for young people, no less - and she's over 50,) she has descended into full-on Ethnonationalism.


Strange - I searched for "[at]An*rewMMa*leod Ch*na" and also "[at]An*rewMMa*leod Ch*nese" to see if a so-called academic with a fair size follower account has a habit of bad takes on the subject. Clicked "latest" and it seems he's posted then deleted a few posts on the subject.

Anyway, hope it's not too hot where you are. It's pretty intense over here in the UK, weather-wise, set to hit 40 or maybe even higher tomorrow in some places. Look after yourself.
Wayback machine may be of use
I warned months ago - last year - that the next UK Prime Minister would be Liz Truss.

Sunak is a sleazy, corrupt, dark, highly intelligent, Machiavellian lunatic. What could be worse than that?

Well ... Truss is a fucking goat!

The hard right wing run them both. This is State Capture at the highest of levels.

And the world gets a goat in the UK.

Be afraid peeps. Dark influences have the upper hand.

Happy days ahead, obviously.

Keep thinking peeps. 🐬

Brace! Brace!

And, for fuck sake, be nice to each other.

The Arab is here tomorrow night. I need rest.

I love you.

Remember Tong Ying Kit, the guy on the bike with the flag jailed for nine years in the first NSL trial?

Well, originally he appealed against the "no bail" and "no jury" rulings and lost. They've now hit him with a bill for GBP 140,000 in prosecution costs.

A short thread from the Hong Kong Rule of Law Monitor with a more detailed blog attached. Also attached, a couple of relevant articles and a US Congress report from July 2022.

- sigh -

And - double sigh -

Anyway, hope it's not too hot where you are. It's pretty intense over here in the UK, weather-wise, set to hit 40 or maybe even higher tomorrow in some places. Look after yourself.


For the last 22 days (three fucking weeks!) my bedroom, overnight, has been over 30C and over 90% humidity - even with fans.

It's brutal. Not enough sleep. I wake up too early.

And then it just gets hotter during the days; it's been up to between 36C and 38C this week.


By the middle of next week, the summer monsoons are coming. There'll be some respite, with temps down to 28C - 32C and humidity at 85% - 95% but that'll be accompanied by ongoing tropical thunderstorms unleashing metres of rain a day (up to 10cm an hour in places for long periods,) and - particularly on the dry ground - extensive flooding is inevitable.

I fucking hate summers.

And climate change.

Stay safe peeps.

Be nice.

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