What have I said that you believe is "wrong"?
Ice has already replied in more detail so I won't labour it to much, but whilst you using the term abuse or abuser may seem unimportant it actually has a knock on affect in how people are seen by society and services.
It's much easier to discharge someone from a mental health team if the leading line is that someone is abusing drugs. As it is also easier to take someone's kids away from them and to paint them as a bad person. As we have seen in this thread it's actually hard to define what abuse actually looks like.
Not sure if anctedotal examples or helpful, but I used to work with someone who was waiting for therapy and trying to develop skills to deal with their trauma, but when it was to much and they felt unsafe they would use ketamine rather than take their life. Now some people would say this is drug misuse, abuse and that they weren't clean etc - which is not only in my opinion inaccurate, but also damaging to the person. I see it as part of a complex way of coping with overwhelming emotions and whilst their may be "healthier" ways to manage in that moment I'd rather they did that than act on the other feelings. Simply it doesn't help anyone to label them and abuser, and I think calling it misuse in that situation is actually harmful.
This stuff all feeds back into policy and affects the lives of pwud causing massive inequalities. I'm still in a long drawn out dispute with my local service that I used to work with and the local authority over why they think that people who inject drugs don't need private spaces when they are using the needle and syringe program - would this be acceptable for any other group of people? No, but they are abusers right? So it's easy to overlook their rights and they don't care anyway do they?
You're posting on a website where many of us use substances, or know people who do and many of us that work with people who use substances. I'm sure you have your own experience too that have shaped your views, and that's fine, but people are going to discuss and challenge views that they don't agree with.
If you do want to know more about the various terms and why they can be problematic I recommend the Scottish drugs forums stigma book -
SDF commits to continuing work on stigma and launches resource to broaden consensus - Scottish Drugs Forum - not everyone will agree with it of course as is the nature of stigma.
Finally I once again have to question what the purpose of this thread is. I've only been skimming it but it feels like it's just an open place for people to take digs at a marganalised group of people.
Okay that ended up being longer than I intended. To much caffeine abuse for me today.