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Grenfell Tower fire in North Kensington - news and discussion

they have ways of expressing it without using the language reserved for norms, although it was probably someone of rank making the polite but withering remarks
It's like the Queen. She can't say " Theresa, you are fucking useless, and you lied to one when you came to the palace and said you had a deal with those DUP wankers " . She can send the same message by wearing an EU flag hat instead of a crown to her speach.

Same principle.
Do we know what the state of play/progress is with searching and clearing the rest of the tower? I was assuming that the fire service would be going through it floor by floor, and I'd (perhaps naively) assumed that they'd have at least checked the whole building by now.

There was talk in the early days of people who had got to the roof, and died there - have those been included in the casualty count yet? I appreciate that there are all kinds of problems with identification or even finding some of the bodies, but it does all seem to have gone very quiet...
Do we know what the state of play/progress is with searching and clearing the rest of the tower? I was assuming that the fire service would be going through it floor by floor, and I'd (perhaps naively) assumed that they'd have at least checked the whole building by now.

There was talk in the early days of people who had got to the roof, and died there - have those been included in the casualty count yet? I appreciate that there are all kinds of problems with identification or even finding some of the bodies, but it does all seem to have gone very quiet...
I expect we might hear something further after the vote on the queen's speech.

The UK’s insurance industry issued a warning relating to flammable external surfaces on high rise buildings just one month before the Grenfell Tower fire that left at least 79 people dead.

In a statement, the Association of British Insurers said that it had been calling on the Government to review its standards for building regulations for the last eight years and that it had issued a warning in May specifically relating to the combustible external cladding on buildings like the Grenfell Tower and how it can cause fire to spread.
Britain's association of insurers issued a warning about cladding a month before the Grenfell disaster
I expect we might hear something further after the vote on the queen's speech.
If it emerges that there really has been some kind of Governmental coverup, then I am very happy to be accused of naivety. But it seems to me to be several kinds of wrong to countenance that as even a remote possibility at this stage.

I would prefer to assume that the building is being painstakingly searched, and that the relevant services - particularly since this now looks as if it will be a criminal inquiry - are doing a careful job of documenting and gathering everything. And Occam's Razor suggests far more plausible explanations for the slowness of the emergence of this information than the Conspiraloon's Friend, the Government Coverup.
Someone in the business was telling me over the weekend ( i will try and get the exact details) that insurers had been refusing to insure warehouses that had (aluminium?) composite panels from the mid 80s after a series of big fires and claims. So this sort of stuff wasn't good enough for commodities for decades. But people...
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Someone in the business was telling me over the weekend ( i will try and get the exact details) that insurers had been refusing to insure warehouses that had (aluminium) composite cladding panels from the mid 80s after a series of big fires and claims. So this sort of stuff wasn't good enough for commodities for decades. But people...
It reads like you're implying people aren't commodities? :confused:
Or to put it into a headline: "Was Theresa May too busy running an unnecessary election to listen to the British Association of Insurers warnings on the fire risk of cladding?"
(((Strong and Stable Government)))
In a statement, the Association of British Insurers said that it had been calling on the Government to review its standards for building regulations for the last eight years and that it had issued a warning in May specifically relating to the combustible external cladding on buildings like the Grenfell Tower and how it can cause fire to spread.
Criminal negligence.
Someone in the business was telling me over the weekend ( i will try and get the exact details) that insurers had been refusing to insure warehouses that had (aluminium?) composite panels from the mid 80s after a series of big fires and claims. So this sort of stuff wasn't good enough for commodities for decades. But people...
upthread I posted links to reports submitted to a parliamentary committee into a big tower block fire in the 90s at which the exact same points about the failings of UK regulations and fire tests were made that are being raised now, but nothing has changed at all as a result.

None of the issues involved are new, experts have been calling for changes for 20-30 years but nothing's happened.

This is partly down to all the government expertise being farmed out, with the likes of BRE and the fire testing labs being flogged off, and the organisations that are responsible for setting most of the relevant standards now being basically industry bodies dominated by the insulation manufacturers. There's pretty much nobody left actually in government who knows anything about the subject themselves, they're pretty much entirely reliant on advice received from the industry bodies. Plus the ministers get chopped and changed before they've had chance to get a handle on their brief, so longer terms stuff like this never actually gets sorted despite everyone involved in the industry / fire safety field knowing it's a complete mess that's going to result in a huge fire and lots of deaths at some point.
Insurers could refuse to take on the risk of clad structures if intransigence is shown by the government - this is serious bad vuggm if it happens, as HMG will have to underwrite the liability as the skint councils will be unable to do this. We saw a similar theme with the Oil industry after Piper alpha, where the companies were unable to lay off the risk and were forced to self insure via tied insurance vehicles IIRC . kabbes will invariably put me right on this and point my obvious and foolish errors
Bit late, and still cunts in my book, but...

Arconic discontinues Reynobond PE, the cladding linked to the London blaze, for use in high-rise buildings.

The decision to stop selling it for use in skyscraper cladding comes after it emerged that the company knew the less fire-resistant version, Reynobond PE, would be used on Grenfell Tower despite its own guidelines warning that it was unsuitable for buildings above 10m tall. Emails obtained by Reuters showed Arconic was involved in discussions about the use of cladding on the building during 2014.

Grenfell Tower: cladding linked to fire pulled from sale worldwide
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Maybe we should have a scale and a currency in terms of payments to make things go away. So, given that we've just handed the DUP £1,000,000,000, henceforth small scale payments of say £500,000,000 should be classed as Half a Creationist.

Given the money that the Labour party were promising at the last election I think the Tories could go an a spending spree and still be able to say they weren't spending as much as Jezza wants to.
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