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Goldsmiths University Diversity officer facing sack

Should she be sacked?

  • Yes she should

    Votes: 71 53.4%
  • No she should not

    Votes: 32 24.1%
  • Official warning

    Votes: 7 5.3%
  • Attention seeking option

    Votes: 23 17.3%

  • Total voters
this consensus training can make you some serious money! https://www.duedil.com/company/04213118/seeds-for-change-lancaster-co-operative-ltd these guys have 40k !! of course they are member of Radical Routes - Radical Routes - A network of Housing Co-ops, Workers Co-ops and Social Centres which seemingly just consists mainly of similar training organizations,and emma fordham (weirdigans) organizations, who was a member of the finance committee of occupy, and consistenty used Consensus Democracy, and Process,and safe spaces to shoot down good ideas,requests for dosh and when that wasnt practicable- always pushing for peopkle to use foot print co op for printing, based at cornostone in leeds (think iv read that leeds was a testbed pilot for many undercover tactics later used elsewhere just didnt do them.IE the theyre org in oxford directed by one hannah lewis, active in NDFG - and who is keeping this Frequently Asked Questions | AT Coop activist tat co operative online (how do i see that) also with a contact address at cornerstone. - now the housing co ops that radical routes support -are they possibbly full of ex infiltrators into the green movement? all veggie veggie, very green entryist, see also big green gathering etc (which was of course shut down due to the efforts of mark kennedy stealing all the money for the bar) no evidence of course but, hmm
this consensus training can make you some serious money! https://www.duedil.com/company/04213118/seeds-for-change-lancaster-co-operative-ltd these guys have 40k !! of course they are member of Radical Routes - Radical Routes - A network of Housing Co-ops, Workers Co-ops and Social Centres which seemingly just consists mainly of similar training organizations,and emma fordham (weirdigans) organizations, who was a member of the finance committee of occupy, and consistenty used Consensus Democracy, and Process,and safe spaces to shoot down good ideas,requests for dosh and when that wasnt practicable- always pushing for peopkle to use foot print co op for printing, based at cornostone in leeds (think iv read that leeds was a testbed pilot for many undercover tactics later used elsewhere just didnt do them.IE the theyre org in oxford directed by one hannah lewis, active in NDFG - and who is keeping this Frequently Asked Questions | AT Coop activist tat co operative online (how do i see that) also with a contact address at cornerstone. - now the housing co ops that radical routes support -are they possibbly full of ex infiltrators into the green movement? all veggie veggie, very green entryist, see also big green gathering etc (which was of course shut down due to the efforts of mark kennedy stealing all the money for the bar) no evidence of course but, hmm

Did you say Mark Kennedy?

I love the kid at the end.
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other cops/spies called mark i know, mark weaver , mark(marek)cichon, mark edwards (ironically the only person named and charged of the 50 arrested at million mask march...
this consensus training can make you some serious money! https://www.duedil.com/company/04213118/seeds-for-change-lancaster-co-operative-ltd these guys have 40k !! of course they are member of Radical Routes - Radical Routes - A network of Housing Co-ops, Workers Co-ops and Social Centres which seemingly just consists mainly of similar training organizations,and emma fordham (weirdigans) organizations, who was a member of the finance committee of occupy, and consistenty used Consensus Democracy, and Process,and safe spaces to shoot down good ideas,requests for dosh and when that wasnt practicable- always pushing for peopkle to use foot print co op for printing, based at cornostone in leeds (think iv read that leeds was a testbed pilot for many undercover tactics later used elsewhere just didnt do them.IE the theyre org in oxford directed by one hannah lewis, active in NDFG - and who is keeping this Frequently Asked Questions | AT Coop activist tat co operative online (how do i see that) also with a contact address at cornerstone. - now the housing co ops that radical routes support -are they possibbly full of ex infiltrators into the green movement? all veggie veggie, very green entryist, see also big green gathering etc (which was of course shut down due to the efforts of mark kennedy stealing all the money for the bar) no evidence of course but, hmm

Can anyone verify this kingfisher cunt? As they are blatantly state.
Can someone "like" that Mark Kennedy goal post pls and therefore validate my life....It's not a lot to ask :(

this consensus training can make you some serious money! https://www.duedil.com/company/04213118/seeds-for-change-lancaster-co-operative-ltd these guys have 40k !! of course they are member of Radical Routes - Radical Routes - A network of Housing Co-ops, Workers Co-ops and Social Centres which seemingly just consists mainly of similar training organizations,and emma fordham (weirdigans) organizations, who was a member of the finance committee of occupy, and consistenty used Consensus Democracy, and Process,and safe spaces to shoot down good ideas,requests for dosh and when that wasnt practicable- always pushing for peopkle to use foot print co op for printing, based at cornostone in leeds (think iv read that leeds was a testbed pilot for many undercover tactics later used elsewhere just didnt do them.IE the theyre org in oxford directed by one hannah lewis, active in NDFG - and who is keeping this Frequently Asked Questions | AT Coop activist tat co operative online (how do i see that) also with a contact address at cornerstone. - now the housing co ops that radical routes support -are they possibbly full of ex infiltrators into the green movement? all veggie veggie, very green entryist, see also big green gathering etc (which was of course shut down due to the efforts of mark kennedy stealing all the money for the bar) no evidence of course but, hmm

You seem to have a lot of information on people. :hmm:
this consensus training can make you some serious money! https://www.duedil.com/company/04213118/seeds-for-change-lancaster-co-operative-ltd these guys have 40k !! of course they are member of Radical Routes - Radical Routes - A network of Housing Co-ops, Workers Co-ops and Social Centres which seemingly just consists mainly of similar training organizations,and emma fordham (weirdigans) organizations, who was a member of the finance committee of occupy, and consistenty used Consensus Democracy, and Process,and safe spaces to shoot down good ideas,requests for dosh and when that wasnt practicable- always pushing for peopkle to use foot print co op for printing, based at cornostone in leeds (think iv read that leeds was a testbed pilot for many undercover tactics later used elsewhere just didnt do them.IE the theyre org in oxford directed by one hannah lewis, active in NDFG - and who is keeping this Frequently Asked Questions | AT Coop activist tat co operative online (how do i see that) also with a contact address at cornerstone. - now the housing co ops that radical routes support -are they possibbly full of ex infiltrators into the green movement? all veggie veggie, very green entryist, see also big green gathering etc (which was of course shut down due to the efforts of mark kennedy stealing all the money for the bar) no evidence of course but, hmm
Are there any of these kind of left radical/ radical liberal groups that you think are genuine or is it all state?

Radical routes I only know vaguely but of course they are just consultancy stuff, that's what they do, help people setup co-ops.

Gbc has helped more activists than I can count over the past 5 years, I'd not be surprised if there was a police somewhere in the organisation but the org as a whole is not state and should be trusted, that kind of talk could see someone ignore the bust card and talk to police, get a shit brief and get convicted rather than getting off. Accusations need evidence because of the consequences that a wrong accusation might have.
Of course the hippies were part of COINTELPRO
Two of them (kennedy's climate camp/ now undercover research/Euro antifracking activists) Leeds mates), probably are.

Destroyed my life, then didn't like me talking about them and what they did to me. and then got me mysteriously arrested after one of them gave services false info about me. The coppers went mysteriously off radar about the video statement I was meant to make about the one that raped me, and I have never been told why they dropped it like a stone after leaving my house and going back to hq. I know some of the people kingfisher is referring to and thinkin he is bang on with those two.
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Are there any of these kind of left radical/ radical liberal groups that you think are genuine or is it all state?

Radical routes I only know vaguely but of course they are just consultancy stuff, that's what they do, help people setup co-ops.

Gbc has helped more activists than I can count over the past 5 years, I'd not be surprised if there was a police somewhere in the organisation but the org as a whole is not state and should be trusted, that kind of talk could see someone ignore the bust card and talk to police, get a shit brief and get convicted rather than getting off. Accusations need evidence because of the consequences that a wrong accusation might have.
Radical routes were horrified that I reported my rape and experience of fraud and abuse to the police,and they continue to support my rapist. They are also financially corrupt as hell, from what I saw when I was a member.

Sorry to burst your happy bubble :(
No, this person Kingfisher is a liability. At best, and most charitably, they're really fucking thick or currently quite mentally ill, at worst they're being purposefully disruptive.

They are spouting complete bollocks which at root has no any basis in fact to back up the main accusations.

They're mixing up some political criticisms, personal gripes, accusations of working for the State, and a whole host of bits of facts with a loads of lies and misunderstandings.

This stuff is really, really fucking serious, and not to be fucking messed around with like this.

They are also posting peoples' personal details and names on line with very, very serious allegations not backed up with any evidence at all.

Can their posts be deleted and them banned please editor?
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Two of them (kennedy's climate camp/ now undercover research/Euro antifracking activists) Leeds mates), probably are.

Destroyed my life, then didn't like me talking about them and what they did to me. and then got me mysteriously arrested after one of them gave services false info about me. The coppers went mysteriously off radar about the video statement I was meant to make about the one that raped me, and I have never been told why they dropped it like a stone after leaving my house and going back to hq. I know some of the people kingfisher is referring to and thinkin he is bang on with those two.

Sorry, you're wrong and you need to stop making statements like 'probably are' so glibly. Made again, WITH NO EVIDENCE, but personal/political issues and dislike. Which while justified is NOT a basis for accusing people of being State assets.

I know the facts behind your story, and while the events are true and your feeling of anger justified, the conclusions you are leaping to are confused and incorrect, and you need to stop posting inaccurate stuff like this.
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do you honestly think their are any "serious" people on the left that would "do damage" to any of these infiltrators. Yeah, sorry i have been about for the last 5 years and their bloody aint, aint no one.maybe a decade ago. , i have been in a mental hospital yes, thanks for noticing. , and they tried to goad encourage me to admit i had tendency for violence with information THEY COULDV ONLY GOT FROM THE POLICE/ SECURITY SERVICES. i was arrested in 2013 and they tried to make out i had heroin on me, amongst other things, i was locked up on election day for "delusions of being a journalist+knocking a park keepers hat off, and talking about ted heath and his mysteriously sunken morning cloud" got out after a week, as i said i was affecting illness to escape crimes (3 common assaults) it works- as for real protest groups - not sure - OCCUPY , and things using their accoutrements - occupy goldsmiths occupy soas and hand jiving, v. suspect of - some of the drugs ones are real, involved with cista, but the problem is they have to find berths for all these UCs they have created - mark kennedy was by no means the only Green Entryist , theres still a lot of them ,. probably living in these radical routes housing co ops - Yeah im throwing grenades ,. So what? what groups are you involved in Lynn, because these demands for evidence are familiar to me - evidence that you cant say what form it would take, and non would do for you probably - i know theres no bloody nutting squad for anarchists because iv looked and looked and your top anarchists couldnt care less- bit man who was thursday-. i have my team and though pitchford/cops/URG have declared mi5 verboten, we havent- thanks tufty top notch, theres a set of real life and forum behaviours that are recognizable across politcs/places - and the lawyers - the bloody lawyers , keir starmer represented a spy cop! your HJAs and your Kaim Todners and your Bindmans KNOW they represent secret police sometimes! and the judges know, feel free to ban and delete me, but yeah sorry lynne you look like a spook from where im sitting, as is aka psuedonym as is rutita1
The cops/security services/shape-shifting Reptilians from Draco IV don't need to infiltrate and replace the entire membership of leftist organisations with Pod People in order to disrupt them. Baseless accusations and divisive attitudes can do the job for them.
this blokes spooky - climate camp , jumping off a building caught up with him afterwards said some od od stuff
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this blokes a spooky fella, the whole g8 j13 beak street was dodgy, people furiously polishing cutlery and stirring vegan fare, yum, v. little politics.
ban and remove posts please section68A of of terrorism act - come talk to me, il be in a lawn chair outside MI5 drinking tinnies with a petition or something brian haw style! #ibelievebarbara
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