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Grenfell Tower fire in North Kensington - news and discussion

That Raheem UKIP/Breitbart twat is posting some right fake shitstirring bollocks on Twitter. Getting the feeling that the embryonic UK alt-wrong lot are bitter that the anti-establishment drive in the U.K. is coming from the left and their little coup has been drowned out.
No. No here. No fucking way. I made a light hearted comment - which, granted, may not have been in the greatest taste (sorry, all) - but it wasn't an invite for every fuckwit theory about 9/11 to be regurgitated here. All further posts referencing 9/11 and associated moronic theories will be deleted from this thread on sight.

You are part of the msm so of course you'd deny it.

I'm wrong here. Current known dead is 58 as it included some already counted in the previous total of 30.

Grenfell Tower: 58 people missing, presumed dead as Theresa May admits response was 'not good enough'

The death toll in the twin towers took months to come out, but in the early days after the attack, people we talking figures 3 or 4 times greater than the final figure. Granted the original death toll was base on full occupancy, and the planes hit early in the morning before most people arrived for work. And the WTC had about 100 times more people working in it than Grenfell Tower, the point is at this junction speculation is little more than guesswork. Between the difficulties in investigating a fire and the likelihood the building is unstable making such work even harder, it may be a week or two before we know.
If you live in London you can choose between a tory council that will run down and clear out social housing or a labour council which will do the same. You can't lay these things at the door of ordinary people when you've got a broken system in which no democratic choice, no action permitted within that system will bring the changes needed.

E2a: and in somewhere like Kensington you've got to remember that every working class voter is up against however many mega-rich wankers who are not gonna give a shit about housing for the people who clean their houses and drive their cabs.

This is no accident, Thatcher set this in motion with the full support of capital.

Suspect part of the reason Brenda's so glum is that her family has 1000 years experience of shitting on the serfs whilst having them adore you. In the past 30 years her government has given up on the 'get the serfs to adore you' shiz.

Well, serf's up. Grenfell Tower is 2017's Wat Tyler and it's time for change :mad:
Here's a handy rule of thumb, if a source mentions any of the following: New World Order/NWO, Illuminati, Bilderbergs, Trilateral Commission, Soros, the value of gold and how important it is that you acquire great quantities of this impractical metal, Flat Earth, then it's a crap source and should be entirely disregarded. The fact that such sources can draw from the real world (such as from vox pops) is no guarantee of reliability, since there is such a thing as editing and cherry picking.

Hope this helps.

you missed out colloidal silver and false flag otherwise very comprehensive
This vile piece of editorial was prominent on the DM website an hour ago and then dissapeared so I had to do an advanced search for it. So to preserve this bile I will qoute it in full. So this is how they intend framing 'their fightback'.

DAILY MAIL COMMENT: Shame of playing politics with tragedy | Daily Mail Online

After the horrific blaze at Grenfell Tower, this should have been a week for the nation to unite in grief for the dead, the bereaved and the relatives of the missing.

It should have been a week for politicians to join in demanding how such a catastrophe could happen in a first-world country, and seek immediate ways of averting another.

But no. Barely had the body count begun – and it seems, tragically, that it will run into scores – than hard-Left supporters of Jeremy Corbyn were spinning a narrative about the fire, blaming divisions of wealth, profiteering and (inevitably) ‘Tory cuts’.

After the Grenfell fire, hard-Left supporters of Jeremy Corbyn were spinning a narrative about Tory cuts. The Labour leader is pictured at the scene

After the Grenfell fire, hard-Left supporters of Jeremy Corbyn were spinning a narrative about Tory cuts. The Labour leader is pictured at the scene

Meanwhile, the Labour leader himself sought to advance his class-war agenda by insisting that the state should seize the properties of Kensington’s absentee rich to house those made homeless by the fire.

As if this weren’t bad enough, the Left played an unseemly game of competitive compassion (‘if Theresa May cared as much as Mr Corbyn, she would have talked to victims, not just emergency services’).

Enough! Out of respect for the victims and concern for others at risk, it is imperative to take the politics out of this tragedy and for our leaders, calmly yet urgently, to learn its lessons.

One thing is abundantly clear: budget cuts by the Tory council had nothing to do with it. Indeed, the tragic irony is that if Kensington and Chelsea had spent not a penny on refurbishment, the blaze could almost certainly have been contained.

As it was, the authority spent £8.6million on ‘improvements’ – money that appears to have been spent with appalling incompetence, hugely increasing the risk of an inferno. The way residents’ warnings were ignored should haunt all concerned.

For just £200,000, life-saving sprinklers could have been installed. Instead, priority seems to have been given to meeting EU targets for energy conservation, with the contractors using inferior exterior cladding of a type banned in other countries and insulation known to emit lethal cyanide.

Equally groundless are the Left’s attempts to blame cuts in London’s fire service. In fact, 40 appliances tackled the blaze – with the first of 300 heroic crew arriving within six minutes, in a city with the fastest response times in the country.

As for the Left’s efforts to smear Mrs May, yes, a more image-conscious politician might have ignored police advice and mingled with the victims, parading her compassion before the TV cameras. But given her shaken appearance, her prompt decision to set up a public inquiry and a £5million emergency relief fund, it is simply malicious to suggest she doesn’t care.

This should have been a week for the nation to unite in grief for the dead, the bereaved and the relatives of the missing. The fire is pictured above

This should have been a week for the nation to unite in grief for the dead, the bereaved and the relatives of the missing. The fire is pictured above

Which brings us to Mr Corbyn’s sinister call to requisition houses whose owners are overseas – even though ample accommodation was offered elsewhere.

Leave aside that property seizures would prompt a mass flight of the rich from London, causing untold harm to the economy. No, this was a naked, rabble-rousing attempt to stir up class envy – a classic tactic of the hard-Left.

More blatant still are the efforts by Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell to provoke a union-led popular uprising. His aim is to topple this shaky government with a summer of strikes and million-strong demonstrations, culminating in power for Mr Corbyn in a ‘Red October’. The threat of violence, already bubbling to the surface in London yesterday, is implicit.

But then what could we expect of a self-described Marxist, who has backed terrorists and makes no secret of his belief in taking power by undemocratic means? Truly, these are chilling times for Britain.

Yes, there are devastating questions for officials, contractors, councillors and ministers to answer about Grenfell Tower. But to exploit this tragedy in order to foment division is not only an affront to British democracy but a betrayal of the victims themselves.

What does everyone make of the conspiracy theories about the death toll; that the government know it's much higher but are suppressing the actual number?

Sorry I was mocking jazz, more than anything, in response to the post by Ed.

Having read the BBC article where may admits the response wasn't good enough, I was hoping there would be more support now on offer than 'people in high visibility jackets offering advice'. At least put more money in the discretionary fund, or promise people proper long term housing. Do something substantial.
yep sorry its guardian. Astonishing, i think. The council has saved so much money into its reserves they were handing it out to the people who need it least??
Where does it say this money came from the reserves?
i don't understand your question. The letters says that the writer received with their bill a notification that due to its careful managing of its finances the council was able to send £100 back to all full tax paying residents, as that money was surplus to requirements.
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