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Hong Kong: what next?

Seven months gaol for shouting at the police (and denied bail despite appealing his conviction and sentence).

His real crime was being a young democracy activist, winning with an astonishing majority in the Nov 2019 District Council elections (the last democratic vote that will ever be held in Hong Kong).

This is a long read from ProPublica from a couple of years back, detailing their investigation into CCP influence networks on Twitter. It's thorough and is just as relevant today.

"ProPublica wrote computer programs to document millions of interactions between the 10,000 suspected fake accounts and trace an interrelated network of more than 2,000. The true scale of the influence campaign is likely much bigger; our tracking suggests that the accounts we identified comprise only a portion of the operation."

CCP-owned Hong Kong newspapers Ta Kung Pao and Wen Wei Po are now going after lawyers and barristers who represented protestors.

This usually forebodes (precipitates, more like!) police action.

Not good news.


A brief summary of the summing up on the last day of the speech therapists' sedition trial.

Verdict due on 7th September 2022.

An opinion piece from Perry Link at Princeton outlining the re-education processes undertaken by the Correctional Services Department, focussed on young protestors in jail.

"(Persons In Custody) PICs are described in the Correctional Services document as “radical” lawbreakers who are “extreme” in their “anti-social” mind-set. Never mind that they marched in demonstrations that brought more than a quarter of the city’s entire population into the streets."

China's Ambassador to France was on French TV last night (BFMTV) taliking about the situation in Taiwan.

He was explaining that Taiwanese people did not support reunification due to "extremist" DPP (the governing party,) anti-China propaganda and that: "After reunification, we are going to do re-education". He said that he is convinced that, after re-education, all Taiwanese will support reunification.

Is it just me or does that sound a bit Fascist?

Whale Oil Beef Hooked!

China's Ambassador to France was on French TV last night (BFMTV) taliking about the situation in Taiwan.

He was explaining that Taiwanese people did not support reunification due to "extremist" DPP (the governing party,) anti-China propaganda and that: "After reunification, we are going to do re-education". He said that he is convinced that, after re-education, all Taiwanese will support reunification.

Is it just me or does that sound a bit Fascist?

Whale Oil Beef Hooked!

:confused: If there is a war in the Straits of Taiwan 20 nanosecond cannon will feature, at the shorter the range the better....and tha'ts not Macron
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This is an absolutely brilliant/stunning thread from @NiaoCollective detailing the variety of pizzas on offer from (mostly,) Taiwanese pizza restaurants - all tailored to the local palate.

Trust me, you won't be disappointed. The creativity is sublime. All in all, superb!

It starts with the Spicy Fried Chicken, Squid Rings, Tempura and Oreos Pizza (yeah, Oreos!), progresses through the Stinky Tofu Pizza and the Spicy Duck Blood Pizza before moving rapidly on to the Thousand Year Old Egg and Pigs Blood Pizza and beyond; ending with the White Chocolate KitKat Pizza.


One of my favourite offerings (though they're all fucking amazing,) is the Rooster Testicle Special Pizza.


There are pro-CCP infiltrators throughout Australia (and the UK!).


(N.B. the few hundred thousand pounds that the HK/CCP govt. forced HSBC to confiscate, largely comprised his and his family members' individual MPF funds, i.e. his and his family members' individual pension pots that they've saved over decades [there is no statutory, govt-funded, universal pension here].)

(Edit: To correct the rudimentary and stupid grammatical errors.)

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There are pro-CCP infiltrators throughout Australia (and the UK!).

View attachment 336638

(N.B. the few hundred thousand pounds that the HK/CCP govt. forced HSBC to confiscate, largely comprised his and his family members' individual MPF funds, i.e. his and his family members' individual pension pots that they've saved over decades [there is no statutory, govt-funded, universal pension here].)

(Edit: To correct the rudimentary and stupid grammatical errors.)


And, tragically, it would seem that Dublin, Ireland, has already been completely subsumed by the United Front Works.

They openly allow the CCP to operate a fucking police station there to monitor "dissidents".

What the living fuckety fucking fuck of fucks is this shit?!

It's important to read this thread before too many Wumao crash in.

Wake the fuck up peeps!

It's happening now!

Try to rest well. And be nice to each other.

I wrote a few months back about the performance artist Kacey Wong, who fled Hong Kong earlier this year.

This is a (quirky little, 23 minute,)) TEDx Talk he gave in Vienna in October 2019. It was on the basis of this speech that the CCP-owned press in Hong Kong repeatedly vilified him for advocating independence for Hong Kong (he didn't!), prompting his departure.

The brand new Hong Kong Censorship Board has banned an award winning, 8 minute animated feature (about a young gay guy navigting Hong Kong life,) because it contained a scene/frame that depicted the Umbrella Movement protest of 2014 for one second. Yup, one second.

Happy days.

Read this. Then read it again and read between the lines.

Chilling stuff.

This comes shortly after the govt. announced that it was fine to criticise the govt. as long as it was the right kind of criticism.

"On claims that press freedom is being restricted, first, this is not true. If it's restricted, many questions that you just asked would not have been allowed. Right? It shows that the force respects press freedom," Chan said

What a surprise!

"More than 113,000 residents left the city in the past year, meaning a record 1.6% decline and the biggest ever drop since record keeping began more than 60 years ago."

LATEST: 2hours ago.

Excellent technical explainer of the behind scenes pre-trial, NSL hearings of the 47 pro-dem activists and the HKAlliance team, previously concealed through a media ban on reporting, now lifted. From Xinqi Su.

Be very aware peeps.

Those people running The Goat will shortly be in complete control of the UK and will have Carte Blanche for the next two years.

Focus on "Free-Ports". It portends the dystopian future we stagger towards.

Be very aware good Urban peeps.

Meanwhile, back in Hong Kong ...

... Is this a signal of some future (already tried and failed), new campaign coming down the CCP pipeline to Hong Kong?

It's difficult to tell these days.

Anyway, the Orc is here tomorrow.

Stay safe peeps and watch out for your sparrows - a cull could be imminent and we know where that leads.

A good thread and article on some ongoing cases from HK Rule of Law Monitor.



I've posted this here before and I'm just going to slip it in again.

I've often had trouble sleeping over the years and this has helped immensely.

For the last 18 months or so, I've put this on every night as I go to bed. Every night. (You made need to skip a couple of adverts and then back-up to hear it clean - I do it every night before bed!)

The first fifteen minutes are, utterly sublime, drift-away material. A superlative immersion into a gentle soup of sophisticated Progressive Chill Trance.

Rest well peeps.

And remember ... Be nice to each other.

Blessings all and sundry.

Keep thinking. 🐬

An in-depth explainer from Samuel Bickett (20/08/22) exploring behind-the-scenes into the cases of the 47 NSL prisoners.

"Since that shocking day more than a year and a half ago, specially-selected judges handpicked by Beijing have denied bail to 34 of the 47 defendants, 32 of whom have been detained since early last year and two more who, after obtaining bail, were later re-arrested for speaking out on political issues. The other 13 defendants remain on bail, with heavy restrictions placed on their speech and movement."

This is an update on the 47 from 22/08/22, from HRW.

“Concerned governments should demonstrate their commitment to democracy and human rights by sanctioning officials who trample Hong Kong people’s fundamental rights,” Wang said. “International actions will provide solace to those who have already sacrificed a great deal by simply doing what is right.”

An astonishing, recent, series of seven articles outlining the history of the Hong Kong Alliance In Support Of Patriotic Democratic Movements of China.

First article from 29/07/22, current one from 26/08/22.

(Edited to add ...

I first met Szeto Wah back in 1996 when we were pushing for laws to criminalise the discrimination against women in the workplace. He was a man with extraordinary depth of character and breadth of vision. Highly educated, he was wholly committed; an iron-clad integrity derived from a vast well of wisdom combined with huge compassion and endless courage, tempered by an innate modesty and laced with a sharp, biting sense of humour.

He was a fucking giant. And I still miss him to bits.

RIP Uncle Wah!

I became progressively closer to The Alliance over the next few years and spent some happy times in the late 1990s and early 2000s with Cheung Mo [Long Hair], and others, late on Saturday nights in the tiny music-room in the back of "Club 64" [established in the early nineties and named after the 8964 massacre, it was a small, narrow, grubby, late-night, cheap, dive-bar hangout for activists, artists, poets, students, intellectuals and the LGBT community - and the late-night-after-work-chill-out-place for local musicians for weekly jam sessions - mostly jazz. Thank you Rose for creating that amazing fucking space for us all. It was vibrant, central, essential, magical - and you knew it, you knew what you were doing - thank you!].

We would sit, well into the early hours of Sunday mornings, sharing tales and laughter over bottles of very-cheap-very-drinkable red wine, while organising for upcoming protests and the annual vigil and plotting strategies for the next LegCo elections. Those were the days. It was sublime.

We were a brand-new-born entity, spawned in 1997. We were full of hope, full of energy and pushing confidently forward to a fully democratic future with a fire in our belly. We were, finally, to be the architects of our own destiny under the promise of "Hong Kong People Ruling Hong Kong".

For a few, brief years, we tasted freedom. We saw the future and the future was bright. A progressive, tolerant, inclusive social-democracy populated by intelligent, open minded, well travelled, educated, hardworking people.

We believed in it.

We were wrong.

So we fought for it.

We lost.

I weep again tonight as so many old friends still languish in jail, without trial, for 18 months.

None of them are charged with any kind of violence or incitement to violence, they were always and still are strident advocates of peaceful, non-violent protest - each and every one of them.

And so to bed and weep I must, with some soothing music.

It's all so hard.)

Be nice to each other peeps.

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Prince Edward Station, 31 August 2019 - never forget, never forgive,

View attachment 340539

The Hong Kong Police Force was not just Asia's finest but the finest in the world. It was the essence of community policing and policing with consent.

The HKPF was very highly regarded, as was the ICAC.

That began to change dramatically in 2012.

The rest is history.

Never forget. Never forgive.

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