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Feb 1st 2023 Right to Strike Day of Action

I would very much like these strikes to succeed but unfortunately they lack militancy and coordination. For them to be effective an all out stoppage of work is also needed, but that seems unlikely to happen. If things don't change once the anti-strike laws come into effect then unfortunately the strike wave would appear to be a lost cause, another failure of the left and a deterioration of the situation for workers in this country. I think that even if there are deals with the unions it is likely that they will not be good enough and theres also the factor of increasing inflation anyway. These strikes are very limited so far. Real, meaningful collective resistance and action is required. That is my honest and realistic view based on the current situation.

Edit : I don't know why LDC finds it funny coz it's no laughing matter (maybe they're drunk or something?).
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  • Haha
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I would like these strikes to succeed but unfortunately they lack militancy and coordination. For them to be effective an all out stoppage of work is also needed, but that seems unlikely to happen. If things don't change once the anti-strike laws come into effect then unfortunately the strike wave would appear to be a lost cause, another failure of the left and a deterioration of the situation for workers in this country. I think that even if there are deals with the unions it is likely that they will not be good enough and theres also the factor of increasing inflation anyway. Real, meaningful resistance is required. That is my view based on the current situation.
There is no militant left. There's hardly any left left to be fair.

They could bring Degsey back. The new militant arm of Starmerlama FTW.
Edit : I don't know why LDC finds it funny coz it's no laughing matter (maybe they're drunk or something?).

Just back from a 12 hour shift in A&E actually and yours was one of the first things I saw after that. We're striking and as part of that we're having discussions and chats, writing stuff on the strikes and trying hard to up the levels of militancy as well as deal with difficult issues like the unions being shit etc. whilst having to engage with them as well. Your take on it (from what I assume is a position where you're not actually involved in organising in any workplace) makes me laugh as it's so detached from the reality it's hilarious.

As I've said before it's mostly the way that you say things more than the content. That and the constant telling us we're all shit, the forum's shit, and that you're leaving. But then continuously posting.
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I would very much like these strikes to succeed but unfortunately they lack militancy and coordination. For them to be effective an all out stoppage of work is also needed, but that seems unlikely to happen. If things don't change once the anti-strike laws come into effect then unfortunately the strike wave would appear to be a lost cause, another failure of the left and a deterioration of the situation for workers in this country. I think that even if there are deals with the unions it is likely that they will not be good enough and theres also the factor of increasing inflation anyway. These strikes are very limited so far. Real, meaningful collective resistance and action is required. That is my honest and realistic view based on the current situation.

Edit : I don't know why LDC finds it funny coz it's no laughing matter (maybe they're drunk or something?).
It's funny because it sounds like you've never been in a workplace. Like you've never been involved in an industrial dispute. Why do you post such vapid wank?
Followed the link, a two hour march at lunchtime... Not very exciting.
Maybe hitmouse knows of something else happening?
There's co-ordinated strike action by NEU in schools, UCU in unis, PCS across the whole of the civil service, and ASLEF and RMT (just train drivers though, not all rail workers), which is the best coordination we've seen for a long time and I reckon kind of counts as something exciting? So if you can't be arsed with a march through central London, I'd advise getting down to your nearest school, uni, government building or railway station?
Turns out IWGB security guards are also out on the 1st, that one should be a lively picket:

Also, party in the evening, if that's any more exciting for anyone?
I do find it odd that the TUC aren't organising a demo against proposed legislation that would threaten the right to strike. Is there something planned for later in the year? Cos surely this Wednesday, with so many unions taking action, would've been the ideal day...
I'm not particularly in the loop, so I don't know whether the TUC executive is a centrist/'accomodating' one (as appears to be the case with my own union GRRRR), but even so, I would've thought the threat of legislation that would make industrial action in some sectors illegal would cross all boundaries, whether centrist, left, or even centre right (I've known Tory voters/sympathisers who've gone on strike when their respective unions called one)
Am I missing something here??
I do find it odd that the TUC aren't organising a demo against proposed legislation that would threaten the right to strike. Is there something planned for later in the year? Cos surely this Wednesday, with so many unions taking action, would've been the ideal day...
I'm not particularly in the loop, so I don't know whether the TUC executive is a centrist/'accomodating' one (as appears to be the case with my own union GRRRR), but even so, I would've thought the threat of legislation that would make industrial action in some sectors illegal would cross all boundaries, whether centrist, left, or even centre right (I've known Tory voters/sympathisers who've gone on strike when their respective unions called one)
Am I missing something here??
I thought they sort of were? Map of events here:
I'm guessing the London one will be broader than just NEU?
I thought they sort of were? Map of events here:
I'm guessing the London one will be broader than just NEU?
We got an email from UNISON HE last week, partly updating us on the second ballot (which had even fewer respondents that last year's at 40%, although the great majority who had returned their ballot had been in favour of strike action :mad::mad:)
The other part of the email encouraged us to join UCU colleagues on their pickets from 1st Feb, and also if we could, to take part in the NEU march from Great Portland St to Westminster that day - so yes, I think you're right, the NEU march is being promoted as the right to strike demo for London :thumbs:
I would very much like these strikes to succeed but unfortunately they lack militancy and coordination. For them to be effective an all out stoppage of work is also needed, but that seems unlikely to happen. If things don't change once the anti-strike laws come into effect then unfortunately the strike wave would appear to be a lost cause, another failure of the left and a deterioration of the situation for workers in this country. I think that even if there are deals with the unions it is likely that they will not be good enough and theres also the factor of increasing inflation anyway. These strikes are very limited so far. Real, meaningful collective resistance and action is required. That is my honest and realistic view based on the current situation.

Edit : I don't know why LDC finds it funny coz it's no laughing matter (maybe they're drunk or something?).
Are you involved in any industrial action or just criticising from afar? Because it is pretty amusing if that is the case.
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I say, that’s on top of the Opposition’s spending plans, which have already added £50billion annually of recurrent costs on to our economy
Huh? How has Labour out of power for almost 13 years managed to spend £50 billion a year?
There's a thing here (Brighton) today, apparently people are meeting up then marching to a rally at... the Holiday Inn :confused: Bit random.
I'm on strike today but have just tested positive for covid. I suppose calling in sick would be scabbing.

I was at a teacher training conference yesterday (I was symptomless btw but I suppose I may well have been spreading covid around) and every person I spoke to (about a dozen I suppose) was striking today. I was genuinely surprised how many were.
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