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Hong Kong: what next?

There was a good turnout for the march from the Chinese consulate to a Tiananmen vigil at the University of Toronto - think there was at least a thousand people. Was weird to think that it must have been one of the largest gatherings of free Hong Kongers in the world.

Deaths from Covid-19 (Omicron variant,) are down to a trickle (one or two a day). New cases are down to @ 500 a day.

Since the virus emerged in Hong Kong in January 2020, 99% of all infections and 98% of all deaths occurred in the three months from mid-February to mid-May 2022.

This simple chart shows the case fatality rates (CFR) by age group and vaccination status (your mileage may be impacted by other factors).

We've plowed through just short of 9,200 deaths since mid February 2022.

(N.B. Not Fully Vaccinated = zero or one jabs. Fully Vaccinated w/o booster = 2 jabs. Fully Vaccinated with booster = 3 jabs.)


I'll probably comment further and add a wee bit of a review later, when I have the chance.

I note that without full vaccination, in my age group, one in 75 cases died. I'm happy and grateful to be triple-vaxxed with German made BioNTech and will readily grab a fourth dose when qualified (early September).

Stay safe peeps.

An interview with human rights lawyer, Michael Vidler, who fled Hong Kong in April 2022.

And this is a good article on the (lack of!) Tiananmen Square commemoration in Hong Kong in 2022, from the same outlet.

Trevor Tong is a journalism student in Hong Kong.

Some people were even banned from entering Causeway Bay, the area where the Park is located. Chiu Yan Loy (趙恩來 Zhào Ēnlái), a former member of the Alliance, who was jailed for eight months for his role in the 2020 gathering and was released this February, and others were escorted back to a subway station after they arrived in Causeway Bay on Saturday. “The police said the flowers I brought are seditious”, Chiu later told Hong Kong Free Press.

An interview with human rights lawyer, Michael Vidler, who fled Hong Kong in April 2022.

Don't think I'll ever understand people like Judge Stanley Chan. I know people are scared but to throw others under the bus like that, brave people like Michael Vidler, I do not get it.
A great thread from Lokman Tsui (academic who was forced from his job ue to his political leanings).

He looks at the new cabinet picked by John Lee and explores the background of two of the ministers (education and innovation, Technology & industry,) and their likely approach in education and academia.

A very good piece at China Digital Times about the recent closure of Hong Kong's Factwire News Agency (an independent, crowdfunded, investigative outlet).

Hong Kong’s FactWire News Agency Closes, Further Cementing Government Control Over Media​

A very good piece from Timothy McLaughlin in The Atlantic on the false narratives being perpetrated by the Beijing and Hong Kong Authorities regarding the 2019 protests.

"In Hong Kong today, falsehoods, gaslighting, and endless fabrications such as these are equaled only by the cowardice of the people partaking in this insulting ruse, an infectious cascade of lies used by Hong Kong’s leaders, and their overlords in Beijing, to reimagine the past and justify the retooling of the city."

This is not specifically HK related but I think it's relevant to everyone, everywhere. This isn't happening only in China.

A chilling thread detailing how China is using AI-driven predictive surveillance technology to target individuals purportedly at risk of unwanted behaviours.

(With short video examples and various NYT articles attached.)

Born in 1997, the HKSAR's democracy was strangled before birth.

A "Honey Moon" period of freedom ended in 2012.

In 2022, just twenty five years after its birth, the HKSAR has been killed.

Happy Birthday Hong Kong.

Rest In Peace.



A very good piece from Timothy McLaughlin in The Atlantic on the false narratives being perpetrated by the Beijing and Hong Kong Authorities regarding the 2019 protests.

"In Hong Kong today, falsehoods, gaslighting, and endless fabrications such as these are equaled only by the cowardice of the people partaking in this insulting ruse, an infectious cascade of lies used by Hong Kong’s leaders, and their overlords in Beijing, to reimagine the past and justify the retooling of the city."


Forgot to mention that, yes, Tim has left Hong Kong.


More mind fuckery

Authorities accused the democrats of a planning to “paralyse” government by winning a majority and voting against government bills. The election was later postponed, and eventually took place after an overhaul of the electoral system designed to ensure only “patriots” could run.

Ip said she believed that if the opposition had won power, “they could lock me in jail”.

Asked what she believed a pro-democracy government would jail her for, she said she didn’t think they “really respected free speech and I don’t think they really respect democratic values like mutual tolerance or mutual respect.”

We were too lenient on pro-democracy politicians, says senior Hong Kong legislator Regina Ip
More mind fuckery

Authorities accused the democrats of a planning to “paralyse” government by winning a majority and voting against government bills. The election was later postponed, and eventually took place after an overhaul of the electoral system designed to ensure only “patriots” could run.

Ip said she believed that if the opposition had won power, “they could lock me in jail”.

Asked what she believed a pro-democracy government would jail her for, she said she didn’t think they “really respected free speech and I don’t think they really respect democratic values like mutual tolerance or mutual respect.”

We were too lenient on pro-democracy politicians, says senior Hong Kong legislator Regina Ip

"The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”​


Is anybody listening?

Wake up!


Rest well peeps. Be nice to each other.

Keep thinking.


Suzanne Pepper has died. I've mentioned her before as one of the most astute commentators on Hong Kong politics.

A great loss for Hong Kong.

All her work, from the last 13 years, may be found below.

A good little short read from Brian Hoie, about Tankies in the USA and their take on the HK protests.

"Indeed, from this, one can observe the apparent paradox of much of tankie thought. Police violence outside of the US is dismissed by individuals otherwise sharply critical of police violence in the US. In fact, as seen in the tankie idealization of the Hong Kong police, the claim is that “socialist” or “communist” police do not commit acts of violence in the same manner as western policing. But with the Hong Kong protests, one simply has to glance at the many videos and images of police violence during the 2019 protests and beyond to observe how the violence of Hong Kong police compares to any western police force, if not responding with more deadly force."

This is a very nice chronology of key (political,) events since the handover.

And this is a "must read" thread from Sue-Lin Wong, with must-read article in Economist and must-see, fifteen minute, documentary (featuring renowned China insider, Ching Cheong,) attached therein. (Unfortunately infested by dozens of Wumaos commenting below.)

A nice, data-driven, explainer from Lea Mok in the HKFP looking at the impact of the NSL over the 24 months since its imposition. Also has a 4 1/2 minute video embedded.

I fucking hate Fascism.

It creeps. Then hits hard.

Over the decades, I've seen it up close a few times. Most recently in the last few years in Hong Kong.

"The West", and in particular the US and the UK, is in grave, grave peril.

Democratic checks and balances are failing under the weight of corruption and dark money.

And the manipulation of Behavioural Modification Systems (social media,) by a handful of sociopathic billionaires is out of control.

The damage already done will take decades to repair, if it's even possible.

And then there's climate change.

Wake up peeps!

Hurry up!

Be nice to each other.

Rest well.

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