Personally seen their 'form' for completely misrepresenting these 'consultations'.
Very simple cherry picking of lone supporting voices, and restricting the actual surveyed population.
Went to one 'consultation' that nearly ended up in a riot as they were telling residents their garages were being scrapped to sell the area as a trendy hot-desking space, with all textbook hipster credentials. When the report came out that the palns "generally well received" I took a long time to calm down (again!).
The Subterrania/Neighbourhood/SupperClub/12 Acklam Road/Mode/Show-Your-Age-By-Telling-Me-What-You-Knew-It-As
club was a constant source of complaints from the residents that were opposite it, and could hear the bass every time the doors opened. 100's of houses were literally 15m/across a cobbled street from the doors of the club. Turns out their objections weren't considered relevant, nor where they notified of any licensing changes (to appeal against them) as they didn't share a connecting
wall to the nightclub
Slightly unrelated, but as an example to raise some suspicion they are probably crooked, as well as incompetent...I wasn't close to it, but the local library was sold to a prestigious (and tough to get in) prep school. After months of protests (obviously). Some co-incidence the guy in charge had applied to have his kids go to said prep school...
(Again, all very trivial, but just 3 examples off the top of my head where the consultation process is bollocks.)
They are in charge of probably the most lucrative underused (privately) real estate in the country. And they will try to do anything to maximize it and take it out of the locals' hands.