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Filth by name. . .

I'd be interested to know why the investigation was originally NFA'd in 2017. It might have saved a lot of trauma and misery if they'd locked the fucker up 6 years earlier.
Was that before the 'Me Too' movement really got going? There's definitely been an increase In prose unions since then, accelerated after the Sarah Everard case.
Another protest at Rochdale police station last night.

A group of activists have gathered outside of the police station in Rochdale to protest the arrest of four Muslim men at the Manchester Airport this week."That officer who kicked the kid in the head ... unless you deal with him, we will."
Anti-police protestors are now gathering objects to barricade the main door of the police station in Rochdale.
Anti-police protestors are now trying to fully block the entrance of the police station in Rochdale using street signs, barriers, and traffic cones.
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Teenager hurt by police officer is now in hospital after his health worsened significantly:

A second officer has been suspended over the use of Pavs spray and the IOPC notified about this second incident.
Teenager hurt by police officer is now in hospital after his health worsened significantly:

A second officer has been suspended over the use of Pavs spray and the IOPC notified about this second incident.
I I hope he recovers and sues the police, when he's well enough.
Metropolitan Police Officer Guilty of Sharing ‘Grossly Offensive’ Misogynistic and Racist Messages Still Receiving Full Salary


(Source: as stated in image)

Safety conscious PC Jonathon Cobban of the Metropolitan Police had previously volunteered to take on the additional responsibility of being the “race and diversity custodian” in his unit while serving in the Civil Nuclear Constabulary.
Two former Metropolitan Police officers who shared "grossly racist, sexist, and misogynistic" messages with a colleague who kidnapped, raped and murdered a woman have lost a High Court appeal to overturn their convictions.

Former Metropolitan Police officers lose appeal over offensive messages


(Source: PA Media)

Safety conscious former PC Joel Borders (left) and former PC Jonathon Cobban (right), who joked about raping a female colleague, tasering children and people with disabilities, and displayed racist views.
What the actual fuck is going on. Does any vetting take place or is it once there on the job that these sort of views etc are pushed as part of being a copper.
DBS type screening only flags up those who have been caught or have been subject ot relatively serious/ intense investigative scrutiny .

IIRC it's only specific roles wtihin the police that go deeper than the Enhanced DBS check ( which checks the PNC and various Intelligence sources and the lists held by Education / Health / Social care ) into the realms of SC /DV active vetting
DBS type screening only flags up those who have been caught or have been subject ot relatively serious/ intense investigative scrutiny .

IIRC it's only specific roles wtihin the police that go deeper than the Enhanced DBS check ( which checks the PNC and various Intelligence sources and the lists held by Education / Health / Social care ) into the realms of SC /DV active vetting
This is not accurate. Successful applicants to Police Officer and Staff roles go through Recruitment Vetting.
This is not accurate. Successful applicants to Police Officer and Staff roles go through Recruitment Vetting.
i think you've missed the point , limited checking of family members the financial enquiries will not address the kinds of behaviours we are talking aobut ,

it's primarily to reduce exposure to individuals who may be susceptible to sharing information either that is out of family / relationship ties to 'criminal association' or financial vulnerability.

when you consider the nature of the enquiries that ake place for Security Clearance and especially for Developed Vetting
It's disturbing the amount of cases involving police sharing photos and making vile comments about murder victims. These are the people we are supposed to call upon when in trouble.
this is culture and behaviours, but equally you have the problem of unofficial communicatiosn channels in all kinds of services with varying levles of tacit or even overt approval ( e.g. use of whatsapp on personal devices for semi offical purposes)

not suprising really if it's the officer who stomped on the chap at the airport's head , as that was clearly an excessive use of force, if that officer isn;t dismisssed and barred he'll never go anywhere near a gun again and may well find himself either in an office somewhere as even without a firearm or a taser he;s still going to be seen asa risk even in Neighbourhood ( is he going to stomp on some ASB yoof who pisses him off)

this is what happens to Police officers / other 999 staff if there is an incident where they may have broken the law, they'll depending on circumstances at scend / at the time either

1. be arrested and PACE interviewed or
2. have to give an initial account in the investigating officer;s notebook ( nowadays this might be typed by the officer on a job phone / tablet )

if no 2 happens and then might be
1. subsequently arrested and PACE interviewed OR
2. have t give a written account by writing your own MG11 OR
3. by a 'contemporaneous notes' interview by the investigating officer

if you write your own MG11 keep a copy ( photocopy or scan and print)

if you are arrested and PACE interviewed get a brief and say nothing aobut the investigation until you have spoken to the brief and the brief has had disclosure from the investigating officer

at the point they think they have enough evidence from you and have given any other witnesses long enough they'll make a decision and that decision is generally going to be either ' we've passed the file to the CPS' or ' unless anything drastic new comes up we're NFAing it'
not suprising really if it's the officer who stomped on the chap at the airport's head , as that was clearly an excessive use of force, if that officer isn;t dismisssed and barred he'll never go anywhere near a gun again and may well find himself either in an office somewhere as even without a firearm or a taser he;s still going to be seen asa risk even in Neighbourhood ( is he going to stomp on some ASB yoof who pisses him off)

this is what happens to Police officers / other 999 staff if there is an incident where they may have broken the law, they'll depending on circumstances at scend / at the time either

1. be arrested and PACE interviewed or
2. have to give an initial account in the investigating officer;s notebook ( nowadays this might be typed by the officer on a job phone / tablet )

if no 2 happens and then might be
1. subsequently arrested and PACE interviewed OR
2. have t give a written account by writing your own MG11 OR
3. by a 'contemporaneous notes' interview by the investigating officer

if you write your own MG11 keep a copy ( photocopy or scan and print)

if you are arrested and PACE interviewed get a brief and say nothing aobut the investigation until you have spoken to the brief and the brief has had disclosure from the investigating officer

at the point they think they have enough evidence from you and have given any other witnesses long enough they'll make a decision and that decision is generally going to be either ' we've passed the file to the CPS' or ' unless anything drastic new comes up we're NFAing it'
Spot on.

How can you keep someone in post whose role is to assess risk and then deploy lethal force as appropriate, when they’ve just demonstrated an inappropriate and unnecessary use of force?

They have already proved their own incompetence to do this key task, and as a police officer even without carrying a firearm they’ll still need to make that risk / force assessment as part of their job.
not suprising really if it's the officer who stomped on the chap at the airport's head , as that was clearly an excessive use of force, if that officer isn;t dismisssed and barred he'll never go anywhere near a gun again and may well find himself either in an office somewhere as even without a firearm or a taser he;s still going to be seen asa risk even in Neighbourhood ( is he going to stomp on some ASB yoof who pisses him off)
In an office? The cunt should be in a prison cell, like any member of the public would be if they kicked someone in the face and stamped on their head.
Cops should be held to a higher standard. Any sentence they receive should be 2x what Joe public would get for the same offence.
What the actual fuck is going on. Does any vetting take place or is it once there on the job that these sort of views etc are pushed as part of being a copper.
Yes, as discussed there is vetting however how good it is ( and what 'good' vetting should be) has been a topic for discussion at various points on this thread. You're right, it really does seem that vetting is little more than their mate Dave who says 'yeah, Bob's alright' and Bob gets passed.

I think there was an article fairly recently about how many Met officers were currently suspended for failing their vetting, and it was in the hundreds.
Metropolitan Police "Street Duties Tutor" PC P253612 Ridhwaan Zina has been dismissed after admitting to having sex with a 'vulnerable' trainee officer in a secluded street close to King's Cross station.

Former PC P253612 Ridhwaan Zina had been given verbal and written instructions banning intimate or sexual conduct with any trainee, but was found at a misconduct hearing to have violated his responsibilities in relation to two students in his unit.

The first complainant, known only as Trainee Y, reported former PC P253612 Ridhwaan Zina after he had sex with her in a back street close to the central London station on 26 August 2022, which she said was not consensual, and occurred after buying condoms from a corner shop, and unsuccessfully attempting to book a hotel room. Former PC P253612 Ridhwaan Zina was arrested, but claimed the sex was consensual. No further action was taken against him.

The hearing heard former PC P253612 Ridhwaan Zina, who joined the Metropolitan Police in 2019, and was posted to Islington Police Station in Central North Command on 25 July 2022, also had 'intimate' relations with a second trainee, known as X, who he kissed for 'several minutes'.

Both incidents happened when former PC P253612 Ridhwaan Zina joined a group of trainees on a drunken night out on Chapel Market in August 2023, just a month after he had signed an attestation which strictly forbade him from having relations with any trainee.

Former PC P253612 Ridhwaan Zina resigned from the Metropolitan Police on 3 July 2024, but was only due to leave on 6 August 2024. However, he faced an accelerated misconduct hearing on 18 July 2024, which concluded that he should be dismissed without notice.



The misconduct panel ruled that former PC P253612 Ridhwaan Zina breached the standard of Authority, Courtesy and Respect by having relations with two students from his unit, and by having sex with Trainee Y while she was 'vulnerable owing to drink'.

It added having sex in a public place breached the standard of Discreditable Conduct and that former PC P253612 Ridhwaan Zina had clearly been told by a senior officer that such conduct was forbidden.
The before footage from Manchester Airport… So they seem to be going toe to toe with the coppers and laid out the female cop. Might harm the story somewhat.

The before footage from Manchester Airport… So they seem to be going toe to toe with the coppers and laid out the female cop. Might harm the story somewhat.

You think they deserved a kick in the face and a stamp on the head while in custody I suppose
You think they deserved a kick in the face and a stamp on the head while in custody I suppose
Interesting jump there

what was quite apparent from the stuff being shared by those wishing to paint the individuals involved as 'victims' that there was quite obviously something occuring before the carefully selected and cut original videos.

that doesn't change the fact that the Officer who decidee to stomp is out of order and will likely be facing Criminal Charges as well likely to be Dismissed and Barred
Interesting jump there

what was quite apparent from the stuff being shared by those wishing to paint the individuals involved as 'victims' that there was quite obviously something occuring before the carefully selected and cut original videos.

that doesn't change the fact that the Officer who decidee to stomp is out of order and will likely be facing Criminal Charges as well likely to be Dismissed and Barred
We - the general public - expect the cops not to batter people they have in custody. So yeh people smacked about in their care are victims of violence regardless of what happened before their arrest. They're more than out if order, don't suppose that's the first time yer man's attacked someone like that and wouldn't be surprised if he's fitted people up too.
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