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Filth by name. . .

No but I have less sympathy for someone who has just tried to knock out a couple of women.
Jesus Mary and Joseph that's a pitiful post. No one's asking for your sympathy. It's devoid of value. The role of the police is simple, to detect and prevent crime and to assist the cps in the prosecution of offenders. It's very possible that by his actions, the vicious cop has destroyed any real chance of a fair trial for people who allegedly tried to knock out a couple of women. They'll certainly get thousands in compo. Against that what weight do you think your sympathy should have?

(Source: North Yorkshire Police)

Having already been dismissed from North Yorkshire Police in June 2023 and placed on the list of those barred from policing, former PC 823 Christopher Ryan Hudson is now due to face a 12 July 2024 misconduct hearing over allegations that he propositioned a woman colleague ("PC A") for sex between 3 February 2021 and 9 February 2021, in order to determine whether his “treatment of PC A constitutes conduct so serious as to lead to your dismissal, had you not ceased to be a member of North Yorkshire Police, and accordingly amounts to gross misconduct”.
The Gross Misconduct hearing held at North Yorkshire Police Headquarters on 12 July 2024 in relation to former PC 823 Christopher Ryan Hudson, who had already been dismissed from North Yorkshire Police in June 2023 following an Accelerated Misconduct Hearing in relation to matters concerning his vetting and his failure to disclose information and comply with vetting requirements, determined that former PC 823 Christopher Ryan Hudson's actions relating to his conduct against a woman who cannot be identified for legal reasons amounted to Gross Misconduct and were so serious that had he not already been dismissed from North Yorkshire Police, he would have been dismissed with immediate effect.

Former PC 823 Christopher Ryan Hudson will be placed on the College of Policing Barred list.


(Source: North Yorkshire Police)

Former PC 823 Christopher Ryan Hudson who has managed to be dismissed from North Yorkshire Police on two separate occasions:​

"A police officer pestered a colleague to have sex in the back of their police van, telling her: "This is a once in a lifetime opportunity."

Cop said 'this is a once in a lifetime opportunity' as he pestered colleague for sex in a police van
The before footage from Manchester Airport… So they seem to be going toe to toe with the coppers and laid out the female cop. Might harm the story somewhat.

Update on the legal analysis video in the light of the new footage.

The before footage from Manchester Airport… So they seem to be going toe to toe with the coppers and laid out the female cop. Might harm the story somewhat.

Looks like they tried to grab the guys who were just standing around (remember why the police were called in the first place, these guys had been racially assaulted), they reacted with violence to being grabbed, were either tazered or threatened with tazer and lay still on the floor in a non-threatening position and manner, when the officer of the law who had taken a punch choose to take his revenge by kicking the prostrated man in the face with a follow up kick to the back of his head. Regardless of what happened before that is a serious assault on a man who at that time clearly posed no threat.
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Looks like they tried to grab the guys who were just standing around (remember why the police were called in the first place, these guys had been racially assaulted), they reacted with violence to being grabbed, were either tazered or threatened with tazer and lay still on the floor in a non-threatening position and manner, when the officer of the law who had taken a punch choose to take his revenge by kicking the prostrated man in the face with a follow up kick to the back of his head. Regardless of what happened before that is a serious assault on a man who at that time clearly posed no threat.
that’s about the size of it, though do we know who called the police? the violence towards the police seems extreme. one of them is swinging immediately which doesn’t really make sense. the initial attempt at arrest wasn’t aggressive.
that’s about the size of it, though do we know who called the police? the violence towards the police seems extreme. one of them is swinging immediately which doesn’t really make sense. the initial attempt at arrest wasn’t aggressive.

Who knows, I'm not a violent person, so don't know what triggers people to come out swinging, but they made a good account of themselves taking down those cops, so clearly not the first time they've had a punch-up. Have heard they have coppers in their family, so possibly a violet bunch to start with. None of which excuses the rage of the kicky-stampy guy though, who went on the grab the other lad who was now sat peacefully, chuck him on the floor and give him a shooing too, an act that is overlooked as the viewer is too shocked from watching the two head-kicks.
Cops didnt assess the situation and steamed in with the big i am, got their ass handed to them and went all vengeful. And gave up all moral authority
But if we keep it factual.. they didn’t steam in. That’s why it’s interesting. To be fair the police did pretty well to get back in control in the end as they’d been given a proper seeing to. Pepper sprayer saved them.
Whatever happened for the man to end up on the floor in a non-threatening position, hands clearly visible without a weapon, it doesn't justify the police then kicking him in the head and stomping on him.

The legal analysis video suggests that it looks like he had already been tasered by one of the policewomen.
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I've read the context, but I don't think there's much wriggle room for the police here, it's a completely unprofessional loss of control. He's cooked, bacon.
the Officer that stomped will be very lucky to escape a criminal charge and will almost certainly be Dismissed and Barred, there is no way to defend the kick and the stomp ...

Restraints are a fraught occurence and somethimes shit goes very bad in the middle of bundle but the kic and the stomp cannot be justified in any way shape or form
I've read the context, but I don't think there's much wriggle room for the police here, it's a completely unprofessional loss of control. He's cooked, bacon.
I mean it’s seconds after he’s been punched in the head multiple times by two blokes who have also knocked two women cops to the ground. Not right but I’m not exactly surprised. But I get it that most in here are ACAB so not expecting balance. Back in the real world I think most now have very little sympathy for the guys who attacked the police.
I mean it’s seconds after he’s been punched in the head multiple times by two blokes who have also knocked two women cops to the ground. Not right but I’m not exactly surprised. But I get it that most in here are ACAB so not expecting balance. Back in the real world I think most now have very little sympathy for the guys who attacked the police.
I think you underestimate people's dislike of bullies.
Also, GTF! You don't have to know ACAB to see they were wrong, but you'd have to be a special kind of arse licker to think otherwise. (or a racist, obvs)
I mean it’s seconds after he’s been punched in the head multiple times by two blokes who have also knocked two women cops to the ground. Not right but I’m not exactly surprised. But I get it that most in here are ACAB so not expecting balance. Back in the real world I think most now have very little sympathy for the guys who attacked the police.
That's not the point, nobody is saying the man on the floor did nothing to deserve being tasered or is completely innocent.

What people are saying is there was no justification for the officer to kick and stomp a man in the head when he is already down on the ground and no longer a threat.

I think that's fair. The officer was clearly and unambiguously in the wrong once the man was down on the ground.
I mean it’s seconds after he’s been punched in the head multiple times by two blokes who have also knocked two women cops to the ground. Not right but I’m not exactly surprised. But I get it that most in here are ACAB so not expecting balance. Back in the real world I think most now have very little sympathy for the guys who attacked the police.
It doesn't matter one jot what most people think, it'll be down to a small number of people in the cps and a court. You don't really understand how the criminal justice system works
I mean it’s seconds after he’s been punched in the head multiple times by two blokes who have also knocked two women cops to the ground. Not right but I’m not exactly surprised. But I get it that most in here are ACAB so not expecting balance. Back in the real world I think most now have very little sympathy for the guys who attacked the police.
but even less sympathy for the Copper who chose to kick and stomp on that head, it's not like it was an accidental knee or or boot to the face in the middle of a bundle it was a clear choice made by that officer to ignore the guidelines and go for a strike ( with a boot) to a red zone location

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It doesn't matter one jot what most people think, it'll be down to a small number of people in the cps and a court. You don't really understand how the criminal justice system works
and I really don't see how the Officer in question is going to be able to justify 2 foot strikes to a red zone area when the DP was not posing an immediate risk at that time
Filth get away with murder.
I suggest you familiarise yourself with the Defintion with Murder

see also the stuff where people have been spoouting off about the cop should be Charged with Attempted Murder ... dpesite the fact the attempted Murder will require the prosecution to prove that the Defendant intended to Kill the Injured Party , where for Murder intent to cause GBH but the action resulting in death is sufficient

proving the mens rea in Homicide cases is big part of Prosecution and often the area the defence will attempt to introduce reasonable doubt
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