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Hong Kong: what next?

The human rights press awards have been cancelled to stop reporters violating the rules about what they can and can't say. Have I read that right ?
The human rights press awards have been cancelled to stop reporters violating the rules about what they can and can't say. Have I read that right ?

Seems that Stand News (shuttered by the government; editors and writers in jail awaiting trial for sedition,) won in several categories this year and was runner up in several more.

The FCC has, essentially, self censored due to the perceived risk of been seen to make awards to Stand News.

Eight members of the FCC Press Freedom Committee have resigned in protest.

After the news from the FCC, we now have the HKJA nixing its own Press Freedom Awards this year.

Meanwhile, a good thread from William Yang and a Helen Daviidson report in The Guardian regarding HKWatch's newly released report on press freedom in HK.

As I've mentioned many times, I'm not sure that most (or even many,) people in "the west" have the first clue of the pervasive breadth, depth and global infiltration of the CCP propaganda machine.

There's a huge, Party-loyal, diaspora across all western societies and a massive dedicated onshore manpower reservoir of millions of people, backed by tens of billions of US$$$$ annually, that deeply permeates and manipulates (banned in China,) western social media platforms.

If you need a three word slogan peeps, try ...

Wake. Up. Now.


Just a reminder from the 6th of January 2022.

Be nice to each other peeps.

I wrote about Fernando Cheung a few weeks back.

He's emigrated to Canada.

A good day today in our all new, shiny, Patriotic Legislature.

The 22/23 budget was easily passed. Hallelujah!

Of the 90 members, the President doesn't vote and one was absent so there were 88 voters.

In a stunning celebration of the government's wisdom, fully 87 of the 88 votes went in favour.

The appointed representative of the Social Welfare sector disagreed with the 1% cut in the welfare budget ...

... So he abstained.

Happy days!

So ...

... the Stasi-Arab-Watchmaker-Beast is here again tomorrow. Friday after Friday after Friday.

If, atheists willing, I survive ... I'll be back!

Time is running out peeps.

Keep thinking.



An uncontested, single candidate "election" where he received 99.4% of the votes (1,424 people - from an electorate of 1,500 - voted; the choice was "support" or "don't support").

"Democracy" with Chinese characteristics under the guidance of the Core Leader and according to Xi Jinping's thoughts on the "New Era".

"Full Process Democracy".

Kim Jong Un will be so proud of Hong Kong.

We have finally realised and implemented the true meaning of One Country Two Systems.


Next up? Article 23!

Be water my friends.

Some more info on the Cardinal's arrest and release..
This is superb piece of writing (19th May 2022,) in the New Statesman by Yang Yang Cheng.

Essentially a review of two recently published books on Hong Kong (I've read several excerpts from both; Louisa Lim's is an excellent - semi academic - historical and personal exploration and Karen Cheung's an eloquent personal interpretation) it, nevertheless, stands itself as an insightful and perceptive observation from a mainland born (in 1990,) and educated academic who recently settled in Chicago after completing a PhD there.

A long read but well worth it. It's a very good read.

I live on a cove on the edge of the South China (or West Philippines, if you prefer,) Sea.

A couple of decades ago, four miles from where I live, we postponed the construction of a roundabout for five years in order to conduct an archeological dig/exploration of a settlement with pottery and other relics from 5,000 years ago, discovered early into the initial excavation for the roundabout.

Across the cove today (maybe a mile away,) is a tiny village of a couple dozen residences. On the adjacent hillside, is a neolithic granite quarry dating from @ 35,000 - 39,000BC; stone tools and everything.

Hong Kong has a long history and has been a refuge for those fleeing oppression and a place for resistance to tyranny for hundreds of years.

Shame how things have changed so quickly recently ...

"Hong Kong’s supposedly post-colonial authorities have bolstered colonial-era public security laws and policing tactics. Amid escalating state violence, a new demand emerged from citizens of Hong Kong in autumn 2019: disband the police. Less than a year later, a similar call was heard across the Pacific in the marches for Black Lives Matter following the murder of George Floyd. Just as protesters in Hong Kong took inspiration from Occupy Wall Street and the Maidan Revolution in Ukraine, demonstrators for racial justice in the US learned from Hong Kongers how to cope with tear gas and halt riot police. The experiences of Hong Kong’s protesters have offered valuable lessons to freedom fighters on continents far and near, from Chile to Belarus, and from Thailand to Myanmar. ...

... This is not to reduce the place to a symbol but to illustrate the significance of its resistance. Obstacles to freedom in Hong Kong are not just one police force, one legislation, or one ruling state. The city stands on the precipice of a world crumbling under the weight of widening inequality, raging ethno-nationalism, and climate change. At a time of planetary disaster, when the magnitude of loss renders us speechless, we need a new vocabulary to describe the present and imagine the future. Emancipation demands dismantling overlapping systems of exploitation and domination. Liberation for Hong Kong would also liberate us all.

It may be a long time before floods of people can freely voice their dissent in the streets of Hong Kong again. But the movement, like water, permeates the air and persists in unexpected places. Water does not die."

Be water my friends. 🐬

This guy, Ng Man-ho, set up a channel on Telegram for others to use.

He was jailed for 6 1/2 years for conspiring with others to incite others to commit rioting, arson and other crimes during the protests.

This is strange from BBC Radio 4.

A 45 minute human interest drama exploring the inter-generational tensions within (UK&HK-based,) Hong Kong families during the "Extradition Bill" protests in early 2019.

A fine plot and a great script, completely undermined, unfortunately, by lackluster directing, a vaguely-creepy parallel subscript of detainment and generally stilted, unrehearsed, acting that lacked the requisite passion.

That said, I listened and understood. For the British aural palate, it may be more approachable, accessible and illuminating.

Worth a shot. Let me know.

It's far, far too fucking late.

And there are still far, far too many fucking crazy watchmakers in this world, continent, country, region and village.

G'night peeps. Rest well. Be nice to each other, okay?

Love is rare, fragile and precious. Please treasure it.

I love you all. That's non-negotiable.

Oh! And keep thinking.


This is an interesting long read from Suzanne Sataline in Wired on 26th May 2022.

It sets the protest movement in context and follows the stories of a few of the people arrested.

A summary of where we're at with the security crackdown as we head into the 23rd month. From HKFP.

And this is the latest from the always excellent Suzanne Pepper.

Go well peeps.

Up to 5 years in prison for "gathering illegally" to commemorate that Tiananmen massacre - that apparently includes being anywhere near Victoria Park and wearing black.

Up to 5 years in prison for "gathering illegally" to commemorate that Tiananmen massacre - that apparently includes being anywhere near Victoria Park and wearing black.


Victoria Park has been closed down until the 6th of June and is swarming with hordes of police - hundreds of them - inside and around.

As is Causeway Bay and, outside the MTR station, anyone and everyone wearing a black Tee-shirt is being stopped, taken away to a cordoned-off area, Identity Card checked and bags and body searched.


No problems with our rights and freedoms here.


It's 8:00pm on the 4th of June 2022.

We Shall Never Forget!

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